Mesh Converter Instructions: -Open the tfl level in tfl loathing. -Make a careful list of every marker type defined, in the order they're defined: All scenery, units, models, observers, sounds, projectiles and lgprs. -Export the color/disp/shadow map. -Make a new m2 mesh using the colormap exported from tfl loathing. -Define all the markers exactly as they were in tfl (you can use placeholder units/scenery etc). The vital thing is you have the same number of everything defined. -Copy your tfl mesh over to the folder that Mesh Converter is in and call it "tflmesh". -Copy the new myth 2 mesh there too - call it "m2mesh". -Run the program, and Ignore what it says. Close when done. It will have created "newmesh". -Copy this back to your myth 2 local. -Try and open in Loathing. If loathing crashes, then you've forgotten to add a marker type. If it doesn't ... you're cooking with gas :)