Light Forces subj to obje [Geometry Filter] initially_active deactivates_on_execution 0.00, 0.00 { Link Light Forces Entire Map Results Action Identifier Light Forces OBJE Tested items Inside Field Name obje } Light Forces { Link Berserks Archers Dwarves Heron Guard } Heron Guard { (subj, monster_identifier) 10292 (heron guard) } Berserks { (subj, monster_identifier) 10001 (berserk) 10005 (berserk) 10004 (berserk) 10000 (berserk) 10006 (berserk) 10002 (berserk) 10007 (berserk) 10003 (berserk) } Archers { (subj, monster_identifier) 10013 (bowman) 10012 (bowman) 10011 (bowman) 10010 (bowman) 10009 (bowman) 10008 (bowman) } Dwarves { (subj, monster_identifier) 10015 (dwarf) 10014 (dwarf) 10231 (dwarf) } Light Forces OBJE { } ------------------------------------------------------------------- Convoy Dispatcher [Action List] initially_active deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Actions to Activate Convoy Dispatcher ABC Convoy Dispatcher ACB Convoy Dispatcher BAC Convoy Dispatcher BCA Convoy Dispatcher CAB Convoy Dispatcher CBA Random Selection Flag } Convoy Dispatcher ABC [Action List] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Actions to Activate Convoy 1 Platoon A Convoy 2 Platoon B Convoy 3 Platoon C } Convoy Dispatcher ACB [Action List] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Actions to Activate Convoy 1 Platoon A Convoy 2 Platoon C Convoy 3 Platoon B } Convoy Dispatcher BAC [Action List] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Actions to Activate Convoy 1 Platoon B Convoy 2 Platoon A Convoy 3 Platoon C } Convoy Dispatcher BCA [Action List] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Actions to Activate Convoy 1 Platoon B Convoy 2 Platoon C Convoy 3 Platoon A } Convoy Dispatcher CAB [Action List] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Actions to Activate Convoy 1 Platoon C Convoy 2 Platoon A Convoy 3 Platoon B } Convoy Dispatcher CBA [Action List] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Actions to Activate Convoy 1 Platoon C Convoy 2 Platoon B Convoy 3 Platoon A } ------------------------------------------------------------------- Convoy 1 { Link Convoy 1 Soulless Convoy 1 Wights Convoy 1 Fetch } Convoy 1 Mauls { (subj, monster_identifier) 10092 (maul) 10093 (maul) 10094 (maul) 10095 (maul) } Convoy 1 Mauls squad [Squad] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Link Convoy 1 Mauls Facing 0.00 Centerpoint 95.981, 155.944 Formation 2 } Convoy 1 Soulless { Link Convoy 1 Front Soulless Convoy 1 Rear Soulless } Convoy 1 Front Soulless { (subj, monster_identifier) 10048 (soulless) 10049 (soulless) 10050 (soulless) } Convoy 1 Front Soulless squad [Squad] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Link Convoy 1 Front Soulless Facing 0.00 Centerpoint 92.985, 152.950 Formation 2 } Convoy 1 Fetch { Link Convoy 1 Left Fetch Convoy 1 Right Fetch } Convoy 1 Left Fetch { (subj, monster_identifier) 10065 (fetch) } Convoy 1 Left Fetch squad [Squad] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Link Convoy 1 Left Fetch Facing 0.00 Centerpoint 84.967, 150.956 Formation 2 } Convoy 1 Right Fetch { (subj, monster_identifier) 10064 (fetch) } Convoy 1 Right Fetch squad [Squad] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Link Convoy 1 Right Fetch Facing 0.00 Centerpoint 91.001, 145.000 Formation 2 } Convoy 1 Rear Soulless { (subj, monster_identifier) 10053 (soulless) 10054 (soulless) 10055 (soulless) } Convoy 1 Rear Soulless squad [Squad] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Link Convoy 1 Rear Soulless Facing 0.00 Centerpoint 84.940, 144.944 Formation 2 } Convoy 1 Wights { Link Convoy 1 Wights 1 Convoy 1 Wights 2 } Convoy 1 Wights 1 { (subj, monster_identifier) 10016 (wight) 10018 (wight) 10020 (wight) 10022 (wight) 10024 (wight) 10026 (wight) 10028 (wight) 10030 (wight) } Convoy 1 Wights 2 { (subj, monster_identifier) 10017 (wight) 10019 (wight) 10021 (wight) 10023 (wight) 10025 (wight) 10027 (wight) 10029 (wight) 10031 (wight) } Convoy 1 Wights squad [Squad] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Link Convoy 1 Wights Facing 0.00 Centerpoint 91.040, 151.024 Formation 2 } Convoy 1 Platoon A [Platoon] deactivates_never 0.00, 0.00 { Initial State Convoy Movement A Initial Squads Convoy 1 Front Soulless squad Convoy 1 Left Fetch squad Convoy 1 Right Fetch squad Convoy 1 Rear Soulless squad Convoy 1 Wights squad Convoy 1 Mauls squad Centerpoint 88.001, 148.000 Facing 45.00 Activates on Deactivation Convoy 1 Panic } Convoy 1 Platoon B [Platoon] deactivates_never 0.00, 0.00 { Initial State Convoy Movement B Initial Squads Convoy 1 Front Soulless squad Convoy 1 Left Fetch squad Convoy 1 Right Fetch squad Convoy 1 Rear Soulless squad Convoy 1 Wights squad Convoy 1 Mauls squad Centerpoint 88.001, 148.000 Facing 45.00 Activates on Deactivation Convoy 1 Panic } Convoy 1 Platoon C [Platoon] deactivates_never 0.00, 0.00 { Initial State Convoy Movement C Initial Squads Convoy 1 Front Soulless squad Convoy 1 Left Fetch squad Convoy 1 Right Fetch squad Convoy 1 Rear Soulless squad Convoy 1 Wights squad Convoy 1 Mauls squad Centerpoint 88.001, 148.000 Facing 45.00 Activates on Deactivation Convoy 1 Panic } ------------------------------------------------------------------- Convoy 2 { Link Convoy 2 Soulless Convoy 2 Wights Convoy 2 Fetch } Convoy 2 Mauls { (subj, monster_identifier) 10096 (maul) 10097 (maul) 10098 (maul) 10099 (maul) } Convoy 2 Mauls squad [Squad] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Link Convoy 2 Mauls Facing 0.00 Centerpoint 95.981, 155.944 Formation 2 } Convoy 2 Soulless { Link Convoy 2 Front Soulless Convoy 2 Rear Soulless } Convoy 2 Front Soulless { (subj, monster_identifier) 10056 (soulless) 10057 (soulless) 10058 (soulless) } Convoy 2 Front Soulless squad [Squad] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Link Convoy 2 Front Soulless Facing 0.00 Centerpoint 92.985, 152.950 Formation 2 } Convoy 2 Fetch { Link Convoy 2 Left Fetch Convoy 2 Right Fetch } Convoy 2 Left Fetch { (subj, monster_identifier) 10067 (fetch) } Convoy 2 Left Fetch squad [Squad] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Link Convoy 2 Left Fetch Facing 0.00 Centerpoint 84.967, 150.956 Formation 2 } Convoy 2 Right Fetch { (subj, monster_identifier) 10066 (fetch) } Convoy 2 Right Fetch squad [Squad] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Link Convoy 2 Right Fetch Facing 0.00 Centerpoint 90.958, 144.963 Formation 2 } Convoy 2 Rear Soulless { (subj, monster_identifier) 10061 (soulless) 10062 (soulless) 10063 (soulless) } Convoy 2 Rear Soulless squad [Squad] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Link Convoy 2 Rear Soulless Facing 0.00 Centerpoint 84.940, 144.944 Formation 2 } Convoy 2 Wights { Link Convoy 2 Wights 1 Convoy 2 Wights 2 } Convoy 2 Wights 1 { (subj, monster_identifier) 10044 (wight) 10046 (wight) 10042 (wight) 10040 (wight) 10036 (wight) 10038 (wight) 10034 (wight) 10032 (wight) } Convoy 2 Wights 2 { (subj, monster_identifier) 10045 (wight) 10047 (wight) 10043 (wight) 10041 (wight) 10037 (wight) 10039 (wight) 10035 (wight) 10033 (wight) } Convoy 2 Wights squad [Squad] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Link Convoy 2 Wights Facing 0.00 Centerpoint 91.040, 151.024 Formation 2 } Convoy 2 Platoon A [Platoon] only_initial_delay deactivates_never 60.00, 60.00 { Initial State Convoy Movement A Initial Squads Convoy 2 Front Soulless squad Convoy 2 Left Fetch squad Convoy 2 Right Fetch squad Convoy 2 Rear Soulless squad Convoy 2 Wights squad Convoy 2 Mauls squad Centerpoint 88.001, 148.000 Facing 45.00 Activates on Deactivation Convoy 2 Panic } Convoy 2 Platoon B [Platoon] only_initial_delay deactivates_never 60.00, 60.00 { Initial State Convoy Movement B Initial Squads Convoy 2 Front Soulless squad Convoy 2 Left Fetch squad Convoy 2 Right Fetch squad Convoy 2 Rear Soulless squad Convoy 2 Wights squad Convoy 2 Mauls squad Centerpoint 88.001, 148.000 Facing 45.00 Activates on Deactivation Convoy 2 Panic } Convoy 2 Platoon C [Platoon] only_initial_delay deactivates_never 60.00, 60.00 { Initial State Convoy Movement C Initial Squads Convoy 2 Front Soulless squad Convoy 2 Left Fetch squad Convoy 2 Right Fetch squad Convoy 2 Rear Soulless squad Convoy 2 Wights squad Convoy 2 Mauls squad Centerpoint 88.001, 148.000 Facing 45.00 Activates on Deactivation Convoy 2 Panic } ------------------------------------------------------------------- Convoy 3 { Link Convoy 3 Soulless Convoy 3 Wights Convoy 3 Fetch } Convoy 3 Mauls { (subj, monster_identifier) 10100 (maul) 10101 (maul) 10102 (maul) 10103 (maul) } Convoy 3 Mauls squad [Squad] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Link Convoy 3 Mauls Facing 0.00 Centerpoint 95.981, 155.944 Formation 2 } Convoy 3 Soulless { Link Convoy 3 Front Soulless