Record ID Date Created Date Modified Attack B32 Unit Equivalent Credits Destination ID# Overall Rating rnd Status Unit Name Unit notes Unit Replaces in myth Unit Type
368 7/5/2008 7/8/2008 Drop Supplies 00--@Construction-CON

Wagon Supply 35
Construction Wagon Supply wagon drops supplies medical amo and items
Infantry Support 2.25
369 7/5/2008 7/8/2008 Drop Supplies 00--+Construction-CON

Wagon Supply 35
Construction Wagon Supply wagon drops supplies medical amo and items
Infantry Support 2.25
001 12/3/2005 7/8/2008 Musket standard
01--@Infantry-PVT 1861: Civil War Created by Cydonian
Conscript 9
1861 Conscript

Infantry Light 1.0
002 12/3/2005 7/8/2008 Musket Multi ball
02--@lightInfantry-PFC B&G Developers: IronDuke, True Peril, Grasshopper, Anaphiel, GHOST, Zephirus, also Thoran and Cydonian, for allowing Iron to build on thier work
Volunteer 12
b&g Volunteer

Infantry Light 1.0
336 3/8/2006 7/8/2008 Musket Multi ball 02--+lightInfantry-PFC B&G Developers: IronDuke, True Peril, Grasshopper, Anaphiel, GHOST, Zephirus, also Thoran and Cydonian, for allowing Iron to build on thier work
Volunteer 12
b&g Volunteer

Infantry Light 1.0
003 12/3/2005 7/8/2008 Rifle standard 03--@MediumInfantry-CPL B&G Developers: IronDuke, True Peril, Grasshopper, Anaphiel, GHOST, Zephirus, also Thoran and Cydonian, for allowing Iron to build on thier work
Infantry 14
b&g Soldier

Infantry Light 1.0
337 3/8/2006 7/8/2008 Rifle standard 03--+MediumInfantry-CPL B&G Developers: IronDuke, True Peril, Grasshopper, Anaphiel, GHOST, Zephirus, also Thoran and Cydonian, for allowing Iron to build on thier work
Infantry 14
b&g Soldier

Infantry Light 1.0
004 12/3/2005 7/8/2008 Rifle standard 04--@HeavyInfantry-Sgt B&G Developers: IronDuke, True Peril, Grasshopper, Anaphiel, GHOST, Zephirus, also Thoran and Cydonian, for allowing Iron to build on thier work
Veteran Infantry 19
b&g Soldier Veteran

Infantry Medium 1.25
338 3/8/2006 7/8/2008 Rifle standard 04--+HeavyInfantry-Sgt Developers: IronDuke, True Peril, Grasshopper, Anaphiel, GHOST, Zephirus, also Thoran and Cydonian, for allowing Iron to build on thier work.
Veteran Infantry 19
b&g Soldier Veteran

Infantry Medium 1.25
005 12/3/2005 7/8/2008 Rifle standard

Skirmisher Infantry 20

Infantry Medium 1.25
339 3/8/2006 7/8/2008 Rifle standard

Skirmisher Infantry 20

Infantry Medium 1.25
006 12/3/2005 7/8/2008 Carbine standard 06--@Commando-scout-SFC 1861: Civil War Created by Cydonian
Infantry Sgt 21
1861 Sgt rally

1853 Enfield Rifle

The Enfield was the most common of the many rifles the Confederate government purchased in Europe. At least 400,000 were used by the Confederate armies, and several hundred thousand more were used by Union forces.

Infantry Medium 1.25
340 3/8/2006 7/8/2008 Carbine standard 06--+Commando-scout-SFC 1861: Civil War Created by Cydonian
Infantry Sgt 21
1861 Sgt rally

1853 Enfield Rifle

The Enfield was the most common of the many rifles the Confederate government purchased in Europe. At least 400,000 were used by the Confederate armies, and several hundred thousand more were used by Union forces.

Infantry Medium 1.25
007 12/3/2005 7/8/2008 Sharpshooter shot 07--@Specialist-SPG by: THORAN (Todd Huffman)
Sharp Shooter 27
cwbts sharp shooter 1859 Sharps Rifle

The Sharps rifle was a breechloading rifle designed with sharpshooters in mind. It is very accurate and reloads faster than most rifles. 1862 Whitworth Rifle

The Whitworth was a british-designed sharpshooter's weapon. It had a hexagonal barrel that fired a special hexagonal bullet. This made it more accurate than today's sniper rifles, with a maximum reported range of around 2,000 yards.

