-------------------- THE LIGHT { } the light { Link archers left dwarves right dwarves left berserks right berserks giants reinforcement dwarf reinforcement berserks reinforcement archers } archers { (subj, monster_identifier) 10076 (fir'bolg (flameless)) 10075 (fir'bolg (flameless)) 10073 (fir'bolg (flameless)) 10072 (fir'bolg (flameless)) 10070 (fir'bolg (flameless)) 10071 (fir'bolg (flameless)) 10074 (fir'bolg (flameless)) 10077 (fir'bolg (flameless)) } left dwarves { (subj, monster_identifier) 10080 (dwarf tfl) 10081 (dwarf tfl) } right dwarves { (subj, monster_identifier) 10079 (dwarf tfl) 10078 (dwarf tfl) } left berserks { (subj, monster_identifier) 10050 (berserk) 10053 (berserk) 10049 (berserk) 10051 (berserk) 10052 (berserk) 10055 (berserk) 10054 (berserk) 10056 (berserk) } right berserks { (subj, monster_identifier) 10001 (berserk) 10002 (berserk) 10007 (berserk) 10000 (berserk) 10006 (berserk) 10005 (berserk) 10003 (berserk) 10004 (berserk) } giants { (subj, monster_identifier) 10048 (Forest Giant) 10047 (Forest Giant) 10046 (Forest Giant) } archers initial move [Movement] initially_active deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Link archers Waypoints 143.375, 222.002 Formation Index 1 } left berserks initial move [Movement] initially_active deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Link left berserks Waypoints 154.530, 218.729 Final Facing 222.89 Formation Index 5 } right berserks initial move [Movement] initially_active deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Link right berserks Waypoints 134.936, 218.526 Final Facing 319.92 Formation Index 5 } left dwarves initial move [Movement] initially_active deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Link left dwarves Waypoints 147.608, 212.280 Formation Index 2 Final Facing 237.66 } right dwarves initial move [Movement] initially_active deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Link right dwarves Waypoints 140.377, 213.065 Formation Index 2 Final Facing 320.27 } giants initial move [Movement] initially_active deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Link giants Waypoints 143.749, 227.688 } -------------------- THE GATE { } front myrmidons { (subj, monster_identifier) 10063 (myrmidon (coop)) 10064 (myrmidon (coop)) 10062 (myrmidon (coop)) 10057 (myrmidon (coop)) 10065 (myrmidon (coop)) 10059 (myrmidon (coop)) 10066 (myrmidon (coop)) 10060 (myrmidon (coop)) 10058 (myrmidon (coop)) 10067 (myrmidon (coop)) 10061 (myrmidon (coop)) 10068 (myrmidon (coop)) } left myrmidons { (subj, monster_identifier) 10098 (myrmidon (coop)) 10095 (myrmidon (coop)) 10099 (myrmidon (coop)) 10096 (myrmidon (coop)) } right myrmidons { (subj, monster_identifier) 10090 (myrmidon (coop)) 10093 (myrmidon (coop)) 10088 (myrmidon (coop)) 10091 (myrmidon (coop)) } rear myrmidons { (subj, monster_identifier) 10097 (myrmidon (coop)) 10094 (myrmidon (coop)) 10100 (myrmidon (coop)) 10101 (myrmidon (coop)) 10102 (myrmidon (coop)) 10103 (myrmidon (coop)) 10104 (myrmidon (coop)) 10089 (myrmidon (coop)) 10092 (myrmidon (coop)) 10109 (myrmidon (coop)) 10108 (myrmidon (coop)) 10107 (myrmidon (coop)) 10106 (myrmidon (coop)) 10105 (myrmidon (coop)) } trow { (subj, monster_identifier) 10069 (trow) } front myrmidons advance [Movement] initially_active deactivates_on_trigger 10.00, 20.00 { Waypoints 143.194, 194.926 Link front myrmidons Activates on Success front myrmidons retreat test front myrmidons attack test (proximity) stop everyone } stop everyone [General Action] deactivates_on_trigger 15.00, 15.00 { Command Type 0 Link front myrmidons } front myrmidons retreat test [Test Unit] deactivates_on_successful_execution 0.00, 0.00 { Vitality Less Than 1.00001 Activates on Success front myrmidons retreat front myrmidons attack test (vitality) Link front myrmidons } front myrmidons retreat [Movement] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Waypoints 142.729, 185.758 Link front myrmidons Final Facing 84.73 Formation Index 6 } front myrmidons attack test (proximity) [Test Unit] deactivates_on_successful_execution 4.00, 8.00 { Activates on Success front myrmidons attack Link the light Polygon 138.213, 201.788 149.881, 201.680 Unit Count Greater Than 0 } front myrmidons attack test (vitality) [Test Unit] deactivates_on_successful_execution 0.00, 0.00 { Vitality Less Than 0.92000 Activates on Success front myrmidons attack Link front myrmidons } front myrmidons attack [Attack] deactivates_never 4.00, 6.00 { Attack All Enemies Flag Link front myrmidons } reinforcements advance test [Test Unit] initially_active deactivates_on_successful_execution 5.00, 10.00 { Vitality Less Than 0.20000 Activates on Success reinforcements advance second stage attack test (proximity) second stage attack test (1st vitality) first stage attack setup Link front myrmidons } reinforcements advance [Movement] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Waypoints 