Convoy 3 Rear Soulless } Convoy 3 Front Soulless { (subj, monster_identifier) 10086 (soulless) 10087 (soulless) 10088 (soulless) } Convoy 3 Front Soulless squad [Squad] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Link Convoy 3 Front Soulless Facing 0.00 Centerpoint 92.985, 152.950 Formation 2 } Convoy 3 Fetch { Link Convoy 3 Left Fetch Convoy 3 Right Fetch } Convoy 3 Left Fetch { (subj, monster_identifier) 10085 (fetch) } Convoy 3 Left Fetch squad [Squad] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Link Convoy 3 Left Fetch Facing 0.00 Centerpoint 84.967, 150.956 Formation 2 } Convoy 3 Right Fetch { (subj, monster_identifier) 10084 (fetch) } Convoy 3 Right Fetch squad [Squad] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Link Convoy 3 Right Fetch Facing 0.00 Centerpoint 90.958, 144.963 Formation 2 } Convoy 3 Rear Soulless { (subj, monster_identifier) 10089 (soulless) 10090 (soulless) 10091 (soulless) } Convoy 3 Rear Soulless squad [Squad] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Link Convoy 3 Rear Soulless Facing 0.00 Centerpoint 84.940, 144.944 Formation 2 } Convoy 3 Wights { Link Convoy 3 Wights 1 Convoy 3 Wights 2 } Convoy 3 Wights 1 { (subj, monster_identifier) 10068 (wight) 10070 (wight) 10072 (wight) 10074 (wight) 10076 (wight) 10078 (wight) 10080 (wight) 10082 (wight) } Convoy 3 Wights 2 { (subj, monster_identifier) 10069 (wight) 10071 (wight) 10073 (wight) 10075 (wight) 10077 (wight) 10079 (wight) 10081 (wight) 10083 (wight) } Convoy 3 Wights squad [Squad] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Link Convoy 3 Wights Facing 0.00 Centerpoint 91.040, 151.024 Formation 2 } Convoy 3 Platoon A [Platoon] only_initial_delay deactivates_never 120.00, 120.00 { Initial State Convoy Movement A Initial Squads Convoy 3 Front Soulless squad Convoy 3 Left Fetch squad Convoy 3 Right Fetch squad Convoy 3 Rear Soulless squad Convoy 3 Wights squad Convoy 3 Mauls squad Centerpoint 88.001, 148.000 Facing 45.00 Activates on Deactivation Convoy 3 Panic } Convoy 3 Platoon B [Platoon] only_initial_delay deactivates_never 120.00, 120.00 { Initial State Convoy Movement B Initial Squads Convoy 3 Front Soulless squad Convoy 3 Left Fetch squad Convoy 3 Right Fetch squad Convoy 3 Rear Soulless squad Convoy 3 Wights squad Convoy 3 Mauls squad Centerpoint 88.001, 148.000 Facing 45.00 Activates on Deactivation Convoy 3 Panic } Convoy 3 Platoon C [Platoon] only_initial_delay deactivates_never 120.00, 120.00 { Initial State Convoy Movement C Initial Squads Convoy 3 Front Soulless squad Convoy 3 Left Fetch squad Convoy 3 Right Fetch squad Convoy 3 Rear Soulless squad Convoy 3 Wights squad Convoy 3 Mauls squad Centerpoint 88.001, 148.000 Facing 45.00 Activates on Deactivation Convoy 3 Panic } ------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemies Near Convoy 1? [Test Unit] initially_active deactivates_on_successful_execution 0.00, 0.00 { Link Convoy 1 Wights Convoy 1 Mauls Enemy Closer Than Radius 16.000 Activates on Success Convoy 1 Panic } Convoy 1 Damaged? [Test Unit] initially_active deactivates_on_successful_execution 0.00, 0.00 { Link Convoy 1 Activates on Success Convoy 1 Panic Vitality Less Than 1.00001 } Convoy 1 Panic [Action List] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Actions to Activate Convoy 1 Scatter Convoy 1 Wights Dead? Convoy 1 Attack (Delay)? Convoy 1 Mauls Attack Actions to Deactivate Enemies Near Convoy 1? Convoy 1 Damaged? Convoy 1 Platoon A Convoy 1 Platoon B Convoy 1 Platoon C Bowman Cackle? } Convoy 1 Mauls Attack [Attack] no_initial_delay deactivates_never 4.00, 7.00 { Link Convoy 1 Mauls Attack All Enemies Flag } Convoy 1 Scatter [General Action] deactivates_never 1.00, 1.00 { Command Type 1 Link Convoy 1 } Convoy 1 Wights Dead? [Test Unit] deactivates_on_successful_execution 0.00, 0.00 { Link Convoy 1 Wights Activates on Success Convoy 1 Attack Vitality Less Than 0.75001 } Convoy 1 Attack (Delay)? [Action List] deactivates_on_trigger 15.00, 15.00 { Actions to Activate Convoy 1 Attack } Convoy 1 Attack [Action List] activates_only_once deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Actions to Deactivate Convoy 1 Scatter Convoy 1 Attack (Delay)? Convoy 1 Wights Dead? Actions to Activate Convoy 1 Wights 1 Suicide Convoy 1 Wights 2 Suicide Convoy 1 Soulless Attack Convoy 1 Left Fetch Attack Convoy 1 Right Fetch Attack } Convoy 1 Wights 1 Suicide [Suicide (for wights)] deactivates_never 0.00, 0.00 { Link Convoy 1 Wights 1 Visibility Radius 30.000 Activate On Casualty Convoy 1 Wights 1 Suicide 2 } Convoy 1 Wights 1 Suicide 2 [Suicide (for wights)] deactivates_never 0.00, 0.00 { Link Convoy 1 Wights 1 Visibility Radius 30.000 Never Avoid Deactivates On Activation Convoy 1 Wights 1 Suicide } Convoy 1 Wights 2 Suicide [Suicide (for wights)] deactivates_never 0.00, 0.00 { Link Convoy 1 Wights 2 Visibility Radius 30.000 Activate On Casualty Convoy 1 Wights 2 Suicide 2 } Convoy 1 Wights 2 Suicide 2 [Suicide (for wights)] deactivates_never 0.00, 0.00 { Link Convoy 1 Wights 2 Visibility Radius 30.000 Never Avoid Deactivates On Activation Convoy 1 Wights 2 Suicide } Convoy 1 Soulless Attack [Attack] no_initial_delay deactivates_never 4.00, 7.00 { Link Convoy 1 Soulless Attack All Enemies Flag } Convoy 1 Left Fetch Attack [Attack] no_initial_delay deactivates_never 3.00, 5.00 { Link Convoy 1 Left Fetch Light Forces OBJE Attack Nearest Flag } Convoy 1 Right Fetch Attack [Attack] no_initial_delay deactivates_never 3.00, 5.00 { Link Convoy 1 Right Fetch Light Forces OBJE Attack Nearest Flag } ------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemies Near Convoy 2? [Test Unit] initially_active deactivates_on_successful_execution 0.00, 0.00 { Link Convoy 2 Wights Convoy 2 Mauls Enemy Closer Than Radius 16.000 Activates on Success Convoy 2 Panic } Convoy 2 Damaged? [Test Unit] initially_active deactivates_on_successful_execution 0.00, 0.00 { Link Convoy 2 Activates on Success Convoy 2 Panic Vitality Less Than 1.00001 } Convoy 2 Panic [Action List] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Actions to Activate Convoy 2 Scatter Convoy 2 Wights Dead? Convoy 2 Attack (Delay)? Convoy 2 Mauls Attack Actions to Deactivate Enemies Near Convoy 2? Convoy 2 Damaged? Convoy 2 Platoon A Convoy 2 Platoon B Convoy 2 Platoon C Bowman Cackle? } Convoy 2 Mauls Attack [Attack] no_initial_delay deactivates_never 4.00, 7.00 { Link Convoy 2 Mauls Attack All Enemies Flag } Convoy 2 Scatter [General Action] deactivates_never 1.00, 1.00 { Command Type 1 Link Convoy 2 } Convoy 2 Wights Dead? [Test Unit] deactivates_on_successful_execution 0.00, 0.00 { Link Convoy 2 Wights Activates on Success Convoy 2 Attack Vitality Less Than 0.75001 } Convoy 2 Attack (Delay)? [Action List] deactivates_on_trigger 15.00, 15.00 { Actions to Activate Convoy 2 Attack } Convoy 2 Attack [Action List] activates_only_once deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Actions to Deactivate Convoy 2 Scatter Convoy 2 Attack (Delay)? Convoy 2 Wights Dead? Actions to Activate Convoy 2 Wights 1 Suicide Convoy 2 Wights 2 Suicide Convoy 2 Soulless Attack Convoy 2 Left Fetch Attack Convoy 2 Right Fetch Attack } Convoy 2 Wights 1 Suicide [Suicide (for wights)] deactivates_never 0.00, 0.00 { Link Convoy 2 Wights 1 Visibility Radius 30.000 Activate On Casualty Convoy 2 Wights 1 Suicide 2 } Convoy 2 Wights 1 Suicide 2 [Suicide (for wights)] deactivates_never 0.00, 0.00 { Link Convoy 2 Wights 1 Visibility Radius 30.000 Never Avoid Deactivates On Activation Convoy 2 Wights 1 Suicide } Convoy 2 Wights 2 Suicide [Suicide (for wights)] deactivates_never 0.00, 0.00 { Link Convoy 2 Wights 2 Visibility Radius 30.000 Activate On Casualty Convoy 2 Wights 2 Suicide 2 } Convoy 2 Wights 2 Suicide 2 [Suicide (for wights)] deactivates_never 0.00, 0.00 { Link Convoy 2 Wights 2 Visibility Radius 30.000 Never Avoid Deactivates On Activation Convoy 2 Wights 2 Suicide } Convoy 2 Soulless Attack [Attack] no_initial_delay deactivates_never 4.00, 7.00 { Link Convoy 2 Soulless Attack All Enemies Flag } Convoy 2 Left Fetch Attack [Attack] no_initial_delay deactivates_never 3.00, 5.00 { Link Convoy 2 Left Fetch Light Forces OBJE Attack Nearest Flag } Convoy 2 Right Fetch Attack [Attack] no_initial_delay deactivates_never 3.00, 5.00 { Link Convoy 2 Right Fetch Light Forces OBJE Attack Nearest Flag } ------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemies Near Convoy 3? [Test Unit] initially_active deactivates_on_successful_execution 0.00, 0.00 { Link Convoy 3 Wights Convoy 3 Mauls Enemy Closer Than Radius 16.000 Activates on Success Convoy 3 Panic } Convoy 3 Damaged? [Test Unit] initially_active deactivates_on_successful_execution 0.00, 0.00 { Link Convoy 3 Activates on Success Convoy 3 Panic Vitality Less Than 1.00001 } Convoy 3 Panic [Action List] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Actions to Activate Convoy 3 Scatter Convoy 3 Wights Dead? Convoy 3 Attack (Delay)? Convoy 3 Mauls Attack Actions to Deactivate Enemies Near Convoy 3? Convoy 3 Damaged? Convoy 3 Platoon A Convoy 3 Platoon B Convoy 3 Platoon C Bowman Cackle? } Convoy 3 Mauls Attack [Attack] no_initial_delay deactivates_never 4.00, 7.00 { Link Convoy 3 Mauls Attack All Enemies Flag } Convoy 3 Scatter [General Action] deactivates_never 1.00, 1.00 { Command Type 1 Link Convoy 3 } Convoy 3 Wights Dead? [Test Unit] deactivates_on_successful_execution 0.00, 0.00 { Link Convoy 3 Wights Activates on Success Convoy 3 Attack Vitality Less Than 0.75001 } Convoy 3 Attack (Delay)? [Action List] deactivates_on_trigger 15.00, 15.00 { Actions to Activate Convoy 3 Attack } Convoy 3 Attack [Action List] activates_only_once deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Actions to Deactivate Convoy 3 Scatter Convoy 3 Attack (Delay)? Convoy 3 Wights Dead? Actions to Activate Convoy 3 Wights 1 Suicide Convoy 3 Wights 2 Suicide Convoy 3 Soulless Attack Convoy 3 Left Fetch Attack Convoy 3 Right Fetch Attack } Convoy 3 Wights 1 Suicide [Suicide (for wights)] deactivates_never 0.00, 0.00 { Link Convoy 3 Wights 1 Visibility Radius 30.000 Activate On Casualty Convoy 3 Wights 1 Suicide 2 } Convoy 3 Wights 1 Suicide 2 [Suicide (for wights)] deactivates_never 0.00, 0.00 { Link Convoy 3 Wights 1 Visibility Radius 30.000 Never Avoid Deactivates On Activation Convoy 3 Wights 1 Suicide } Convoy 3 Wights 2 Suicide [Suicide (for wights)] deactivates_never 0.00, 0.00 { Link Convoy 3 Wights 2 Visibility Radius 30.000 Activate On Casualty Convoy 3 Wights 2 Suicide 2 } Convoy 3 Wights 2 Suicide 2 [Suicide (for wights)] deactivates_never 0.00, 0.00 { Link Convoy 3 Wights 2 Visibility Radius 30.000 Never Avoid Deactivates On Activation Convoy 3 Wights 2 Suicide } Convoy 3 Soulless Attack [Attack] no_initial_delay deactivates_never 4.00, 7.00 { Link Convoy 3 Soulless Attack All Enemies Flag } Convoy 3 Left Fetch Attack [Attack] no_initial_delay deactivates_never 3.00, 5.00 { Link Convoy 3 Left Fetch Light Forces OBJE Attack Nearest Flag } Convoy 3 Right Fetch Attack [Attack] no_initial_delay deactivates_never 3.00, 5.00 { Link Convoy 3 Right Fetch Light Forces OBJE Attack Nearest Flag } ------------------------------------------------------------------- Convoy Movement A [Platoon Movement] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Waypoints 96.231, 160.635 110.643, 167.157 125.946, 168.198 140.368, 173.776 156.243, 178.192 173.188, 181.375 187.270, 189.245 197.917, 207.192 Waypoint Radii Radii 1.000 2.001 Interpolate Flag Interpolant Spacing 2.001 Congregate Flag } Convoy Movement B [Platoon Movement] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Waypoints 96.231, 160.635 98.739, 177.284 111.237, 187.446 129.038, 190.477 143.983, 194.153 157.663, 196.479 179.581, 197.098 191.868, 201.557 201.077, 211.264 Waypoint Radii Radii 1.000 2.001 Interpolate Flag Interpolant Spacing 2.001 Congregate Flag } Convoy Movement C [Platoon Movement] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Waypoints 92.422, 144.985 105.108, 144.430 120.243, 148.131 135.354, 149.465 147.450, 150.319 162.395, 152.731 171.854, 156.260 184.989, 162.737 194.448, 169.442 200.870, 179.223 203.200, 190.661 200.725, 203.590 Waypoint Radii Radii 1.000 2.001 Interpolate Flag Interpolant Spacing 2.001 Congregate Flag } ------------------------------------------------------------------- Cave Forces { Link Wagon Ghols Cave Ghols Cave Right Soulless Cave Right Fetch Cave Left Soulless Cave Left Fetch } Wagon Ghols { (subj, monster_identifier) 10104 (ghol) 10116 (ghol) } Cave Ghols { Link Cave Right Ghols Right Cave Right Ghols Left Cave Left Ghols Right Cave Left Ghols Left } Cave Right Ghols Right { (subj, monster_identifier) 10107 (ghol) 10108 (ghol) 10272 (ghol) } Cave Right Ghols Left { (subj, monster_identifier) 10109 (ghol) 10110 (ghol) 10271 (ghol) } Cave Right Soulless { (subj, monster_identifier) 10119 (soulless) 10120 (soulless) 10121 (soulless) } Cave Right Fetch { (subj, monster_identifier) 10117 (fetch) } Cave Left Ghols Right { (subj, monster_identifier) 10111 (ghol) 10112 (ghol) 10273 (ghol) } Cave Left Ghols Left { (subj, monster_identifier) 10113 (ghol) 10114 (ghol) 10274 (ghol) } Cave Left Soulless { (subj, monster_identifier) 10122 (soulless) 10123 (soulless) 10124 (soulless) } Cave Left Fetch { (subj, monster_identifier) 10118 (fetch) } ------------------------------------------------------------------- Start Cave Forces? [Test Unit] initially_active deactivates_on_successful_execution 0.00, 0.00 { Link Light Forces Unit Count Greater Than 0 Polygon 96.418, 215.301 124.532, 175.528 129.668, 138.561 Activates on Success Wagon Ghols Load Wagon? Cave Forces Into Position Start Pen Forces? Activate Training Grounds? Activate Harassing Ghols } Wagon Ghols Load Wagon? [Model Animation] flag 1.00, 2.00 { Model Animation 10001 (21 dump blow-up wagon) Frame Less Than 1 Activates on Success Set Wagon Loaded Ghols? Set Wagon Empty Ghols } Set Wagon Loaded Ghols? [Test Unit] deactivates_on_execution 0.00, 0.00 { Link Wagon Loaded Ghols Object Held dwsc Activates on Success Wagon Ghols Move Activates on Failure Set Wagon Loaded Ghols } Set Wagon Loaded Ghols [Geometry Filter] deactivates_on_execution 0.00, 0.00 { Link Wagon Ghols Holding Object dwsc Entire Map Results Action Identifier Wagon Loaded Ghols Tested items Inside Field Name subj Activates on Success Wagon Ghols Move Maximum Number of Items 1 } Wagon Loaded Ghols { } Wagon Ghols Move [Movement] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Link Wagon Loaded Ghols Waypoints 84.153, 124.526 Final Facing 178.59 Formation Index 0 Activates on Success Wagon Ghols Attack } Wagon Ghols Attack [Attack] only_initial_delay deactivates_on_trigger 1.00, 1.00 { Link Wagon Loaded Ghols Don't Retarget Flag Attack Ground Location 81.952, 124.149 81.963, 124.483 81.936, 124.844 } Set Wagon Empty Ghols [Geometry Filter] deactivates_on_execution 0.00, 0.00 { Link Wagon Ghols Not Holding Object dwsc Entire Map Results Action Identifier Wagon Empty Ghols Tested items Inside Field Name subj Activates on Success Set Wagon Satchel Charges } Wagon Empty Ghols { } Set Wagon Satchel Charges [Geometry Filter] deactivates_on_execution 0.00, 0.00 { Object Type dwsc Polygon Points 93.708, 117.348 91.327, 117.372 91.198, 120.094 93.708, 120.129 Results Action Identifier Wagon Satchel Charges Tested items Inside Field Name obje Activates on Success Wagon Ghols Load Up Activates on Failure Wagon Ghols Run Away Polygon Closed Flag } Wagon Satchel Charges { } Wagon Ghols Load Up [Pick Up Object] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Object Link Wagon Empty Ghols Wagon Satchel Charges } Wagon Ghols Run Away [Movement] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Link Wagon Empty Ghols Waypoints 92.430, 120.948 Formation Index 5 Final Facing 90.35 } ------------------------------------------------------------------- Give Cave Ghols Satchels [Unit Control] initially_active deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Link Cave Ghols Give Monster Artifact or Projectile 10110 (dwarf satchel charge) 10112 (dwarf satchel charge) 10111 (dwarf satchel charge) 10113 (dwarf satchel charge) 10117 (dwarf satchel charge) 10118 (dwarf satchel charge) 10122 (dwarf satchel charge) 10123 (dwarf satchel charge) 10020 (dwarf satchel charge) 10034 (dwarf satchel charge) 10032 (dwarf satchel charge) 10071 (dwarf satchel charge) } Cave Forces Into Position [Action List] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Actions to Activate Light Forces Near Cave? Cave Forces Damaged? Cave Right Ghols Right Into Position Cave Right Ghols Left Into Position Cave Right Soulless Into Position Cave Right Fetch Into Position Cave Left Ghols Right Into Position Cave Left Ghols Left Into Position Cave Left Soulless Into Position Cave Left Fetch Into Position Actions to Deactivate Cave Right Fetch Attack Set Cave Loaded Ghols Set Cave Empty Ghols Cave Left Fetch Attack Cave Soulless Attack Cave Forces Final Attack (Dead Fetch)? Cave Forces Final Attack (Ghols Damaged)? Cave Forces Final Attack (Dead Soulless)? Cave Forces Retreat? } Cave Right Ghols Right Into Position [Movement] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Waypoints 97.999, 125.852 Formation Index 0 Final Facing 62.23 Link Cave Right Ghols Right } Cave Right Ghols Left Into Position [Movement] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Waypoints 90.616, 126.983 Formation Index 0 Final Facing 90.00 Link Cave Right Ghols Left } Cave Right Soulless Into Position [Movement] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Waypoints 95.014, 127.940 Formation Index 0 Final Facing 