Infantry Assualt 1.75
341 3/8/2006 7/8/2008 Sharpshooter shot 07--+Specialist-SPG by: THORAN (Todd Huffman)
Sharp Shooter 27
cwbts sharp shooter 1859 Sharps Rifle

The Sharps rifle was a breechloading rifle designed with sharpshooters in mind. It is very accurate and reloads faster than most rifles. 1862 Whitworth Rifle

The Whitworth was a british-designed sharpshooter's weapon. It had a hexagonal barrel that fired a special hexagonal bullet. This made it more accurate than today's sniper rifles, with a maximum reported range of around 2,000 yards.

Infantry Assualt 1.75
008 12/3/2005 7/8/2008 Rifle standard 08--@WarantOfficer-MW5

CwR Infantry 29
CwR Soldier Replacement

Infantry Specialized 2.0
342 3/8/2006 7/8/2008 Rifle standard 08--+WarantOfficer-MW5

CwR Infantry 29
CwR Soldier universal

Infantry Specialized 2.0
009 12/3/2005 7/8/2008 Spear 09--@2ndLieutenant-2LT

Flag Bearer 29
CwR Flag Bearer Rally Troops aura of speed
Leader 3.0
343 3/8/2006 7/8/2008 Spear 09--+2ndLieutenant-2LT

Flag Bearer 29
CwR Flag Bearer Rally Troops aura of speed
Leader 3.0
010 12/3/2005 7/8/2008 Sword attack 10--@1stLieutenant-1LT by: THORAN (Todd Huffman)
Infantry Officer 29
cwbts Officer Rally Troops reload speed
Leader 3.0
344 3/8/2006 7/8/2008 Sword attack 10--+1stLieutenant-1LT by: THORAN (Todd Huffman)
Infantry Officer 29
cwbts Officer Rally Troops reload speed
Leader 3.0
011 12/3/2005 7/8/2008 Pistol shot 11--@Captain-CPT B&G Developers: IronDuke, True Peril, Grasshopper, Anaphiel, GHOST, Zephirus, also Thoran and Cydonian, for allowing Iron to build on thier work
Captain 31
b&g Captain Rally troops defence
Leader 3.0
345 3/8/2006 7/8/2008 Pistol shot 11--+Captain-CPT B&G Developers: IronDuke, True Peril, Grasshopper, Anaphiel, GHOST, Zephirus, also Thoran and Cydonian, for allowing Iron to build on thier work
Captain 31
b&g Captain Rally troops defence
Leader 3.0
012 12/3/2005 7/8/2008 Sword attack 12--@Major-MAJ B&G Developers: IronDuke, True Peril, Grasshopper, Anaphiel, GHOST, Zephirus, also Thoran and Cydonian, for allowing Iron to build on thier work
Major 33
b&g Major Rally Troops Can Convince units to defect sword pick ups
Leader 3.0
346 3/8/2006 7/8/2008 Sword attack 12--+Major-MAJ B&G Developers: IronDuke, True Peril, Grasshopper, Anaphiel, GHOST, Zephirus, also Thoran and Cydonian, for allowing Iron to build on thier work
Major 33
b&g Major Rally Troops Can Convince units to defect sword pick ups
Leader 3.0
013 12/3/2005 7/8/2008 Carbine standard 13--@LieutenantColonel-LTC B&G Developers: IronDuke, True Peril, Grasshopper, Anaphiel, GHOST, Zephirus, also Thoran and Cydonian, for allowing Iron to build on thier work
Medium Cavilry 33
b&g u Medium Cav 1859 Sharps Carbine

Carbines were shortened rifles for use by cavalry. At the time of the Civil War most were breechloaders. The trade-off for a quick reload is decreased range and accuracy. The Confederates manufactured an almost exact copy of the Sharps Carbine in Charleston, South Carolina.

Cavilry 3.25
347 3/8/2006 7/8/2008 Carbine standard 13--+LieutenantColonel-LTC B&G Developers: IronDuke, True Peril, Grasshopper, Anaphiel, GHOST, Zephirus, also Thoran and Cydonian, for allowing Iron to build on thier work
Medium Cavilry 33
b&g c Medium Cav 1859 Sharps Carbine

Carbines were shortened rifles for use by cavalry. At the time of the Civil War most were breechloaders. The trade-off for a quick reload is decreased range and accuracy. The Confederates manufactured an almost exact copy of the Sharps Carbine in Charleston, South Carolina.

