Bungie Software

Great hero of the Wind Age, Connacht trapped the Myrkridia in the Tain and imprisoned the Trow. Ruling during a golden age of peace, Connacht disappeared from Muirthemne, and was thought to be dead. Centuries later, Connacht returned as Balor, the Leveller, to raze the continent and lead the Fallen.

A great city of the Province, Covenant was sacked by the Dark in the Great War.

An officer of the Legion. His father is the mayor of Shoal. He has political aspirations, and joined the Legion to distinguish himself.

Cu Roi
One of the Nine. A powerful sorcerer who opposed Balor during the Great War. He was trapped in the Tain along with Murgen and the Legion, and died when the Tain was destroyed during their escape.

Deceiver, The
One of the Fallen Lords who served Balor during the Great War. His rivalry with the other Fallen Lords led to his downfall. He disappeared after the Watcher decimated his army at Seven Gates.

Dire Marsh
An enormous swampland. Fed by the poisoned Gjol River, the Dire Marsh was the site of many battles between the Legion and the forces of The Watcher and Soulblighter during the Great War. It was here that the Watcher, crippled by arrows tipped with his own bones, finally fell.

A diminutive race of sturdy craftsmen. The Dwarves delight in the elements of Fire and Stone, and are unrivaled masters of both.

They share a deep hatred and countless years of war with the Ghôls. Driven from their homelands in Myrgard and Stoneheim, they returned to reclaim them following the defeat of the Dark at the end of the Great War.

Eblis Stones
Magic artifacts of great power. Those wielding an Eblis stone are said to be unstoppable in battle. Alric used one of these artifacts to defeat Balor in the Great War.

Fallen Lords
Six sorcerer-generals of dark and fearsome power, led by Balor during the Great War. Numbered among their ranks were The Watcher, The Deceiver, Shiver, and Soulblighter. It was thought by the Nine that their powers were derived from Balor himself, but plainly this was not the case.


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