75.59 Link Cave Right Soulless } Cave Right Fetch Into Position [Movement] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Waypoints 95.417, 121.637 Formation Index 0 Final Facing 72.06 Link Cave Right Fetch } Cave Left Ghols Right Into Position [Movement] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Waypoints 81.483, 126.383 Formation Index 0 Final Facing 89.65 Link Cave Left Ghols Right } Cave Left Ghols Left Into Position [Movement] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Waypoints 72.508, 120.124 Formation Index 0 Final Facing 139.22 Link Cave Left Ghols Left } Cave Left Soulless Into Position [Movement] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Waypoints 75.959, 124.596 Formation Index 0 Final Facing 114.96 Link Cave Left Soulless } Cave Left Fetch Into Position [Movement] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Waypoints 81.987, 116.799 Formation Index 0 Final Facing 126.91 Link Cave Left Fetch } Cave Forces Damaged? [Test Unit] deactivates_on_successful_execution 0.00, 0.00 { Link Cave Forces Change in vitality 0.01000 Activates on Success Cave Forces Attack } Light Forces Near Cave? [Test Unit] deactivates_on_successful_execution 0.00, 0.00 { Link Light Forces Unit Count Greater Than 0 Polygon 43.358, 129.719 59.483, 139.797 76.899, 145.848 95.792, 145.094 109.645, 139.879 Activates on Success Cave Forces Attack } Cave Forces Attack [Action List] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Actions to Activate Set Cave Loaded Ghols Set Cave Empty Ghols Cave Right Fetch Attack Cave Left Fetch Attack Cave Soulless Attack Cave Forces Final Attack (Dead Fetch)? Cave Forces Final Attack (Ghols Damaged)? Cave Forces Final Attack (Dead Soulless)? Cave Forces Retreat? Cave Forces Final Attack (Wagon)? Actions to Deactivate Cave Forces Damaged? Light Forces Near Cave? } Set Cave Loaded Ghols [Geometry Filter] deactivates_never 0.00, 0.00 { Link Cave Ghols Holding Object dwsc Entire Map Results Action Identifier Cave Loaded Ghols Tested items Inside Field Name subj Activates on Success Cave Loaded Ghols Attack } Cave Loaded Ghols { } Cave Loaded Ghols Attack [Attack] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Link Cave Loaded Ghols Light Forces OBJE Don't Retarget Flag } Set Cave Empty Ghols [Geometry Filter] deactivates_never 0.00, 0.00 { Link Cave Ghols Not Holding Object dwsc Entire Map Results Action Identifier Cave Empty Ghols Tested items Inside Field Name subj Activates on Success Cave Empty Ghols Load Up } Cave Empty Ghols { } Cave Empty Ghols Load Up [Pick Up Object] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Object Link Cave Empty Ghols Wagon Satchel Charges } Cave Right Fetch Attack [Attack] no_initial_delay deactivates_never 3.00, 5.00 { Link Cave Right Fetch Light Forces OBJE Attack Nearest Flag } Cave Left Fetch Attack [Attack] no_initial_delay deactivates_never 3.00, 5.00 { Link Cave Left Fetch Light Forces OBJE Attack Nearest Flag } Cave Soulless Attack [Attack] no_initial_delay deactivates_never 4.00, 7.00 { Link Cave Right Soulless Cave Left Soulless Attack All Enemies Flag } Cave Forces Final Attack (Wagon)? [Model Animation] deactivates_on_successful_execution 0.00, 0.00 { Model Animation 10001 (21 dump blow-up wagon) Frame Greater Than 0 Activates on Success Cave Forces Final Attack } Cave Forces Final Attack (Dead Fetch)? [Test Unit] deactivates_on_successful_execution 0.00, 0.00 { Link Cave Right Fetch Cave Left Fetch Unit Count Equal To 0 Activates on Success Cave Forces Final Attack } Cave Forces Final Attack (Ghols Damaged)? [Test Unit] deactivates_on_successful_execution 0.00, 0.00 { Link Cave Ghols Wagon Ghols Activates on Success Cave Forces Final Attack Vitality Less Than 0.65000 } Cave Forces Final Attack (Dead Soulless)? [Test Unit] deactivates_on_successful_execution 0.00, 0.00 { Link Cave Right Soulless Cave Left Soulless Unit Count Less Than 3 Activates on Success Cave Forces Final Attack } Cave Forces Final Attack [Action List] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Actions to Activate Cave Right Fetch Attack Cave Left Fetch Attack Cave Soulless Attack Cave Ghols Attack Actions to Deactivate Cave Forces Retreat? Cave Forces Final Attack (Dead Soulless)? Cave Forces Final Attack (Ghols Damaged)? Cave Forces Final Attack (Dead Fetch)? Cave Forces Into Position Cave Forces Attack Cave Forces Damaged? Light Forces Near Cave? Wagon Ghols Load Wagon? Cave Forces Final Attack (Wagon)? Set Cave Loaded Ghols Set Cave Empty Ghols } Cave Forces Retreat? [Test Unit] deactivates_on_successful_execution 0.00, 0.00 { Link Light Forces Unit Count Equal To 0 Polygon 38.583, 145.446 52.786, 153.862 76.829, 158.112 105.561, 156.731 121.983, 141.756 Activates on Success Cave Forces Into Position } Cave Ghols Attack [Attack] no_initial_delay deactivates_never 4.00, 7.00 { Link Cave Ghols Wagon Ghols Attack All Enemies Flag } ------------------------------------------------------------------- Pen Soulless Right { (subj, monster_identifier) 10125 (soulless) 10127 (soulless) 10126 (soulless) 10129 (soulless) 10128 (soulless) 10289 (soulless) } Pen Soulless Left { (subj, monster_identifier) 10130 (soulless) 10131 (soulless) 10132 (soulless) 10134 (soulless) 10133 (soulless) 10291 (soulless) } Pen Wights 1 { (subj, monster_identifier) 10135 (wight) 10136 (wight) 10137 (wight) 10138 (wight) 10139 (wight) 10140 (wight) 10141 (wight) 10142 (wight) 10143 (wight) 10144 (wight) } Pen Wights 2 { (subj, monster_identifier) 10145 (wight) 10146 (wight) 10147 (wight) 10148 (wight) 10149 (wight) 10150 (wight) 10151 (wight) 10152 (wight) 10153 (wight) 10154 (wight) } Pen Wights 3 { (subj, monster_identifier) 10155 (wight) 10156 (wight) 10157 (wight) 10158 (wight) 10159 (wight) 10160 (wight) 10161 (wight) 10162 (wight) 10163 (wight) 10164 (wight) } Pen Wights 4 { (subj, monster_identifier) 10165 (wight) 10166 (wight) 10167 (wight) 10168 (wight) 10169 (wight) 10170 (wight) 10171 (wight) 10172 (wight) 10173 (wight) 10174 (wight) } ------------------------------------------------------------------- Start Pen Forces? [Test Unit] deactivates_on_successful_execution 0.00, 0.00 { Link Light Forces Unit Count Greater Than 0 Polygon 107.249, 25.532 88.766, 70.770 90.649, 101.448 136.852, 130.463 193.858, 138.760 Activates on Success Pen Soulless Near Enemies? Pen Wights 1 Meander Pen Wights 2 Meander Pen Wights 3 Meander Pen Wights 4 Meander } Pen Soulless Near Enemies? [Test Unit] initially_active, no_initial_delay deactivates_never 4.00, 7.00 { Link Pen Soulless Right Pen Soulless Left Enemy Closer Than Radius 20.000 Activates on Success Activates on Failure Pen Soulless Right Into Position Pen Soulless Left Into Position } Pen Soulless Right Into Position [Movement] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Waypoints 155.598, 117.264 Link Pen Soulless Right Formation Index 1 Final Facing 180.00 } Pen Soulless Left Into Position [Movement] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Waypoints 155.723, 109.452 Link Pen Soulless Left Formation Index 1 Final Facing 180.00 } Pen Soulless Guard [General Action] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Command Type 4 Link Pen Soulless Right Pen Soulless Left } Pen Wights 1 Meander [Meander Action (wander aimlessly)] deactivates_never 0.00, 0.00 { Link Pen Wights 1 Meander Points 157.610, 105.438 158.145, 111.387 157.977, 117.522 158.047, 123.168 160.168, 107.715 160.000, 109.678 159.661, 113.893 160.000, 115.790 159.950, 119.690 160.051, 121.627 164.040, 107.979 166.440, 113.993 166.118, 119.065 164.403, 122.215 169.331, 120.629 170.756, 107.770 Activate On Casualty Pen Wights Suicide } Pen Wights 2 Meander [Meander Action (wander aimlessly)] deactivates_never 0.00, 0.00 { Link Pen Wights 2 Meander Points 160.366, 108.555 160.467, 119.604 175.061, 118.821 169.059, 105.903 183.145, 120.139 179.784, 97.008 196.823, 114.084 194.711, 99.848 182.129, 108.788 Activate On Casualty Pen Wights Suicide } Pen Wights 3 Meander [Meander Action (wander aimlessly)] deactivates_never 0.00, 0.00 { Link Pen Wights 3 Meander Points 163.995, 110.120 164.174, 116.411 163.495, 122.157 172.659, 103.434 180.278, 110.854 186.518, 115.377 193.004, 119.311 178.161, 92.565 191.088, 88.846 201.301, 99.588 Activate On Casualty Pen Wights Suicide } Pen Wights 4 Meander [Meander Action (wander aimlessly)] deactivates_never 0.00, 0.00 { Link Pen Wights 4 Meander Points 183.284, 88.487 196.485, 90.051 190.008, 93.243 180.145, 95.395 197.887, 100.001 187.657, 106.430 175.708, 104.370 189.834, 118.678 176.231, 112.602 167.102, 107.209 171.698, 123.295 166.243, 114.485 158.739, 109.374 159.295, 119.795 Activate On Casualty Pen Wights Suicide } Pen Wights Suicide [Action List] deactivates_on_trigger 2.00, 3.00 { Actions to Deactivate Pen Wights 1 Meander