What are templates? A template tag is a type of Myth II file that contains names and descriptions used for scripting. If you do not mess with scripting, you don't need to worry about having these template tags. They don't affect gameplay and only serve as a shortcut for scripters, so they do not have to memorize all the possible parameters. These templates serve as an ideal default, but scripters can always modify them to fit their needs. "Patch Templates" is an addon that contains all the updated template tags that came after Myth II v1.5.1. If you wish to only work with scripting parameters that are available to the public in the latest update, then take out this file from your plugins and continue using "Patch 1.7 Templates". If you are using "Patch Templates", you do not need "Patch 1.7 Templates". However, there is no conflict if you have both as the newer one overrides the older one. -------------------------------- Templates changelog: Build 413: Test Unit: Altered description for "Object Held Inventory" to note using a blank field name for an empty inventory. Build 412: Ambient Sound Control: Added "Team Index" parameter. Fade Screen: Added "Team Index" parameter. Local Projectile Group Action: Added "Team Index" parameter. Observer Movement: Added "Team Index" parameter. Sound Action: Added "Team Index" parameter. Unit Control: Added "Team Index to Detach" parameter. Unit Indicator: Added new action and 9 parameters. Build 411: Delay: Added missing "Delaying Subjects" parameter. Follow: Added missing "Monster Followers" and "Monsters to Follow" parameters. Mathematics: Renamed every parameter that says "Decimal Number" to say "Fraction". This keeps fixed type params consistent. Test Unit: Altered description for "Object Held" to note using a blank field name for inventory 0. Ambient Sound Control: Added "Player Index" parameter. Fade Screen: Added "Player Index" parameter. Local Projectile Group Action: Added "Player Index" parameter. Observer Movement: Added "Player Index" parameter. Sound Action: Added "Player Index" parameter. Unit Control: Added "Player Index to Detach" parameter and altered description for "Detach Units to Player" parameter. Query Units: Added "Team Index" and "Player Index" parameters and altered the action to default to "deactivates on trigger". Custom Endgame: Added new action and 3 parameters. Custom Scoring: Added new action and 4 parameters. Build 403: Default: Renamed "Default Actions" MA to "Default Parameters". This holds the strings you see by default in all actions. (Activates on Success, etc) Mathematics: Added missing "Result Integer" and "Result Decimal Number" parameters. Lock: Renamed parameters to make better sense as well as added missing parameters. Munger: Added "Reboot Actions" parameter. Build 402: Assassin: Added "Fear Duration" parameter. (Old parameter of the same name never worked.) Bear: New action added. (Works like Deer/Chicken but makes the unit attack nearby non-Bears.) Query Units: Added new action and 17 parameters. (Is used to find out certain values of the subjects. Read descriptions.)