142.563, 185.747 Link left myrmidons right myrmidons rear myrmidons trow Final Facing 84.73 Activates on Success stop everyone else stop flanking myrms } stop everyone else [General Action] deactivates_on_trigger 15.00, 15.00 { Command Type 0 Link rear myrmidons trow } stop flanking myrms [General Action] deactivates_on_trigger 15.00, 15.00 { Command Type 0 Link left myrmidons right myrmidons } first stage attack setup [Action List] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Actions to Activate first stage attack test (vitality) first stage attack test (proximity) Inhibitions second stage attack test (proximity) second stage attack test (1st vitality) } first stage attack test (vitality) [Test Unit] deactivates_on_successful_execution 0.00, 0.00 { Activates on Success start first stage attack Link left myrmidons right myrmidons rear myrmidons trow Change in vitality 0.00001 } first stage attack test (proximity) [Test Unit] deactivates_on_successful_execution 2.00, 4.00 { Activates on Success start first stage attack Link the light Polygon 152.260, 201.799 148.784, 196.967 140.256, 196.877 135.112, 201.782 Unit Count Greater Than 0 Reversed Polygon Flag } start first stage attack [Action List] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Actions to Activate first stage attack first stage retreat test Actions to Deactivate first stage attack test (vitality) first stage attack test (proximity) stop flanking myrms } first stage retreat test [Test Unit] deactivates_on_successful_execution 0.00, 0.00 { Link the light Polygon 141.389, 206.622 146.633, 206.944 Unit Count Less Than 1 Deactivates On Success first stage attack Activates on Success left myrmidons reset right myrmidons reset } first stage attack [Attack] deactivates_never 1.00, 2.00 { Attack All Enemies Flag Link left myrmidons right myrmidons } left myrmidons reset [Movement] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Waypoints 131.264, 188.967 Link left myrmidons Final Facing 41.48 Formation Index 5 Activates on Success first stage attack setup } right myrmidons reset [Movement] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Waypoints 155.227, 188.764 Link right myrmidons Final Facing 120.23 Formation Index 5 Activates on Success first stage attack setup } second stage attack test (proximity) [Test Unit] deactivates_on_successful_execution 2.00, 4.00 { Activates on Success start second stage attack Link the light Polygon 141.389, 206.622 146.633, 206.944 Unit Count Greater Than 8 } second stage attack test (1st vitality) [Test Unit] deactivates_on_successful_execution 2.00, 4.00 { Vitality Less Than 0.40000 Activates on Success start second stage attack Link left myrmidons right myrmidons } start second stage attack [Action List] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Actions to Activate second stage attack first stage attack trow attack test trow advance Actions to Deactivate first stage attack test (proximity) first stage retreat test front myrmidons attack test (vitality) } second stage attack [Attack] deactivates_never 1.00, 2.00 { Attack All Enemies Flag Link rear myrmidons } trow advance [Movement] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Waypoints 143.477, 190.708 Link trow } trow attack test [Test Unit] deactivates_on_successful_execution 1.00, 2.00 { Vitality Less Than 0.60000 Activates on Success trow attack Link rear myrmidons } trow attack [Attack] deactivates_never 1.00, 2.00 { Attack All Enemies Flag Link trow } -------------------- DEFENSIVE LINE #1 { } myrmidons 1 { (subj, monster_identifier) 10212 (myrmidon (coop)) 10211 (myrmidon (coop)) 10210 (myrmidon (coop)) 10209 (myrmidon (coop)) 10215 (myrmidon (coop)) 10216 (myrmidon (coop)) } fetch 1 { (subj, monster_identifier) 10217 (fetch) 10218 (fetch) } trow 1 { (subj, monster_identifier) 10029 (trow) 10031 (trow) } myrmidons 2 { (subj, monster_identifier) 10208 (myrmidon (coop)) 10214 (myrmidon (coop)) 10207 (myrmidon (coop)) 10213 (myrmidon (coop)) 10206 (myrmidon (coop)) 10205 (myrmidon (coop)) } fetch 2 { (subj, monster_identifier) 10219 (fetch) 10220 (fetch) } trow 2 { (subj, monster_identifier) 10030 (trow) 10032 (trow) } retreat #1 [Action List] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Actions to Activate everyone retreat Actions to Deactivate myrmidons attack 1 trow & fetch follow 1 trow & fetch attack 1 myrmidons attack 2 trow & fetch follow 2 trow & fetch attack 2 } everyone retreat [Movement] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Waypoints 200.702, 154.292 Final Facing 140.27 Formation Index 5 Link myrmidons 1 fetch 1 trow 1 myrmidons 2 fetch 2 trow 2 } attack #1 [Action List] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Actions to Activate myrmidons attack 1 myrmidons attack 2 trow & fetch follow 1 trow & fetch follow 2 } myrmidons attack 1 [Melee (for Thrall, Myrmidons, etc.)] deactivates_never 2.00, 4.00 { Link