Pen Wights 2 Meander Pen Wights 3 Meander Pen Wights 4 Meander Pen Soulless Near Enemies? Actions to Activate Pen Wights 1 Suicide Pen Wights 2 Suicide Pen Wights 3 Suicide Pen Wights 4 Suicide Pen Soulless Attack } Pen Wights 1 Suicide [Suicide (for wights)] deactivates_never 0.00, 0.00 { Link Pen Wights 1 Visibility Radius 35.001 Activate On Casualty Pen Wights 1 Suicide Final } Pen Wights 1 Suicide Final [Suicide (for wights)] deactivates_never 0.00, 0.00 { Link Pen Wights 1 Visibility Radius 35.001 Deactivates On Activation Pen Wights 1 Suicide Never Avoid } Pen Wights 2 Suicide [Suicide (for wights)] deactivates_never 0.00, 0.00 { Link Pen Wights 2 Visibility Radius 35.001 Activate On Casualty Pen Wights 2 Suicide Final } Pen Wights 2 Suicide Final [Suicide (for wights)] deactivates_never 0.00, 0.00 { Link Pen Wights 2 Visibility Radius 35.001 Deactivates On Activation Pen Wights 2 Suicide Never Avoid } Pen Wights 3 Suicide [Suicide (for wights)] deactivates_never 0.00, 0.00 { Link Pen Wights 3 Visibility Radius 35.001 Activate On Casualty Pen Wights 3 Suicide Final } Pen Wights 3 Suicide Final [Suicide (for wights)] deactivates_never 0.00, 0.00 { Link Pen Wights 3 Visibility Radius 35.001 Deactivates On Activation Pen Wights 3 Suicide Never Avoid } Pen Wights 4 Suicide [Suicide (for wights)] deactivates_never 0.00, 0.00 { Link Pen Wights 4 Visibility Radius 35.001 Activate On Casualty Pen Wights 4 Suicide Final } Pen Wights 4 Suicide Final [Suicide (for wights)] deactivates_never 0.00, 0.00 { Link Pen Wights 4 Visibility Radius 35.001 Deactivates On Activation Pen Wights 4 Suicide Never Avoid } Pen Soulless Attack [Attack] no_initial_delay deactivates_never 4.00, 7.00 { Link Pen Soulless Right Pen Soulless Left Attack All Enemies Flag } ------------------------------------------------------------------- Activate Training Grounds? [Test Unit] deactivates_on_successful_execution 0.00, 0.00 { Link Light Forces Unit Count Greater Than 0 Polygon 86.657, 31.920 112.069, 71.954 135.721, 69.702 154.913, 59.776 Activates on Success Activate Training Grounds } Activate Training Grounds [Action List] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Actions to Activate Activate Training Soulless Training Maul Dispatcher Training Pus Ghols Load Up? Activate Satchel Training Training Forces Attack (Proximity)? Training Forces Attack (Damaged)? House Soulless Guard Invisible Observers Appear } Training Satchel Ghol { (subj, monster_identifier) 10207 (ghol) } Training Left Fetch { (subj, monster_identifier) 10205 (fetch) } Training Right Fetch { (subj, monster_identifier) 10206 (fetch) } variable { } Activate Satchel Training [Action List] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Actions to Activate Training Satchel Ghol Loaded? Satchel Target 1 Dead? Satchel Target 2 Dead? Satchel Target 3 Dead? Satchel Target 4 Dead? } Training Satchel Ghol Loaded? [Test Unit] deactivates_never 3.00, 5.00 { Link Training Satchel Ghol Object Held dwsc Activates on Success Training Left Fetch Attack 1? Activates on Failure Training Satchel Ghol Load Up? } Training Satchel Ghol Load Up? [Geometry Filter] deactivates_on_execution 0.00, 0.00 { Object Type dwsc Polygon Points 196.569, 50.657 193.124, 48.614 190.774, 50.663 193.508, 53.067 Polygon Closed Flag Results Action Identifier Training Satchels Tested items Inside Field Name obje Activates on Success Training Satchel Ghol Load Up Activates on Failure Training Satchel Ghol Move Training Left Fetch Attack Final Training Right Fetch Attack Final } Training Satchels { } Training Satchel Ghol Load Up [Pick Up Object] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Object Link Training Satchel Ghol Training Satchels } Training Satchel Ghol Move [Movement] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Waypoints 195.922, 50.467 Link Training Satchel Ghol Final Facing 326.95 Deactivates On Activation Training Satchel Ghol Loaded? } Training Left Fetch Attack 1? [Geometry Filter] deactivates_on_execution 0.00, 0.00 { Object Type dwsc Circle Radius 1.500 Results Action Identifier variable Tested items Inside Field Name null Activates on Success Training Left Fetch Attack 1 Activates on Failure Training Left Fetch Attack 2? Circle Centerpoint 203.032, 49.364 } Training Left Fetch Attack 1 [Attack] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Link Training Left Fetch Attack Ground Location 202.936, 49.301 } Training Left Fetch Attack 2? [Geometry Filter] deactivates_on_execution 0.00, 0.00 { Object Type dwsc Circle Radius 1.500 Results Action Identifier variable Tested items Inside Field Name null Activates on Success Training Left Fetch Attack 2 Activates on Failure Training Right Fetch Attack 1? Circle Centerpoint 203.807, 42.729 } Training Left Fetch Attack 2 [Attack] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Link Training Left Fetch Attack Ground Location 203.702, 42.688 } Training Right Fetch Attack 1? [Geometry Filter] deactivates_on_execution 0.00, 0.00 { Object Type dwsc Circle Radius 1.500 Results Action Identifier variable Tested items Inside Field Name null Activates on Success Training Right Fetch Attack 1 Activates on Failure Training Right Fetch Attack 2? Circle Centerpoint 202.995, 35.977 } Training Right Fetch Attack 1 [Attack] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Link Training Right Fetch Attack Ground Location 203.000, 36.001 } Training Right Fetch Attack 2? [Geometry Filter] deactivates_on_execution 0.00, 0.00 { Object Type dwsc Circle Radius 1.500 Results Action Identifier variable Tested items Inside Field Name null Activates on Success Training Right Fetch Attack 2 Activates on Failure Training Satchel Ghol Dispatcher Circle Centerpoint 199.868, 30.239 } Training Right Fetch Attack 2 [Attack] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Link Training Right Fetch Attack Ground Location 199.952, 30.188 } Training Satchel Ghol Dispatcher [Action List] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Actions to Activate Training Satchel Ghol Attack 1 Training Satchel Ghol Attack 2 Training Satchel Ghol Attack 3 Training Satchel Ghol Attack 4 Random Selection Flag } Training Satchel Ghol Attack 1 [Attack] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Link Training Satchel Ghol Don't Retarget Flag Targets 10190 (21 target dummy) } Training Satchel Ghol Attack 2 [Attack] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Link Training Satchel Ghol Don't Retarget Flag Targets 10191 (21 target dummy) } Training Satchel Ghol Attack 3 [Attack] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Link Training Satchel Ghol Don't Retarget Flag Targets 10192 (21 target dummy) } Training Satchel Ghol Attack 4 [Attack] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Link Training Satchel Ghol Don't Retarget Flag Targets 10193 (21 target dummy) } Training Left Fetch Attack Final [Attack] flag 7.00, 7.00 { Link Training Left Fetch Don't Retarget Flag Targets 10190 (21 target dummy) 10191 (21 target dummy) } Training Right Fetch Attack Final [Attack] flag 7.00, 7.00 { Link Training Right Fetch Don't Retarget Flag Targets 10192 (21 target dummy) 10193 (21 target dummy) } Satchel Target 1 Dead? [Test Unit] deactivates_on_successful_execution 1.00, 2.00 { Unit Count Equal To 0 Monsters 10190 (21 target dummy) Activates on Success Training Left Fetch Taunt } Satchel Target 2 Dead? [Test Unit] deactivates_on_successful_execution 1.00, 2.00 { Unit Count Equal To 0 Monsters 10191 (21 target dummy) Activates on Success Training Left Fetch Taunt } Satchel Target 3 Dead? [Test Unit] deactivates_on_successful_execution 1.00, 2.00 { Unit Count Equal To 0 Monsters 10192 (21 target dummy) Activates on Success Training Right Fetch Taunt } Satchel Target 4 Dead? [Test Unit] deactivates_on_successful_execution 1.00, 2.00 { Unit Count Equal To 0 Monsters 10193 (21 target dummy) Activates on Success Training Right Fetch Taunt } Training Left Fetch Taunt [General Action] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Command Type 5 Link Training Left Fetch Monsters 10228 (maul) 10229 (maul) 10279 (maul) } Training Right Fetch Taunt [General Action] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Command Type 5 Link Training Right Fetch Monsters 10226 (maul) 10227 (maul) 10280 (maul) } ------------------------------------------------------------------- Training Pus Ghols { Link Training Pus Ghol 1 Training Pus Ghol 2 Training Pus Ghol 3 Training Pus Ghol 4 Training Pus Ghol 5 } Training Pus Ghol 1 { (subj, monster_identifier) 10208 (ghol) } Training Pus Ghol 2 { (subj, monster_identifier) 10209 (ghol) } Training Pus Ghol 3 { (subj, monster_identifier) 10210 (ghol) } Training Pus Ghol 4 { (subj, monster_identifier) 10211 (ghol) } Training Pus Ghol 5 { (subj, monster_identifier) 