Bungie Software

Head, The
A severed head animated by its own arcane magic, it was discovered buried under tons of sand and rock and claimed to be one of Balor's ancient enemies. Providing the Nine with dubious advice, this enigmatic being sowed strife among the Nine, resulting in their downfall before vanishing again into the mists of history.

Ibis Crown of the Cath Bruig
Legend states that whoever wears the Ibis Crown has at his disposal enormous power. Before the fall of the Cath Bruig empire, Ceiscoran, at enormous expense, commissioned eleven ordinary copies of the crown to be made in order to make the theft of the true crown more difficult. When Muirthemne fell to the Fallen Lords, the true crown was nowhere to be found.

Keep Kildaer
Unoccupied since the Great War, it was thought that every member of the Kildaer family had been slain when the Fallen Lords crossed over the Cloudspine, destroying everything in their path.

Legion, The
An army of the Light, the Legion took part in many of the pivotal battles in the closing years of the Great War. Travelling across the continent, they broke through the Fallen lines, and fought their way to Rhi'anon, where they sacrificed themselves in an assault on Balor's fortress in order to give Alric time to defeat Balor.

A city in the northwest of the Province, Madrigal was the site of a great battle between Rabican and Shiver during the Great War. Though it was successfully defended by the Light for most of the war, internal strife and the crushing weight of the Dark armies caused its downfall only weeks before the war finally ended.

One of the Nine. He was severely wounded in battle at Bagrada near the end of the Great War.

The ancient capital of the Cath Bruig empire, Muirthemne was home to many great sorcerers and craftsmen, whose works included the Tain. Ruled by Connacht during the Wind Age, it was sacked and utterly razed when he returned as Balor during the Great War.

One of the Nine. He was trapped in the Tain along with Cu Roi and the Legion. He did not survive the destruction of the Tain.


(c) 1998 Bungie Software Products Corporation