myrmidons 1 Formation 1 } trow & fetch follow 1 [Follow] deactivates_never 4.00, 6.00 { Link fetch 1 trow 1 Radius 12.001 Followed Elimination Actions trow & fetch attack 1 (obje, monster_identifier) 10211 (myrmidon (coop)) 10210 (myrmidon (coop)) 10216 (myrmidon (coop)) 10215 (myrmidon (coop)) } trow & fetch attack 1 [Attack] deactivates_never 2.00, 4.00 { Link fetch 1 trow 1 Attack All Enemies Flag } myrmidons attack 2 [Melee (for Thrall, Myrmidons, etc.)] deactivates_never 2.00, 4.00 { Link myrmidons 2 Formation 1 } trow & fetch follow 2 [Follow] deactivates_never 4.00, 6.00 { Link fetch 2 trow 2 Radius 12.001 Followed Elimination Actions trow & fetch attack 2 (obje, monster_identifier) 10205 (myrmidon (coop)) 10206 (myrmidon (coop)) 10207 (myrmidon (coop)) 10213 (myrmidon (coop)) } trow & fetch attack 2 [Attack] deactivates_never 2.00, 4.00 { Link Attack All Enemies Flag } -------------------- DEFENSIVE LINE #2 { } trow { (subj, monster_identifier) 10023 (trow) 10025 (trow) 10024 (trow) } retreat #2 [Action List] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Actions to Activate retreat Actions to Deactivate attack #2 } retreat [Movement] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Waypoints 124.536, 136.793 Link trow Final Facing 82.97 } attack #2 [Attack] deactivates_never 2.00, 4.00 { Attack All Enemies Flag Link trow } -------------------- DEFENSIVE LINE #3 { } myrmidons 1 { (subj, monster_identifier) 10194 (myrmidon (coop)) 10189 (myrmidon (coop)) 10190 (myrmidon (coop)) 10195 (myrmidon (coop)) 10191 (myrmidon (coop)) 10196 (myrmidon (coop)) 10192 (myrmidon (coop)) 10193 (myrmidon (coop)) 10221 (fetch) } myrmidons 2 { (subj, monster_identifier) 10202 (myrmidon (coop)) 10198 (myrmidon (coop)) 10197 (myrmidon (coop)) 10203 (myrmidon (coop)) 10199 (myrmidon (coop)) 10200 (myrmidon (coop)) 10201 (myrmidon (coop)) 10222 (fetch) } trow 1 { (subj, monster_identifier) 10026 (trow) 10020 (trow) 10022 (trow) } trow 2 { (subj, monster_identifier) 10258 (trow) 10021 (trow) 10033 (trow) } retreat #3 [Action List] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Actions to Activate everyone retreat Actions to Deactivate myrmidons attack 1 trow follow 1 trow attack 1 myrmidons attack 2 trow follow 2 trow attack 2 } everyone retreat [Movement] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Waypoints 159.725, 145.204 Final Facing 77.34 Formation Index 5 Link myrmidons 1 myrmidons 2 trow 1 trow 2 } attack #3 [Action List] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Actions to Activate myrmidons attack 1 trow follow 1 myrmidons attack 2 trow follow 2 } myrmidons attack 1 [Melee (for Thrall, Myrmidons, etc.)] deactivates_never 2.00, 4.00 { Link myrmidons 1 Formation 1 } trow follow 1 [Follow] deactivates_never 4.00, 6.00 { Link trow 1 Radius 12.001 Followed Elimination Actions trow attack 1 (obje, monster_identifier) 10192 (myrmidon (coop)) 10195 (myrmidon (coop)) 10191 (myrmidon (coop)) 10194 (myrmidon (coop)) 10190 (myrmidon (coop)) } trow attack 1 [Attack] deactivates_never 2.00, 4.00 { Link trow 1 Attack All Enemies Flag } myrmidons attack 2 [Melee (for Thrall, Myrmidons, etc.)] deactivates_never 2.00, 4.00 { Link myrmidons 2 Formation 1 } trow follow 2 [Follow] deactivates_never 4.00, 6.00 { Link trow 2 Radius 12.001 Followed Elimination Actions trow attack 2 (obje, monster_identifier) 10198 (myrmidon (coop)) 10199 (myrmidon (coop)) 10200 (myrmidon (coop)) 10202 (myrmidon (coop)) 10203 (myrmidon (coop)) } trow attack 2 [Attack] deactivates_never 2.00, 4.00 { Link trow 2 Attack All Enemies Flag } -------------------- DEFENSIVE LINE #4 { } myrmidons 1 { (subj, monster_identifier) 10164 (myrmidon (coop)) 10162 (myrmidon (coop)) 10163 (myrmidon (coop)) 10161 (myrmidon (coop)) 10160 (myrmidon (coop)) 10159 (myrmidon (coop)) 10158 (myrmidon (coop)) 10157 (myrmidon (coop)) 10165 (myrmidon (coop)) 10166 (myrmidon (coop)) 10167 (myrmidon (coop)) 10168 (myrmidon (coop)) 10169 (myrmidon (coop)) 10170 (myrmidon (coop)) 10171 (myrmidon (coop)) 10172 (myrmidon (coop)) } myrmidons 2 { (subj, monster_identifier) 10180 (myrmidon (coop)) 10179 (myrmidon (coop)) 10178 (myrmidon (coop)) 10177 (myrmidon (coop)) 10176 (myrmidon (coop)) 10175 (myrmidon (coop)) 10174 (myrmidon (coop)) 10173 (myrmidon (coop)) 10181 (myrmidon (coop)) 10182 (myrmidon (coop)) 10183 (myrmidon (coop)) 10184 (myrmidon (coop)) 10185 (myrmidon (coop)) 10186 (myrmidon (coop)) 10187 (myrmidon (coop)) 10188 (myrmidon (coop)) } trow 1 { (subj, monster_identifier) 10019 (trow) 10018 (trow) 10257 (trow) } trow 2 { (subj, monster_identifier) 10256 (trow) 10027 (trow) 10028 (trow) } trow & fetches { (subj, monster_identifier) 10012 (trow) 10014 (trow) 10042 (fetch) 10040 (fetch) 10041 (fetch) 10013 (trow) 10015 (trow) } retreat #4 [Action List] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Actions to Activate group retreat 1 group retreat 2 trow & fetches retreat