10212 (ghol) } Training Pus Ghols Load Up? [Test Unit] deactivates_never 4.00, 7.00 { Link Training Pus Ghols Object Held wipp Activates on Success Training Pus Ghol Dispatcher Activates on Failure Training Pus 1 Available? Training Pus 2 Available? Training Pus 3 Available? Training Pus 4 Available? Training Pus 5 Available? Training Pus Ghols Attack Final } Training Pus 1 Available? [Geometry Filter] deactivates_on_execution 0.00, 0.00 { Polygon Points 150.983, 31.237 151.102, 34.165 153.504, 33.930 153.604, 31.264 Results Action Identifier Training Pus Ghol 1 Load Up Object Type wipp Polygon Closed Flag Tested items Inside Field Name obje Activates on Success Training Pus Ghol 1 Load Up } Training Pus Ghol 1 Load Up [Pick Up Object] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Object Link Training Pus Ghol 1 } Training Pus 2 Available? [Geometry Filter] deactivates_on_execution 0.00, 0.00 { Polygon Points 147.700, 31.485 148.000, 34.723 150.465, 34.286 150.340, 31.286 Results Action Identifier Training Pus Ghol 2 Load Up Object Type wipp Polygon Closed Flag Tested items Inside Field Name obje Activates on Success Training Pus Ghol 2 Load Up } Training Pus Ghol 2 Load Up [Pick Up Object] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Object Link Training Pus Ghol 2 } Training Pus 3 Available? [Geometry Filter] deactivates_on_execution 0.00, 0.00 { Polygon Points 144.241, 32.071 144.911, 34.909 147.374, 34.741 146.737, 31.368 Results Action Identifier Training Pus Ghol 3 Load Up Object Type wipp Polygon Closed Flag Tested items Inside Field Name obje Activates on Success Training Pus Ghol 3 Load Up } Training Pus Ghol 3 Load Up [Pick Up Object] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Object Link Training Pus Ghol 3 } Training Pus 4 Available? [Geometry Filter] deactivates_on_execution 0.00, 0.00 { Polygon Points 141.338, 32.204 142.213, 35.534 144.563, 34.979 143.838, 31.403 Results Action Identifier Training Pus Ghol 4 Load Up Object Type wipp Polygon Closed Flag Tested items Inside Field Name obje Activates on Success Training Pus Ghol 4 Load Up } Training Pus Ghol 4 Load Up [Pick Up Object] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Object Link Training Pus Ghol 4 } Training Pus 5 Available? [Geometry Filter] deactivates_on_execution 0.00, 0.00 { Polygon Points 138.198, 33.629 139.555, 36.600 141.993, 36.063 141.000, 32.667 Results Action Identifier Training Pus Ghol 5 Load Up Object Type wipp Polygon Closed Flag Tested items Inside Field Name obje Activates on Success Training Pus Ghol 5 Load Up } Training Pus Ghol 5 Load Up [Pick Up Object] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Object Link Training Pus Ghol 5 } Training Pus Ghol Dispatcher [Action List] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Actions to Activate Training Pus Ghol 1 Attack? Training Pus Ghol 2 Attack? Training Pus Ghol 3 Attack? Training Pus Ghol 4 Attack? Training Pus Ghol 5 Attack? Random Selection Flag } Training Pus Ghol 1 Attack? [Test Unit] deactivates_on_execution 0.00, 0.00 { Link Training Pus Ghol 1 Object Held wipp Activates on Success Training Pus Ghol 1 Attack } Training Pus Ghol 1 Attack [Attack] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Link Training Pus Ghol 1 Don't Retarget Flag Attack Ground Location 153.217, 21.057 } Training Pus Ghol 2 Attack? [Test Unit] deactivates_on_execution 0.00, 0.00 { Link Training Pus Ghol 2 Object Held wipp Activates on Success Training Pus Ghol 2 Attack } Training Pus Ghol 2 Attack [Attack] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Link Training Pus Ghol 2 Don't Retarget Flag Attack Ground Location 149.241, 20.542 } Training Pus Ghol 3 Attack? [Test Unit] deactivates_on_execution 0.00, 0.00 { Link Training Pus Ghol 3 Object Held wipp Activates on Success Training Pus Ghol 3 Attack } Training Pus Ghol 3 Attack [Attack] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Link Training Pus Ghol 3 Don't Retarget Flag Attack Ground Location 144.682, 21.088 } Training Pus Ghol 4 Attack? [Test Unit] deactivates_on_execution 0.00, 0.00 { Link Training Pus Ghol 4 Object Held wipp Activates on Success Training Pus Ghol 4 Attack } Training Pus Ghol 4 Attack [Attack] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Link Training Pus Ghol 4 Don't Retarget Flag Attack Ground Location 140.360, 22.340 } Training Pus Ghol 5 Attack? [Test Unit] deactivates_on_execution 0.00, 0.00 { Link Training Pus Ghol 5 Object Held wipp Activates on Success Training Pus Ghol 5 Attack } Training Pus Ghol 5 Attack [Attack] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Link Training Pus Ghol 5 Don't Retarget Flag Attack Ground Location 136.942, 24.407 } Training Pus Ghols Attack Final [Attack] flag 0.00, 0.00 { Link Training Pus Ghols Targets 10177 (21 target dummy) 10179 (21 target dummy) 10178 (21 target dummy) 10175 (21 target dummy) 10176 (21 target dummy) Inhibitions Training Pus 1 Available? Inhibitions Training Pus 2 Available? Inhibitions Training Pus 3 Available? Inhibitions Training Pus 4 Available? Inhibitions Training Pus 5 Available? Attack Nearest Flag Activates on Failure Training Pus Ghols Taunt Training Pus Ghols Move } Training Pus Ghols Taunt [General Action] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Command Type 5 Link Training Pus Ghols Deactivates On Activation Training Pus Ghols Load Up? } Training Pus Ghols Move [Pick Up Object] deactivates_never 4.00, 4.00 { Link Training Pus Ghols Object 10180 (wight pus packet) 10183 (wight pus packet) 10181 (wight pus packet) 10184 (wight pus packet) 10182 (wight pus packet) } ------------------------------------------------------------------- Training Mauls { (subj, monster_identifier) 10219 (maul) 10220 (maul) 10221 (maul) } Training Maul Dispatcher [Action List] deactivates_on_trigger 4.00, 4.00 { Actions to Activate Training Mauls Move 1 Training Mauls Move 2 Training Mauls Move 3 Training Mauls Move 4 Training Mauls Move 5 Training Mauls Move 6 Random Selection Flag } Training Mauls Move 1 [Movement] activates_only_once, no_initial_delay deactivates_on_successful_execution 1.00, 2.00 { Waypoints 172.932, 33.903 Link Training Mauls Formation Index 6 Object to Point At 10217 (21 target dummy) Activates on Success Training Mauls Attack 1 } Training Mauls Attack 1 [Attack] flag 1.00, 1.00 { Link Training Mauls Targets 10217 (21 target dummy) Activates on Failure Training Mauls Taunt Training Maul Dispatcher } Training Mauls Move 2 [Movement] activates_only_once, no_initial_delay deactivates_on_successful_execution 1.00, 2.00 { Waypoints 173.227, 30.018 Link Training Mauls Formation Index 6 Object to Point At 10213 (21 target dummy) Activates on Success Training Mauls Attack 2 } Training Mauls Attack 2 [Attack] flag 1.00, 1.00 { Link Training Mauls Targets 10213 (21 target dummy) Activates on Failure Training Mauls Taunt Training Maul Dispatcher } Training Mauls Move 3 [Movement] activates_only_once, no_initial_delay deactivates_on_successful_execution 1.00, 2.00 { Waypoints 169.532, 31.620 Link Training Mauls Formation Index 6 Object to Point At 10216 (21 target dummy) Activates on Success Training Mauls Attack 3 } Training Mauls Attack 3 [Attack] flag 1.00, 1.00 { Link Training Mauls Targets 10216 (21 target dummy) Activates on Failure Training Mauls Taunt Training Maul Dispatcher } Training Mauls Move 4 [Movement] activates_only_once, no_initial_delay deactivates_on_successful_execution 1.00, 2.00 { Waypoints 166.780, 34.147 Link Training Mauls Formation Index 6 Object to Point At 10218 (21 target dummy) Activates on Success Training Mauls Attack 4 } Training Mauls Attack 4 [Attack] flag 1.00, 1.00 { Link Training Mauls Targets 10218 (21 target dummy) Activates on Failure Training Mauls Taunt Training Maul Dispatcher } Training Mauls Move 5 [Movement] activates_only_once, no_initial_delay deactivates_on_successful_execution 1.00, 2.00 { Waypoints 169.524, 26.356 Link Training Mauls Formation Index 6 Object to Point At 10214 (21 target dummy) Activates on Success Training Mauls Attack 5 } Training Mauls Attack 5 [Attack] flag 1.00, 1.00 { Link Training Mauls Targets 10214 (21 target dummy) Activates on Failure Training Mauls Taunt Training Maul Dispatcher } Training Mauls Move 6 [Movement] activates_only_once, no_initial_delay deactivates_on_successful_execution 1.00, 2.00 { Waypoints 165.323, 29.340 Link Training Mauls Formation Index 6 Object to Point At 10215 (21 target dummy) Activates on Success Training Mauls Attack 6 } Training Mauls Attack 6 [Attack] flag 1.00, 1.00 { Link Training Mauls Targets 10215 (21 target dummy) Activates on Failure Training Mauls Taunt Training Maul Dispatcher } Training Mauls Taunt [General Action] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Command Type 5 Link Training Mauls } ------------------------------------------------------------------- Training Soulless { Link Training Soulless 1 Training Soulless 2 Training Soulless 3 Training Soulless 4 Training Soulless 5 } Training Soulless 1 { (subj, monster_identifier) 10195 (soulless) } Training Soulless 2 { (subj, monster_identifier) 10196 (soulless) } Training Soulless 3 { (subj, monster_identifier) 10197 (soulless) } Training Soulless 4 { (subj, monster_identifier) 10198 (soulless) } Training Soulless 5 { (subj, monster_identifier) 10199 (soulless) } Activate Training Soulless [Action List] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Actions to Activate Training Soulless Dispatcher 1 Training Soulless Dispatcher 2 Training Soulless Dispatcher 3 Training Soulless Dispatcher 4 Training Soulless Dispatcher 5 } Training Soulless Dispatcher 1 [Action List] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Actions to Activate Training Soulless 1 Attack 1 Training Soulless 1 Attack 2 Random Selection Flag } Training Soulless Dispatcher 2 [Action List] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Actions to Activate Training Soulless 2 Attack 1 Training Soulless 2 Attack 2 Random Selection Flag } Training Soulless Dispatcher 3 [Action List] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Actions to Activate Training Soulless 3 Attack 1 Training Soulless 3 Attack 2 Random Selection Flag } Training Soulless Dispatcher 4 [Action List] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Actions to Activate Training Soulless 4 Attack 1 Training Soulless 4 Attack 2 Random Selection Flag } Training Soulless Dispatcher 5 [Action List] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Actions to Activate Training Soulless 5 Attack 1 Training Soulless 5 Attack 2 Random Selection Flag } Training Soulless 1 Attack 1 [Attack] activates_only_once flag 3.00, 5.00 { Link Training Soulless 1 Targets 10189 (21 target dummy) Activates on Failure Training Soulless 1 Attack 2 Training Soulless 1 Taunt } Training Soulless 1 Attack 2 [Attack] activates_only_once flag 3.00, 5.00 { Link Training Soulless 1 Targets 10188 (21 target dummy) Activates on Failure Training Soulless 1 Attack 1 Training Soulless 1 Taunt } Training Soulless 1 Taunt [General Action] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Command Type 5 Link Training Soulless 1 Monsters 10194 (soulless) 10202 (soulless) 10203 (soulless) 10222 (maul) 10223 (maul) 10204 (soulless) 10201 (soulless) 10200 (soulless) 10225 (maul) 10224 (maul) } Training Soulless 2 Attack 1 [Attack] activates_only_once flag 3.00, 5.00 { Link Training Soulless 2 Targets 10180 (21 target dummy) Activates on Failure Training Soulless 2 Attack 2 Training Soulless 2 Taunt } Training Soulless 2 Attack 2 [Attack] activates_only_once flag 3.00, 5.00 { Link Training Soulless 2 Targets 10181 (21 target dummy) Activates on Failure Training Soulless 2 Attack 1 Training Soulless 2 Taunt } Training Soulless 2 Taunt [General Action] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Command Type 5 Link Training Soulless 2 Monsters 10194 (soulless) 10202 (soulless) 10203 (soulless) 10222 (maul) 10223 (maul) 10204 (soulless) 10201 (soulless) 10200 (soulless) 10225 (maul) 10224 (maul) } Training Soulless 3 Attack 1 [Attack] activates_only_once flag 3.00, 5.00 { Link Training Soulless 3 Targets 10182 (21 target dummy) Activates on Failure Training Soulless 3 Attack 2 Training Soulless 3 Taunt } Training Soulless 3 Attack 2 [Attack] activates_only_once flag 3.00, 5.00 { Link Training Soulless 3 Targets 10183 (21 target dummy) Activates on Failure Training Soulless 3 Attack 1 Training Soulless 3 Taunt } Training Soulless 3 Taunt [General Action] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Command Type 5 Link Training Soulless 3 Monsters 10194 (soulless) 10202 (soulless) 10203 (soulless) 10222 (maul) 10223 (maul) 10204 (soulless) 10201 (soulless) 10200 (soulless) 10225 (maul) 10224 (maul) } Training Soulless 4 Attack 1 [Attack] activates_only_once flag 3.00, 5.00 { Link Training Soulless 4 Targets 10185 (21 target dummy) Activates on Failure Training Soulless 4 Attack 2 Training Soulless 4 Taunt } Training Soulless 4 Attack 2 [Attack] activates_only_once flag 3.00, 5.00 { Link Training Soulless 4 Targets 10184 (21 target dummy) Activates on Failure Training Soulless 4 Attack 1 Training Soulless 4 Taunt } Training Soulless 4 Taunt [General Action] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Command Type 5 Link Training Soulless 4 Monsters 10194 (soulless) 10202 (soulless) 10203 (soulless) 10222 (maul) 10223 (maul) 10204 (soulless) 10201 (soulless) 10200 (soulless) 10225 (maul) 10224 (maul) } Training Soulless 5 Attack 1 [Attack] activates_only_once flag 3.00, 5.00 { Link Training Soulless 5 Targets 10186 (21 target dummy) Activates on Failure Training Soulless 5 Attack 2 Training Soulless 5 Taunt } Training Soulless 5 Attack 2 [Attack] activates_only_once flag 3.00, 5.00 { Link Training Soulless 5 Targets 10187 (21 target dummy) Activates on Failure Training Soulless 5 Attack 1 Training Soulless 5 Taunt } Training Soulless 5 Taunt [General Action] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Command Type 5 Link Training Soulless 5 Monsters 10194 (soulless) 10202 (soulless) 10203 (soulless) 10222 (maul) 10223 (maul) 10204 (soulless) 10201 (soulless) 10200 (soulless) 10225 (maul) 10224 (maul) } ------------------------------------------------------------------- Training Forces { Link Watching Soulless Watching Maul Training Mauls Training Pus Ghols Training Satchel Ghol Training Left Fetch Training Right Fetch Training Soulless } Watching Maul { (subj, monster_identifier) 10222 (maul) 10223 (maul) 10224 (maul) 10225 (maul) 10228 (maul) 10229 (maul) 10226 (maul) 10227 (maul) 10279 (maul) 10280 (maul) } Watching Soulless { (subj, monster_identifier) 10200 (soulless) 10201 (soulless) 10204 (soulless) 10194 (soulless) 10202 (soulless) 10203 (soulless) } Training Forces Attack (Proximity)? [Test Unit] deactivates_on_successful_execution 0.00, 0.00 { Unit Count Greater Than 0 Link Light Forces Polygon 113.219, 15.614 126.149, 46.743 147.616, 58.217 200.600, 73.731 212.305, 66.030 Activates on Success Training Forces Attack List } Training Forces Attack (Damaged)? [Test Unit] deactivates_on_successful_execution 0.00, 0.00 { Link Training Forces Activates on Success Training Forces Attack List Change in vitality 0.01000 } Training Forces Attack List [Action List] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Actions to Activate Deactivate Training Soulless Deactivate Training Mauls Training Forces Attack Actions to Deactivate Training Pus Ghols Load Up? Training Satchel Ghol Loaded? Satchel Target 1 Dead? Satchel Target 2 Dead? Satchel Target 3 Dead? Satchel Target 4 Dead? Training Forces Attack (Proximity)? Training Forces Attack (Damaged)? Training Pus Ghols Attack Final } Deactivate Training Soulless [Action List] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Actions to Deactivate Training Soulless 1 Attack 1 Training Soulless 1 Attack 2 Training Soulless 1 Taunt Training Soulless 2 Attack 1 Training Soulless 2 Attack 2 Training Soulless 2 Taunt Training Soulless 3 Attack 1 Training Soulless 3 Attack 2 Training Soulless 3 Taunt Training Soulless 4 Attack 1 Training Soulless 4 Attack 2 Training Soulless 4 Taunt Training Soulless 5 Attack 1 Training Soulless 5 Attack 2 Training Soulless 5 Taunt } Deactivate Training Mauls [Action List] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Actions to Deactivate Training Maul Dispatcher Training Mauls Move 1 Training Mauls Attack 1 Training Mauls Move 2 Training Mauls Attack 2 Training Mauls Move 3 Training Mauls Attack 3 Training Mauls Move 4 Training Mauls Attack 4 Training Mauls Move 5 Training Mauls Attack 5 Training Mauls Move 6 Training Mauls Attack 6 Training Mauls Taunt } Training Forces Attack [Attack] no_initial_delay deactivates_never 5.00, 7.00 { Link Training Forces Attack All Enemies Flag } ------------------------------------------------------------------- Harassing Ghols 1 { (subj, monster_identifier) 10236 (ghol) 10237 (ghol) 10238 (ghol) 10281 (ghol) 10282 (ghol) } Harassing Ghols 2 { (subj, monster_identifier) 10232 (ghol) 10233 (ghol) 10234 (ghol) 10284 (ghol) 10283 (ghol) } Harassing Ghols 3 { (subj, monster_identifier) 10235 (ghol) 10239 (ghol) 10240 (ghol) 10286 (ghol) 10285 (ghol) } Activate Harassing Ghols [Action List] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Actions to Activate Harassing Ghols 1 Harass Harassing Ghols 2 Harass Harassing Ghols 3 Harass Harassing Ghols Attack? } Harassing Ghols Attack? [Model Animation] no_initial_delay deactivates_on_successful_execution 3.00, 5.00 { Model Animation 10003 (21 pit) Frame Greater Than 0 Activates on Success