Keep the original "TGW b8" file as any omnipatch made will be using it as the original starting file. This allows people to patch their file only once no matter what version they currently have. ---------------------- Changelog: b8 Found a "TGW Levels 1 thru 3" plugin and an omnipatch to convert from that to "TGW Levels 1 thru 3 vA". That patch was made in December 30, 2003. The "TGW b7" plugin was made in January 28, 2002. Which means beta 7 was not the last beta after all. The newer one was likely made by GHOST. Using the "vA" as the base for this next beta will come with differences in the first 4 maps. (Keep beta 8 as omnipatches will be made using it as the original file. Forget beta7.) Re-altered the Bowman arrow attack to give them normal Myth2 accuracy as done in beta7b. Tweaked the color used for the level's name from dark red to green. b7b Altered Bowman arrow attack to make them miss less and match normal Myth2 accuracy. Their initial velocity error value was set to double of what a Myth2 bowman normally uses. b7a Fixed the Dwarf bottle attack bug that caused each explosion to shake the camera. The same bug would eventually cause the attack to do no damage after about 13 total explosions (when the explosion limit was reached). b7 The original, old, and forgotten version of TGW. A shame to let this plugin remain forgotten after all the work it got. ---------------------- "The Great War" by the Cartographers of Myth then cleaned up by GHOST Minor fixes by Pyro Manual and Readme recovered by Welly