Actions to Deactivate myrmidons attack 1 trow follow 1 trow attack 1 myrmidons attack 2 trow follow 2 trow attack 2 trow & fetches attack } group retreat 1 [Movement] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Waypoints 92.649, 140.879 Final Facing 61.88 Formation Index 5 Link myrmidons 1 trow 1 } group retreat 2 [Movement] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Waypoints 83.251, 140.811 Final Facing 61.88 Formation Index 5 Link myrmidons 2 trow 2 } trow & fetches retreat [Movement] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Waypoints 89.834, 154.088 Final Facing 61.88 Formation Index 1 Link trow & fetches } attack #4 [Action List] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Actions to Activate myrmidons attack 1 trow follow 1 myrmidons attack 2 trow follow 2 trow & fetches attack } trow & fetches attack [Attack] deactivates_never 2.00, 4.00 { Link trow & fetches Attack All Enemies Flag } myrmidons attack 1 [Melee (for Thrall, Myrmidons, etc.)] deactivates_never 2.00, 4.00 { Link myrmidons 1 Formation 6 } trow follow 1 [Follow] deactivates_never 4.00, 6.00 { Link trow 1 Radius 12.001 Followed Elimination Actions trow attack 1 (obje, monster_identifier) 10162 (myrmidon (coop)) 10170 (myrmidon (coop)) 10169 (myrmidon (coop)) 10160 (myrmidon (coop)) 10163 (myrmidon (coop)) 10171 (myrmidon (coop)) 10172 (myrmidon (coop)) 10164 (myrmidon (coop)) 10167 (myrmidon (coop)) 10158 (myrmidon (coop)) 10157 (myrmidon (coop)) } trow attack 1 [Attack] deactivates_on_trigger 2.00, 4.00 { Link trow 1 Attack All Enemies Flag } myrmidons attack 2 [Melee (for Thrall, Myrmidons, etc.)] deactivates_never 2.00, 4.00 { Link myrmidons 2 Formation 6 } trow follow 2 [Follow] deactivates_never 4.00, 6.00 { Link trow 2 Radius 12.001 Followed Elimination Actions trow attack 2 (obje, monster_identifier) 10178 (myrmidon (coop)) 10177 (myrmidon (coop)) 10185 (myrmidon (coop)) 10186 (myrmidon (coop)) 10182 (myrmidon (coop)) 10175 (myrmidon (coop)) 10176 (myrmidon (coop)) 10183 (myrmidon (coop)) 10184 (myrmidon (coop)) } trow attack 2 [Attack] deactivates_on_trigger 2.00, 4.00 { Link trow 2 Attack All Enemies Flag } -------------------- DEFENSIVE LINE TRIGGERS { } activate triggers [Action List] initially_active deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Actions to Activate trigger #1 trigger #2 trigger #3 trigger #4 guard vitality trigger } trigger #1 [Test Unit] deactivates_on_successful_execution 4.00, 8.00 { Polygon 177.038, 127.071 174.999, 139.184 174.944, 156.584 181.157, 174.385 200.225, 187.506 Activates on Success attack Link the light Unit Count Greater Than 0 } trigger #2 [Test Unit] deactivates_on_successful_execution 4.00, 8.00 { Activates on Success attack Link the light Object Test Radius 159.040, 144.817 154.069, 170.868 Unit Count Greater Than 0 } trigger #3 [Test Unit] deactivates_on_successful_execution 4.00, 8.00 { Activates on Success attack Link the light Object Test Radius 123.030, 136.106 124.196, 156.391 Unit Count Greater Than 0 } trigger #4 [Test Unit] deactivates_on_successful_execution 4.00, 8.00 { Activates on Success attack Link the light Object Test Radius 89.907, 140.893 91.926, 174.579 Unit Count Greater Than 0 } guard vitality trigger [Test Unit] deactivates_on_successful_execution 4.00, 8.00 { Change in vitality 0.04999 Monsters 10332 (trow) 10333 (trow) 10334 (trow) 10335 (trow) Activates on Success attack } attack [Action List] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Actions to Activate attack #1 attack #2 attack #3 attack #4 retreat test } retreat test [Test Unit] deactivates_on_successful_execution 0.00, 0.00 { Activates on Success retreat Link the light Polygon 141.389, 206.622 146.633, 206.944 Unit Count Less Than 1 } retreat [Action List] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Actions to Activate retreat #1 retreat #2 retreat #3 retreat #4 activate triggers Actions to Deactivate retreat test } -------------------- FIRST ENCOUNTER { } left myrmidons { (subj, monster_identifier) 10119 (myrmidon (coop)) 10122 (myrmidon (coop)) 10123 (myrmidon (coop)) 10118 (myrmidon (coop)) 10121 (myrmidon (coop)) 10117 (myrmidon (coop)) 10120 (myrmidon (coop)) 10116 (myrmidon (coop)) } right myrmidons { (subj, monster_identifier) 10124 (myrmidon (coop)) 10131 (myrmidon (coop)) 10125 (myrmidon (coop)) 10126 (myrmidon (coop)) 10130 (myrmidon (coop)) 10129 (myrmidon (coop)) 10127 (myrmidon (coop)) 10128 (myrmidon (coop)) } fetches { (subj, monster_identifier) 10132 (fetch) 10133 (fetch) } trow { (subj, monster_identifier) 10115 (trow) } activate (vitality) [Test Unit] initially_active deactivates_on_successful_execution 2.00, 4.00 { Link left myrmidons right myrmidons fetches trow Vitality Less Than 1.00001 Activates on Success setup attack } activate (proximity) [Test Unit] initially_active deactivates_on_successful_execution 1.00, 2.00 { Polygon 64.342, 189.653 61.688, 