Myth II: Soulblighter

Forest Heart
An ancient and majestic forest east of the Cloudspine. Home to the peaceful but powerful Forest Giants. Forest Heart was the site of many battles during the Great War.

A bestial race of knuckle walkers that served the Dark during the Great War. Inhabiting the same hills and mountains as the Dwarves, Ghôls have been in conflict with that race for as long as they have known one another. It is they alone who remember the names of the dark gods.

Gjol, The
Poisoned river that flows out of the Blind Steppes and into the Dire Marsh.

Great Devoid
The Great Devoid is a chasm near Myrgard that is said to have no bottom. It was created when the Callieach destroyed themselves rather than be hunted to extinction by the Trow. Following his defeat at Rhi'anon, Balor's severed head was brought here and cast into the Devoid.


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