Harassing Ghols 1 Attack Harassing Ghols 2 Attack Harassing Ghols 3 Attack } Harassing Ghols 1 Harass [Harass (for ghols)] deactivates_never 0.00, 1.00 { Link Harassing Ghols 1 Visibility Radius 35.001 Activate On Casualty Harassing Ghols 1 Attack Projectile Radius 15 } Harassing Ghols 1 Attack [Attack] no_initial_delay deactivates_never 4.00, 7.00 { Link Harassing Ghols 1 Attack All Enemies Flag Deactivates On Activation Harassing Ghols 1 Harass } Harassing Ghols 2 Harass [Harass (for ghols)] deactivates_never 0.00, 1.00 { Link Harassing Ghols 2 Visibility Radius 35.001 Activate On Casualty Harassing Ghols 2 Attack Projectile Radius 15 } Harassing Ghols 2 Attack [Attack] no_initial_delay deactivates_never 4.00, 7.00 { Link Harassing Ghols 2 Attack All Enemies Flag Deactivates On Activation Harassing Ghols 2 Harass } Harassing Ghols 3 Harass [Harass (for ghols)] deactivates_never 0.00, 1.00 { Link Harassing Ghols 3 Visibility Radius 35.001 Activate On Casualty Harassing Ghols 3 Attack Projectile Radius 15 } Harassing Ghols 3 Attack [Attack] no_initial_delay deactivates_never 4.00, 7.00 { Link Harassing Ghols 3 Attack All Enemies Flag Deactivates On Activation Harassing Ghols 3 Harass } ------------------------------------------------------------------- House Soulless { (subj, monster_identifier) 10269 (21 house soulless) 10270 (21 house soulless) 10266 (21 house soulless) 10262 (21 house soulless) 10260 (21 house soulless) 10268 (21 house soulless) } House Soulless Guard [Attack] deactivates_never 2.00, 4.00 { Link House Soulless Light Forces OBJE Polygon 207.963, 46.870 194.909, 43.592 180.530, 44.454 178.709, 54.346 182.594, 66.592 197.715, 70.358 206.024, 61.112 Closed Polygon Flag } ------------------------------------------------------------------- House Destroyed? [Model Animation] initially_active deactivates_on_successful_execution 3.00, 5.00 { Model Animation 10000 (21 dump blow-up house) Frame Greater Than 0 Activates on Success Satchel Pile Destroyed? } Satchel Pile Destroyed? [Model Animation] no_initial_delay deactivates_on_successful_execution 3.00, 5.00 { Model Animation 10003 (21 pit) Frame Greater Than 0 Activates on Success Wagon Destroyed? } Wagon Destroyed? [Model Animation] no_initial_delay deactivates_on_successful_execution 3.00, 5.00 { Model Animation 10001 (21 dump blow-up wagon) Frame Greater Than 0 Activates on Success Convoy Wights Dead? } Convoy Wights Dead? [Test Unit] no_initial_delay deactivates_on_successful_execution 3.00, 5.00 { Link Convoy 1 Wights Convoy 2 Wights Convoy 3 Wights Unit Count Equal To 0 Activates on Success Pen Wights Dead? } Pen Wights Dead? [Test Unit] no_initial_delay deactivates_on_successful_execution 3.00, 5.00 { Link Pen Wights 1 Pen Wights 2 Pen Wights 3 Pen Wights 4 Unit Count Equal To 0 Activates on Success Light Victory } Light Victory [Endgame Condition] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Light Victory Flag Deactivates On Activation Light Forces Dead Dwarves Dead? Dwarves Dead (House Not Destroyed)? Dark Victory } ------------------------------------------------------------------- Light Forces Dead [Test Unit] initially_active deactivates_on_successful_execution 0.00, 1.00 { Link Light Forces Unit Count Equal To 0 Activates on Success Dark Victory } Dark Victory [Endgame Condition] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Light Victory Flag Deactivates On Activation House Destroyed? Satchel Pile Destroyed? Wagon Destroyed? Convoy Wights Dead? Pen Wights Dead? Failure Flag No Celebration } ------------------------------------------------------------------- Heron Guard Move [Movement] initially_active deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Waypoints 194.006, 198.069 Formation Index 0 Final Facing 243.98 Link Heron Guard } Berserks Move [Movement] initially_active deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Waypoints 196.422, 201.153 Formation Index 0 Final Facing 243.98 Link Berserks } Archers Move [Movement] initially_active deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Waypoints 198.670, 204.891 Formation Index 1 Final Facing 243.98 Link Archers } Dwarves Move [Movement] initially_active deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Waypoints 199.059, 206.944 Formation Index 2 Final Facing 243.98 Link Dwarves } ------------------------------------------------------------------- Invisible Observers Appear [Unit Control] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Monsters 10287 (berserk observer) 10288 (berserk observer) Visible Flag Activates On Execution Invisible Observers Disappear? } Invisible Observers Disappear? [Test Unit] deactivates_on_successful_execution 2.00, 4.00 { Link Light Forces Unit Count Equal To 0 Polygon 74.303, 38.194 95.557, 85.959 205.219, 70.362 Activates on Success Invisible Observers Disappear } Invisible Observers Disappear [Unit Control] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Monsters 10287 (berserk observer) 10288 (berserk observer) Delete Monsters } ------------------------------------------------------------------- Dwarves Dead? [Test Unit] initially_active deactivates_on_successful_execution 1.00, 2.00 { Unit Count Equal To 0 Activates on Success Dwarves Dead (House Not Destroyed)? Link Dwarves } Dwarves Dead (House Not Destroyed)? [Model Animation] deactivates_on_execution 5.00, 5.00 { Model Animation 10000 (21 dump blow-up house) Frame Greater Than 0 Activates on Success Dwarves Dead (Satchel Pile Not Destroyed)? Activates on Failure Dark Victory } Dwarves Dead (Satchel Pile Not Destroyed)? [Model Animation] deactivates_on_execution 0.00, 0.00 { Model Animation 10003 (21 pit) Frame Greater Than 0 Activates on Success Dwarves Dead (Wagon Not Destroyed)? Activates on Failure Dark Victory } Dwarves Dead (Wagon Not Destroyed)? [Model Animation] deactivates_on_execution 0.00, 0.00 { Model Animation 10001 (21 dump blow-up wagon) Frame Equal To 0 Activates on Success Dark Victory } ------------------------------------------------------------------- Bowman Cackle? [Test Unit] initially_active deactivates_on_successful_execution 1.00, 2.00 { Link Convoy 1 Activates on Success Pick Bowman Cackle Enemy Closer Than Radius 21.000 Enemy List 10013 (bowman) 10012 (bowman) 10011 (bowman) 10010 (bowman) 10009 (bowman) 10008 (bowman) } Cackling Bowman { } Pick Bowman Cackle [Action List] activates_only_once deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Actions to Activate Bowman Cackle 1 Bowman Cackle 2 Bowman Cackle 3 Bowman Cackle 4 Random Selection Flag } Bowman Cackle 1 [Sound Action] activates_only_once deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Sound Tag 21 (bowmen) Oh my! Do you see t Override Flag Link Cackling Bowman } Bowman Cackle 2 [Sound Action] activates_only_once deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Sound Tag 21 (bowmen) Oh yeah! This is go Override Flag Link Cackling Bowman } Bowman Cackle 3 [Sound Action] activates_only_once deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Sound Tag 21 (bowmen) That's... it's just Override Flag Link Cackling Bowman } Bowman Cackle 4 [Sound Action] activates_only_once deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Sound Tag 21 (bowmen) I'm sorry guys, but Override Flag Link Cackling Bowman } Dwarf Cackle House Destroyed? [Model Animation] initially_active deactivates_on_successful_execution 1.00, 2.00 { Model Animation 10000 (21 dump blow-up house) Frame Greater Than 0 Activates on Success Dwarf Cackle House 2? } Dwarf Cackle House 2? [Geometry Filter] deactivates_on_execution 2.00, 2.00 { Link Dwarves Results Action Identifier Cackling Dwarf 1 Tested items Inside Field Name subj Activates on Success Dwarf Cackle 1 Polygon Points 200.360, 47.739 183.221, 47.520 181.690, 60.799 200.112, 61.754 Polygon Closed Flag } Dwarf Cackle Satchels Destroyed? [Model Animation] initially_active deactivates_on_successful_execution 1.00, 2.00 { Model Animation 10003 (21 pit) Frame Greater Than 0 Activates on Success Dwarf Cackle Satchels 2? } Dwarf Cackle Satchels 2? [Geometry Filter] deactivates_on_execution 2.00, 2.00 { Link Dwarves Results Action Identifier Cackling Dwarf 2 Tested items Inside Field Name subj Activates on Success Dwarf Cackle 2 Polygon Points 61.249, 43.042 55.477, 33.147 45.811, 30.217 35.049, 33.458 31.254, 43.268 35.036, 54.006 48.016, 59.090 57.751, 52.897 Polygon Closed Flag } Cackling Dwarf 1 { } Dwarf Cackle 1 [Sound Action] activates_only_once deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Sound Tag 21 (dwarf) They'd blow up real Override Flag Link Cackling Dwarf 1 } Cackling Dwarf 2 { } Dwarf Cackle 2 [Sound Action] activates_only_once deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Sound Tag 21 (dwarf) Woo hoo! Wait'll I t Override Flag Link Cackling Dwarf 2 }