177.911 Unit Count Greater Than 0 Link the light Activates on Success setup attack } setup attack [Action List] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Actions to Activate left myrmidons break right myrmidons break attack } left myrmidons break [Movement] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Waypoints 47.729, 197.237 Final Facing 352.27 Formation Index 1 Link left myrmidons } right myrmidons break [Movement] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Waypoints 53.200, 172.034 Final Facing 30.94 Formation Index 1 Link right myrmidons } attack [Action List] deactivates_on_trigger 10.00, 15.00 { Actions to Activate left myrmidons attack right myrmidons attack fetches attack trow attack test (myrmidon damage) trow attack test (self damage) trow attack test (time) } left myrmidons attack [Melee (for Thrall, Myrmidons, etc.)] deactivates_never 2.00, 4.00 { Link left myrmidons Formation 1 } right myrmidons attack [Melee (for Thrall, Myrmidons, etc.)] deactivates_never 2.00, 4.00 { Link right myrmidons Formation 1 } fetches attack [Attack] deactivates_never 2.00, 4.00 { Link fetches Attack All Enemies Flag } trow attack test (self damage) [Test Unit] deactivates_on_successful_execution 2.00, 4.00 { Link trow Vitality Less Than 0.99000 Activates on Success trow attack } trow attack test (myrmidon damage) [Test Unit] deactivates_on_successful_execution 2.00, 4.00 { Link left myrmidons right myrmidons fetches Vitality Less Than 0.50001 Activates on Success trow attack } trow attack test (time) [Action List] deactivates_on_trigger 30.00, 30.00 { Actions to Activate trow attack } trow attack [Attack] deactivates_never 2.00, 4.00 { Link trow Attack All Enemies Flag } -------------------- SECOND ENCOUNTER (fetches) { } attacking fetches { (subj, monster_identifier) 10308 (fetch) } attacking fetches (object) { (obje, monster_identifier) 10308 (fetch) } following fetches { (subj, monster_identifier) 10300 (fetch) 10307 (fetch) 10301 (fetch) 10302 (fetch) 10303 (fetch) 10304 (fetch) 10305 (fetch) 10306 (fetch) 10309 (fetch) 10310 (fetch) 10311 (fetch) 10312 (fetch) 10313 (fetch) } lone fetch patrol [Movement] initially_active deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Waypoints 37.491, 118.981 43.598, 119.758 Back and Forth Flag Link attacking fetches } fetches attack trigger (proximity) [Test Unit] initially_active deactivates_on_successful_execution 2.00, 4.00 { Polygon 20.403, 142.405 46.182, 148.702 74.823, 146.180 76.311, 133.239 Link the light Activates on Success fetches start attack left platoon right platoon reinforcements trigger Unit Count Greater Than 0 } fetches start attack [Action List] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Actions to Activate fetches attack fetches follow } fetches attack [Attack] deactivates_never 0.00, 0.00 { Link attacking fetches the light (obje) Attack Nearest Flag } fetches follow [Follow] deactivates_never 2.00, 4.00 { Followed Elimination Actions add another fetch Link attacking fetches (object) following fetches Follow Radius 10.001 } add another fetch [Action List] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Actions to Activate 2/11 4/11 5/11 7/11 8/11 11/11 Activate Only One Activates On Execution fetches follow fetches attack } 2/11 [Munger] activates_only_once deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Replace Parameters attacking fetches (subj, monster_identifier) 10308 (fetch) 10307 (fetch) Replace Parameters attacking fetches (object) (obje, monster_identifier) 10308 (fetch) 10307 (fetch) Replace Parameters following fetches (subj, monster_identifier) 10300 (fetch) 10301 (fetch) 10302 (fetch) 10303 (fetch) 10304 (fetch) 10305 (fetch) 10306 (fetch) 10309 (fetch) 10310 (fetch) 10311 (fetch) 10312 (fetch) 10313 (fetch) } 4/11 [Munger] activates_only_once deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Replace Parameters attacking fetches (subj, monster_identifier) 10308 (fetch) 10307 (fetch) 10300 (fetch) 10301 (fetch) Replace Parameters attacking fetches (object) (obje, monster_identifier) 10308 (fetch) 10307 (fetch) 10300 (fetch) 10301 (fetch) Replace Parameters following fetches (subj, monster_identifier) 10302 (fetch) 10303 (fetch) 10304 (fetch) 10305 (fetch) 10306 (fetch) 10309 (fetch) 10310 (fetch) 10311 (fetch) 10312 (fetch) 10313 (fetch) } 5/11 [Munger] activates_only_once deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Replace Parameters attacking fetches (subj, monster_identifier) 10308 (fetch) 10307 (fetch) 10300 (fetch) 10301 (fetch) 10302 (fetch) 10311 (fetch) Replace Parameters attacking fetches (object) (obje, monster_identifier) 10308 (fetch) 10307 (fetch) 10300 (fetch) 10301 (fetch) 10302 (fetch) 10311 (fetch) Replace Parameters following fetches (subj, monster_identifier) 10303 (fetch) 10304 (fetch) 10305 (fetch) 10306 (fetch) 10309 (fetch) 10310 (fetch) 10313 (fetch) 10312 (fetch) } 7/11 [Munger] activates_only_once deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Replace Parameters attacking fetches (subj, monster_identifier) 10308 (fetch) 10307 (fetch) 10300 (fetch) 10301 (fetch) 10302 (fetch) 10303 (fetch) 10304 (fetch) 10311 (fetch) 10312 (fetch) Replace Parameters attacking fetches (object) (obje, monster_identifier) 10308 (fetch) 10307 (fetch) 10300 (fetch) 10301 (fetch) 10302 (fetch) 10303 (fetch) 10304 (fetch) 10311 (fetch) 10312 (fetch) Replace Parameters following fetches (subj, monster_identifier) 10305 (fetch) 10306 (fetch) 10309 (fetch) 10310 (fetch) 10313 (fetch) } 8/11 [Munger] activates_only_once deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Replace Parameters attacking fetches (subj, monster_identifier) 10308 (fetch) 10307 (fetch) 10300 (fetch) 10301 (fetch) 10302 (fetch) 10303 (fetch) 10304 (fetch) 10305 (fetch) 10311 (fetch) 10312 (fetch) Replace Parameters attacking fetches (object) (obje, monster_identifier) 10308 (fetch) 10307 (fetch) 10300 (fetch) 10301 (fetch) 10302 (fetch) 10303 (fetch) 10304 (fetch) 10305 (fetch) 10311 (fetch) 10312 (fetch) Replace Parameters following fetches (subj, monster_identifier) 10306 (fetch) 10309 (fetch) 10310 (fetch) 10313 (fetch) } 11/11 [Munger] activates_only_once deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Replace Parameters attacking fetches (subj, monster_identifier) 10308 (fetch) 10307 (fetch) 10300 (fetch) 10301 (fetch) 10302 (fetch) 10303 (fetch) 10304 (fetch) 10305 (fetch) 10306 (fetch) 10309 (fetch) 10310 (fetch) 10311 (fetch) 10312 (fetch) 10313 (fetch) Replace Parameters attacking fetches (object) (obje, monster_identifier) 10308 (fetch) 10307 (fetch) 10300 (fetch) 10301 (fetch) 10302 (fetch) 10303 (fetch) 10304 (fetch) 10305 (fetch) 10306 (fetch) 10309 (fetch) 10310 (fetch) 10311 (fetch) 10312 (fetch) 10313 (fetch) Replace Parameters following fetches (subj, monster_identifier) } -------------------- SECOND ENCOUNTER (everyone else) { } left myrmidons { (subj, monster_identifier) 10297 (myrmidon (coop)) 10296 (myrmidon (coop)) 10138 (myrmidon (coop)) 10298 (myrmidon (coop)) 10299 (myrmidon (coop)) 10137 (myrmidon (coop)) } right myrmidons { (subj, monster_identifier) 10293 (myrmidon (coop)) 10139 (myrmidon (coop)) 10292 (myrmidon (coop)) 10294 (myrmidon (coop)) 10295 (myrmidon (coop)) 10140 (myrmidon (coop)) } myrmidons (object) { (obje, monster_identifier) 10293 (myrmidon (coop)) 10292 (myrmidon (coop)) 10295 (myrmidon (coop)) 10298 (myrmidon (coop)) 10296 (myrmidon (coop)) } left fetch { (subj, monster_identifier) 10136 (fetch) } right fetch { (subj, monster_identifier) 10135 (fetch) } left fetch (object) { (obje, monster_identifier) 10136 (fetch) } right fetch (object) { (obje, monster_identifier) 10135 (fetch) } trow { (subj, monster_identifier) 10134 () } setup attack tests [Action List] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Actions to Activate attack trigger (vitality delta) attack trigger (proximity) } attack trigger (vitality delta) [Test Unit] deactivates_on_successful_execution 2.00, 4.00 { Link left myrmidons right myrmidons left fetch right fetch trow Change in vitality 0.00001 Activates on Success setup attack } attack trigger (proximity) [Test Unit] deactivates_on_successful_execution 2.00, 4.00 { Link the light Polygon 39.038, 106.348 45.569, 106.235 Activates on Success setup attack Unit Count Greater Than 0 } setup attack [Action List] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Actions to Activate two fetches attack left myrmidons follow right myrmidons follow trow follow retreat test } retreat test [Test Unit] deactivates_on_successful_execution 0.00, 0.00 { Polygon 32.600, 132.184 38.606, 133.829 Link the light Unit Count Less Than 1 Activates on Success retreat setup } retreat setup [Action List] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Actions to Activate setup attack tests left fetch reset right fetch reset Actions to Deactivate two fetches attack } left fetch reset [Movement] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Waypoints 39.036, 109.586 Link left fetch Final Facing 88.95 } right fetch reset [Movement] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Waypoints 45.170, 110.018 Link right fetch Final Facing 88.95 } two fetches attack [Attack] deactivates_never 0.00, 0.00 { Link left fetch right fetch Attack All Enemies Flag } left myrmidons follow [Follow] deactivates_never 0.00, 0.00 { Link left myrmidons left fetch (object) Followed Elimination Actions left myrmidons attack } left myrmidons attack [Attack] deactivates_never 0.00, 0.00 { Attack All Enemies Flag Link left myrmidons } right myrmidons follow [Follow] deactivates_never 0.00, 0.00 { Link right myrmidons right fetch (object) Followed Elimination Actions right myrmidons attack } right myrmidons attack [Attack] deactivates_never 0.00, 0.00 { Attack All Enemies Flag Link right myrmidons } trow follow [Follow] deactivates_never 0.00, 0.00 { Link trow myrmidons (object) Followed Elimination Actions trow attack Follow Radius 4.000 } trow attack [Attack] deactivates_never 0.00, 0.00 { Attack All Enemies Flag Link trow } -------------------- THE BRIDGE { } left myrmidons { (subj, monster_identifier) 10240 (myrmidon (coop)) 10247 (myrmidon (coop)) 10255 (myrmidon (coop)) 10254 (myrmidon (coop)) 10249 (myrmidon (coop)) 10246 (myrmidon (coop)) 10241 (myrmidon (coop)) 10242 (myrmidon (coop)) 10245 (myrmidon (coop)) 10250 (myrmidon (coop)) 10251 (myrmidon (coop)) 10244 (myrmidon (coop)) 10243 (myrmidon (coop)) 10248 (myrmidon (coop)) 10252 (myrmidon (coop)) 10253 (myrmidon (coop)) } right myrmidons { (subj, monster_identifier) 10223 (myrmidon (coop)) 10224 (myrmidon (coop)) 10225 (myrmidon (coop)) 10226 (myrmidon (coop)) 10228 (myrmidon (coop)) 10229 (myrmidon (coop)) 10230 (myrmidon (coop)) 10231 (myrmidon (coop)) 10233 (myrmidon (coop)) 10234 (myrmidon (coop)) 10235 (myrmidon (coop)) 10232 (myrmidon (coop)) 10236 (myrmidon (coop)) 10237 (myrmidon (coop)) 10238 (myrmidon (coop)) 10239 (myrmidon (coop)) } left fetch { (subj, monster_identifier) 10087 (fetch) 10085 (fetch) 10086 (fetch) } fetches (object) { (obje, monster_identifier) 10087 (fetch) 10085 (fetch) 10086 (fetch) } trow { (subj, monster_identifier) 10084 (trow) 10083 (trow) } advance trigger [Look] initially_active deactivates_on_successful_execution 0.00, 0.00 { (subj, monster_identifier) 10240 (myrmidon (coop)) 10223 (myrmidon (coop)) Activates on Success left myrmidons advance right myrmidons advance trow & fetches advance attack trigger (vitality) light victory test } left myrmidons advance [Movement] deactivates_on_trigger 1.00, 1.00 { Waypoints 103.542, 43.077 Link left myrmidons Formation Index 0 Activates on Success stop myrmidons Final Facing 83.32 } right myrmidons advance [Movement] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Waypoints 114.354, 42.823 Link right myrmidons Formation Index 0 Activates on Success stop myrmidons Final Facing 88.95 } stop myrmidons [General Action] deactivates_on_trigger 30.00, 30.00 { Command Type 0 Link left myrmidons right myrmidons } trow & fetches advance [Movement] deactivates_on_trigger 20.00, 25.00 { Waypoints 108.807, 42.442 Link left fetch trow Activates on Success stop trow } stop trow [General Action] deactivates_on_trigger 10.00, 10.00 { Command Type 0 Link trow } attack trigger (vitality) [Test Unit] deactivates_on_successful_execution 0.00, 0.00 { Link left myrmidons right myrmidons left fetch trow Change in vitality 0.01000 Activates on Success fetches attack trow follow } fetches attack [Attack] deactivates_never 0.00, 0.00 { Link left fetch Attack All Enemies Flag } trow follow [Follow] deactivates_never 0.00, 0.00 { Link trow fetches (object) Follow Radius 4.000 Followed Elimination Actions trow attack left myrmidons attack right myrmidons attack } trow attack [Attack] deactivates_never 0.00, 0.00 { Attack All Enemies Flag Link trow } left myrmidons follow [Follow] deactivates_never 0.00, 0.00 { Follow Radius 8.001 Followed Elimination Actions left myrmidons attack Link left myrmidons (obje, monster_identifier) 10083 (trow) 10084 (trow) } left myrmidons attack [Attack] only_initial_delay deactivates_never 25.00, 25.00 { Attack All Enemies Flag Link left myrmidons } right myrmidons follow [Follow] deactivates_never 0.00, 0.00 { Follow Radius 8.001 Followed Elimination Actions right myrmidons attack Link right myrmidons (obje, monster_identifier) 10247 (myrmidon (coop)) 10246 (myrmidon (coop)) 10253 (myrmidon (coop)) 10251 (myrmidon (coop)) 10245 (myrmidon (coop)) 10242 (myrmidon (coop)) } right myrmidons attack [Attack] only_initial_delay deactivates_never 35.00, 35.00 { Attack All Enemies Flag Link right myrmidons } light victory test [Test Unit] deactivates_on_successful_execution 5.00, 10.00 { Link left myrmidons right myrmidons left fetch trow Unit Count Less Than 1 Activates on Success light victory } light victory [Endgame Condition] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Light Victory Flag } -------------------- DARK VICTORY { } dark victory test [Test Unit] initially_active deactivates_on_successful_execution 4.00, 4.00 { Activates on Success dark victory Link the light Unit Count Less Than 1 } dark victory [Endgame Condition] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Dark Victory Flag } -------------------- PATROLS { } fetch 1 [Movement] initially_active deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Waypoints 74.532, 153.850 90.551, 156.245 101.122, 154.110 Back and Forth Flag Monsters 10332 (trow) } fetch 2 [Movement] initially_active deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Waypoints 108.944, 143.096 145.799, 147.561 Back and Forth Flag Monsters 10334 (trow) } fetch 3 [Movement] initially_active deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Waypoints 