Cavilry 3.25
014 12/3/2005 7/8/2008 Sabre attack 14--@Colonel-COL B&G Developers: IronDuke, True Peril, Grasshopper, Anaphiel, GHOST, Zephirus, also Thoran and Cydonian, for allowing Iron to build on thier work
Heavy Cavilry 36
b&g u Heavy Cav

Cavilry 3.25
348 3/8/2006 7/8/2008 Sabre attack 14--+Colonel-COL B&G Developers: IronDuke, True Peril, Grasshopper, Anaphiel, GHOST, Zephirus, also Thoran and Cydonian, for allowing Iron to build on thier work
Heavy Cavilry 36
b&g c Heavy Cav

Cavilry 3.25
015 12/3/2005 7/8/2008 Sabre attack 15--@General-GEN 1861: Civil War Created by Cydonian
Officer Cavilry 39
1861 u Officer Cav Sword and pistol attack
Cavilry 3.25
349 3/8/2006 7/8/2008 Sabre attack 15--+General-GEN 1861: Civil War Created by Cydonian
Officer Cavilry 39
1861 c Officer Cav Sword and pistol attack
Cavilry 3.25
016 12/3/2005 7/8/2008 Sabre attack 16--@Commander-GOD B&G Developers: IronDuke, True Peril, Grasshopper, Anaphiel, GHOST, Zephirus, also Thoran and Cydonian, for allowing Iron to build on thier work
General 53
b&g u General Cav Rally Troops
Leader Hero 5.0
350 3/8/2006 7/8/2008 Sabre attack 16--+Commander-GOD B&G Developers: IronDuke, True Peril, Grasshopper, Anaphiel, GHOST, Zephirus, also Thoran and Cydonian, for allowing Iron to build on thier work
General 53
b&g c General Cav Rally Troops
Leader Hero 5.0
017 12/3/2005 7/8/2008 Canon Solid Shot 10lb 17--@Artillery-ART

Canon Parot 43
CwR Cannon Parrot Parot canon mix of shells
Artillery 4.25
351 3/8/2006 7/8/2008 Canon Solid Shot 10lb 17--+Artillery-ART

Canon Parot 43
CwR Cannon Parrot Parot canon mix of shells
Artillery 4.25
018 12/3/2005 7/8/2008 Run Over 18--@SupportMechanized-MSU

Wagon Canon 35
CwR Cannon Wagon Canon Transport and amo wagon
Infantry Support 2.25
352 3/8/2006 7/8/2008 Run Over 18--+SupportMechanized-MSU

Wagon Canon 35
CwR Cannon Wagon Canon Transport and amo wagon
Infantry Support 2.25
019 12/3/2005 7/8/2008 Pistol shot 19--@ScoutMechanized-MSC by: THORAN (Todd Huffman)
Light Cavilry-scout 29
cwbts Light Cav Scout Scout Cavilry
Cavilry 3.25
353 3/8/2006 7/8/2008 Pistol shot 19--+ScoutMechanized-MSC by: THORAN (Todd Huffman)
Light Cavilry-scout 29
cwbts Light Cav Scout Scout Cavilry
Cavilry 3.25
020 12/3/2005 7/8/2008 Carbine standard 20--@AssualtMechanized-MAS

CwR Cavilry 35
CwR Cavilry universal cavilry
Cavilry 3.25
354 3/8/2006 7/8/2008 Carbine standard 20--+AssualtMechanized-MAS

CwR Cavilry 35
CwR Cavilry universal cavilry
Cavilry 3.25
021 12/3/2005 7/8/2008 Mortor round 21--@LightMechanized-MLT

Mortor 39
CwR Mortor Coehorn Mortor coehorn anti personel mortor
Artillery 4.25
355 3/8/2006 7/8/2008 Mortor round 21--+LightMechanized-MLT

Mortor 39
CwR Mortor Coehorn Mortor coehorn anti personel mortor
Artillery 4.25
022 12/3/2005 7/8/2008 Cannon 12lb Shell 22--@MediumMechanized-TMT

Canon Fixed Position 61
CwR Cannon fixed Brok Fixed position Cannon High accuracy long ranged
Artillery 4.25
356 3/8/2006 7/8/2008 Cannon 12lb Shell 22--+MediumMechanized-TMT

