Myth II: Soulblighter

In-Game Subtitles
Check this box to see the dialog spoken by your characters at the bottom of the screen during gameplay.

Difficulty Level
This allows you to select between five levels of difficulty: Timid, Simple, Normal, Heroic and Legendary. It’s generally better to start on Normal. If you find the game too difficult, drop down to Simple or Timid to make things a little easier on yourself. Conversely, if you’re a masochist, you can turn up the heat by jumping to Legendary.

High Res
With this box checked, the graphics will appear more detailed and distinct. If you have a slower machine, you may want to uncheck this box for faster gameplay.

Landscape Filtering
With this box checked, the game will smooth out the textures of the landscape. This makes the game prettier but slightly slower. For best performance, leave this box unchecked.

This window allows you to choose whether the Myth II landscape will be rendered entirely in software or using the added power of a 3D accelerator card. If you do not have a compatible 3D accelerator installed, you will only be able to see the Software Rendering option.

Here you can change the screen resolution of the game. Resolutions that are detected as "preferred" by your machine are listed in italics.

This controls the brightness of the picture. Only available if you have a 3D accelerator card based on the 3Dfx Voodoo chipset.

Lock/Unlock No Blood
To eliminate blood and gore from the game, click this button; a dialog will come up with two password fields. If you select OK without entering a password, blood will be replaced by twinkling


(c) 1998 Bungie Software Products Corporation