105.561, 152.336 148.540, 152.559 Back and Forth Flag Monsters 10333 (trow) } fetch 4 [Movement] initially_active deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Waypoints 189.823, 164.522 157.377, 158.000 Back and Forth Flag Monsters 10335 (trow) } -------------------- PRE BRIDGE PLATOONS { } left platoon [Platoon] deactivates_never 0.00, 0.00 { Initial State left platoon movement Initial Squads left myrmidons squad left fetch squad Centerpoint 29.983, 74.018 Facing 88.95 } left myrmidons squad [Squad] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Link left myrmidons Centerpoint 31.981, 72.012 Facing Formation 4 } left fetch squad [Squad] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Centerpoint 29.999, 74.016 Facing Formation 0 Link left fetch } left platoon movement [Platoon Movement] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Waypoints 41.999, 70.045 42.043, 76.069 41.920, 84.049 49.954, 83.965 57.975, 84.038 65.881, 83.979 74.075, 83.946 81.932, 84.071 90.002, 84.016 98.024, 84.042 105.938, 84.034 114.014, 84.038 121.971, 84.020 129.875, 81.963 130.000, 74.001 122.225, 73.924 113.938, 71.999 105.956, 72.081 97.862, 72.010 89.756, 69.967 81.999, 70.016 73.997, 70.022 66.001, 70.045 58.043, 70.024 49.897, 69.997 Waypoint Radii Radii 16.000 20.000 Loop Flag } right platoon [Platoon] deactivates_never 0.00, 0.00 { Initial State right platoon movement Initial Squads right fetch squad right myrmidons squad Centerpoint 29.983, 74.018 Facing 88.95 } right fetch squad [Squad] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Centerpoint 29.999, 74.016 Facing Formation 0 Link right fetch } right myrmidons squad [Squad] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Link right myrmidons Centerpoint 31.995, 72.034 Facing Formation 4 } right platoon movement [Platoon Movement] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Waypoints 40.026, 95.999 45.965, 94.002 52.551, 93.477 57.975, 94.745 65.555, 97.604 72.579, 100.608 78.678, 101.262 83.547, 105.192 90.674, 105.811 98.719, 105.502 105.122, 108.061 105.153, 114.594 109.495, 123.563 118.952, 126.209 123.764, 118.862 116.751, 112.579 108.930, 104.723 95.377, 101.926 88.053, 106.024 77.022, 110.124 69.823, 110.057 60.801, 108.764 54.754, 107.774 45.532, 104.915 Waypoint Radii Radii 16.000 20.000 Loop Flag } -------------------- REINFORCEMENTS { } reinforcement dwarf { (subj, monster_identifier) 10328 (dwarf tfl) 10331 (dwarf tfl) } reinforcement berserks { (subj, monster_identifier) 10323 (berserk) 10320 (berserk) 10322 (berserk) 10319 (berserk) 10318 (berserk) 10321 (berserk) 10329 (berserk) 10330 (berserk) } reinforcement archers { (subj, monster_identifier) 10327 (fir'bolg (flameless)) 10325 (fir'bolg (flameless)) 10326 (fir'bolg (flameless)) 10324 (fir'bolg (flameless)) } reinforcements trigger [Test Unit] deactivates_on_successful_execution 0.00, 0.00 { Polygon 87.206, 64.346 86.418, 89.827 94.479, 119.024 111.797, 125.075 Unit Count Less Than 1 Link the light Activates on Success need archers trigger? need berserks trigger? need dwarves trigger? reinforcements advance Reversed Polygon Flag Inhibitions dark victory test } need archers trigger? [Test Unit] deactivates_on_execution 0.00, 0.00 { Link archers Unit Count Less Than 5 Activates on Success archers visible } archers visible [Unit Control] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Visible Flag Link reinforcement archers Reinforcements Alert } need berserks trigger? [Test Unit] deactivates_on_execution 0.00, 0.00 { Link left berserks right berserks Unit Count Less Than 8 Activates on Success berserks visible } berserks visible [Unit Control] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Visible Flag Link reinforcement berserks Reinforcements Alert } need dwarves trigger? [Test Unit] deactivates_on_execution 0.00, 0.00 { Link left dwarves right dwarves Unit Count Less Than 3 Activates on Success dwarves visible } dwarves visible [Unit Control] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Visible Flag Link reinforcement dwarf Reinforcements Alert } reinforcements advance [Movement] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Waypoints 101.301, 68.635 Link reinforcement dwarf reinforcement berserks reinforcement archers } the light (obje) { (obje, monster_identifier) 10007 (berserk) 10006 (berserk) 10002 (berserk) 10001 (berserk) 10000 (berserk) 10005 (berserk) 10004 (berserk) 10003 (berserk) 10079 (dwarf tfl) 10048 (Forest Giant) 10047 (Forest Giant) 10046 (Forest Giant) 10074 (fir'bolg (flameless)) 10071 (fir'bolg (flameless)) 10070 (fir'bolg (flameless)) 10072 (fir'bolg (flameless)) 10073 (fir'bolg (flameless)) 10075 (fir'bolg (flameless)) 10076 (fir'bolg (flameless)) 10077 (fir'bolg (flameless)) 10081 (dwarf tfl) 10080 (dwarf tfl) 10050 (berserk) 10049 (berserk) 10053 (berserk) 10054 (berserk) 10055 (berserk) 10052 (berserk) 10051 (berserk) 10056 (berserk) }