Canon Fixed Position 61
CwR Cannon fixed Brok Fixed position Cannon High accuracy long ranged
Artillery 4.25
023 12/3/2005 7/8/2008 Rally Troops flag 23--@HeavyMechanized-THT

Cavilry Flag Bearer 56
CwR Cav flag Bearer Flag bearer... Rally Troops
Leader Hero 5.0
357 3/8/2006 7/8/2008 Rally Troops flag 23--+HeavyMechanized-THT

Cavilry Flag Bearer 56
CwR Cav flag Bearer Flag bearer... Rally Troops
Leader Hero 5.0
024 12/3/2005 7/8/2008 Cannn Solid Shot 12 lb ball 24--@DestroyerMechanized-TDT

Canon Railway 65
CwR Cannon Armstrong Long range artilery with heavy damage shells
Artillery 4.25
358 3/8/2006 7/8/2008 Cannn Solid Shot 12 lb ball 24--+DestroyerMechanized-TDT

Canon Railway 65
CwR Cannon Armstrong Long range artilery with heavy damage shells
Artillery 4.25
025 12/3/2005 7/8/2008 Heal single 25--@Medic-MED 1861: Civil War Created by Cydonian
Medic 35
1861 u Medic heals in the field
Medical 4.5
359 3/8/2006 7/8/2008 Heal single 25--+Medic-MED 1861: Civil War Created by Cydonian
Medic 35
1861 c Medic heals in the field
Medical 4.5
026 12/3/2005 7/8/2008 Drop Supplies 26--@SupplyUnit-SUP

Wagon Supply 35
CwR Supply Wagon Supply wagon drops supplies medical amo and items
Infantry Support 2.25
360 3/8/2006 7/8/2008 Drop Supplies 26--+SupplyUnit-SUP

Wagon Supply 35
CwR Supply Wagon Supply wagon drops supplies medical amo and items
Infantry Support 2.25
027 12/3/2005 7/8/2008 Gatling Gun Rapid Fire 27--@SecurityUnit-SEC B&G Developers: IronDuke, True Peril, Grasshopper, Anaphiel, GHOST, Zephirus, also Thoran and Cydonian, for allowing Iron to build on thier work
Canon rifle 35
CWR Gatling Gun standard cannon
Artillery 4.25
361 3/8/2006 7/8/2008 Gatling Gun Rapid Fire 27--+SecurityUnit-SEC B&G Developers: IronDuke, True Peril, Grasshopper, Anaphiel, GHOST, Zephirus, also Thoran and Cydonian, for allowing Iron to build on thier work
Canon rifle 35
CWR Gatling Gun standard cannon
Artillery 4.25
028 12/3/2005 7/8/2008 Artilery Crew Replacement 28--@Gunner- GUN

Supply Man 17
CwR Artilery Man

Infantry Support 2.25
362 3/8/2006 7/8/2008 Artilery Crew Replacement 28--+Gunner- GUN

Supply Man 17
CwR Artilery Man

Infantry Support 2.25
029 12/3/2005 7/8/2008 Heal single 29--@Doctor-DOC

Doctor 47
ww Doctor Doctor can heal or fix all units special is a rapid heal
Medical 4.5
363 3/8/2006 7/8/2008 Heal single 29--+Doctor-DOC

Doctor 47
ww Doctor Doctor can heal or fix all units special is a rapid heal
Medical 4.5
030 12/3/2005 7/8/2008 Pick Ups 30--@Civilian-CIV by: THORAN (Todd Huffman)
Civilian 5
cwbts Scavenger

Civilian .25
364 3/8/2006 7/8/2008 Pick Ups 30--+Civilian-CIV by: THORAN (Todd Huffman)
Civilian 5
cwbts Scavenger

Civilian .25
031 12/3/2005 7/8/2008 Rifle 31--@special-SPC

Outlaw 59
ww Outlaw Renegade hired gun
Leader Hero 5.0
365 3/8/2006 7/8/2008 Rifld 31--+special-SPC

Outlaw 59
ww Outlaw Renegade hired gun
Leader Hero 5.0
032 12/3/2005 7/8/2008 Cannon 12lb Shell 32--@Extra-EXT

Gun Boat 52
CwR Gunboat Gun Boat fires long range with ap and heavy shot.
WaterCraft 5
366 3/8/2006 7/8/2008 Cannon 12lb Shell 32--+Extra-EXT

Gun Boat 52
CwR Gunboat Gun Boat fires long range with ap and heavy shot.
WaterCraft 5