-- Dark Forces { Link North Forces -w Legion 1 Legion 2 Legion 3 Rabble scarypants the shade } North Forces -w { Link north thrall -w north fetch -w north thrall 2 -w } north thrall -w { (subj, monster_identifier) 10176 (thrall) 10175 (thrall) 10174 (thrall) 10173 (thrall) 10171 (thrall) 10169 (thrall) 10172 (thrall) 10170 (thrall) } north thrall 2 -w { (subj, monster_identifier) 10193 (thrall) 10191 (thrall) 10196 (thrall) 10192 (thrall) 10197 (thrall) 10198 (thrall) 10194 (thrall) 10195 (thrall) } north thrall (obje) { (obje, monster_identifier) 10176 (thrall) 10175 (thrall) 10174 (thrall) 10173 (thrall) 10171 (thrall) 10170 (thrall) 10169 (thrall) 10172 (thrall) } north soulless -w { (subj, monster_identifier) 10190 (soulless) 10183 (soulless) 10184 (soulless) 10185 (soulless) } north soulless 2 -w { (subj, monster_identifier) 10189 (soulless) 10186 (soulless) 10187 (soulless) 10188 (soulless) } north fetch -w { (subj, monster_identifier) 10168 (fetch) 10199 (fetch) 10263 (fetch) 10264 (fetch) } Legion 1 { Link Leg.1 L thrall -d Leg. 1 Soulless -d Leg. 1 R Thrall -d } Leg.1 L thrall -d { (subj, monster_identifier) 10096 (thrall) 10098 (thrall) 10086 (thrall) 10097 (thrall) 10099 (thrall) 10100 (thrall) } Leg. 1 Soulless -d { (subj, monster_identifier) 10092 (soulless) 10091 (soulless) 10093 (soulless) 10094 (soulless) 10095 (soulless) } Leg. 1 R Thrall -d { (subj, monster_identifier) 10104 (thrall) 10106 (thrall) 10105 (thrall) 10108 (thrall) 10107 (thrall) 10109 (thrall) } Legion 2 { Link Leg. 2 thrall -w Leg. 2 soulless -w Leg. 2 Soulless -w } Leg. 2 thrall -w { (subj, monster_identifier) 10222 (thrall) 10218 (thrall) 10214 (thrall) 10210 (thrall) 10209 (thrall) 10213 (thrall) 10221 (thrall) 10217 (thrall) 10220 (thrall) 10216 (thrall) 10212 (thrall) 10208 (thrall) 10207 (thrall) 10211 (thrall) 10215 (thrall) 10219 (thrall) 10272 (thrall) 10271 (thrall) 10269 (thrall) 10270 (thrall) 10276 (thrall) 10275 (thrall) 10273 (thrall) 10274 (thrall) } Leg. 2 soulless -w { (subj, monster_identifier) 10267 (soulless) 10265 (soulless) 10266 (soulless) 10268 (soulless) } Leg. 2 Soulless -w { (subj, monster_identifier) 10203 (soulless) 10204 (soulless) 10205 (soulless) 10206 (soulless) } Legion 3 { Link Leg. 3 Thrall Leg. 3 Soulless Leg. 3 Fetch } Leg. 3 Thrall { (subj, monster_identifier) 10235 (thrall) 10231 (thrall) 10227 (thrall) 10223 (thrall) 10224 (thrall) 10228 (thrall) 10232 (thrall) 10236 (thrall) 10225 (thrall) 10229 (thrall) 10233 (thrall) 10237 (thrall) 10226 (thrall) 10234 (thrall) 10238 (thrall) 10230 (thrall) 10323 (thrall) 10322 (thrall) 10320 (thrall) 10321 (thrall) 10319 (thrall) 10317 (thrall) 10318 (thrall) 10316 (thrall) } Leg. 3 Soulless { (subj, monster_identifier) 10239 (soulless) 10240 (soulless) 10241 (soulless) 10242 (soulless) 10324 (soulless) 10325 (soulless) 10326 (soulless) 10327 (soulless) } Leg. 3 Fetch { (subj, monster_identifier) 10246 (fetch) 10245 (fetch) 10314 (fetch) 10315 (fetch) } Rabble { Link Rabble Thrall Rabble Soulless } Rabble Thrall { (subj, monster_identifier) 10048 (thrall) 10053 (thrall) 10052 (thrall) 10057 (thrall) 10050 (thrall) 10055 (thrall) 10063 (thrall) 10051 (thrall) 10065 (thrall) 10061 (thrall) 10064 (thrall) 10058 (thrall) 10056 (thrall) 10049 (thrall) 10059 (thrall) 10060 (thrall) 10054 (thrall) 10062 (thrall) 10283 (thrall) 10281 (thrall) 10280 (thrall) 10284 (thrall) 10282 (thrall) 10285 (thrall) } Rabble Soulless { (subj, monster_identifier) 10069 (soulless) 10066 (soulless) 10071 (soulless) } initial enemies { (subj, monster_identifier) 10025 (thrall) 10024 (thrall) 10021 (thrall) 10026 (thrall) 10020 () 10164 (thrall) 10177 (thrall) 10178 (thrall) 10180 (thrall) 10182 (thrall) 10165 (thrall) 10181 (thrall) 10250 (soulless) 10249 (soulless) 10247 (soulless) 10248 (soulless) 10330 (thrall) 10331 (thrall) 10329 (thrall) 10328 (thrall) } scarypants the shade { (subj, monster_identifier) 10252 (shade) } -- Light Forces { Link Warriors Archers R Archers L Journeyman } Warriors { (subj, monster_identifier) 10006 (warrior) 10002 (warrior) 10004 (warrior) 10001 (warrior) 10007 (warrior) 10005 (warrior) 10003 (warrior) 10009 (warrior) 10010 (warrior) 10008 (warrior) } Archers R { (subj, monster_identifier) 10012 (fir'bolg (flameless)) 10014 (fir'bolg (flameless)) 10013 (fir'bolg (flameless)) 10011 (fir'bolg (flameless)) } Archers L { (subj, monster_identifier) 10015 (fir'bolg (flameless)) 10016 (fir'bolg (flameless)) 10018 (fir'bolg (flameless)) 10017 (fir'bolg (flameless)) } Journeyman { (subj, monster_identifier) 10019 (journeyman) } -- Victory Conditions { } Light Wiped Out [Test Unit] initially_active deactivates_on_successful_execution 8.00, 15.00 { Unit Count Less Than 1 Link -- Light Forces Activates on Success Dark Victory } Dark Victory [Endgame Condition] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Dark Victory Flag } Shade Killed [Test Unit] deactivates_on_successful_execution 3.00, 5.00 { Unit Count Less Than 1 Link scarypants the shade Activates on Success Light Victory } SE platoon within 16 of players troops? [Test Unit] deactivates_never 5.00, 5.00 { Enemy Closer Than Radius 32.001 Link -- Light Forces Activates on Failure Light Victory } Light Victory [Endgame Condition] deactivates_on_successful_execution 0.00, 0.00 { Light Victory Flag } -- Initial Actions { } souless atop hill go to guard mode [General Action] initially_active deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Command Type 4 Link north soulless -w north soulless 2 -w } souless monitor [Test Unit] initially_active deactivates_on_successful_execution 2.00, 4.00 { Vitality Less Than 0.99000 Link north soulless -w north soulless 2 -w Activates on Success soulless attack } soulless attack [Attack] no_initial_delay deactivates_never 3.00, 6.00 { Attack All Enemies Flag Link north soulless -w north soulless 2 -w } "This should be easy - they look disorganized!" [Sound Action] initially_active deactivates_on_trigger 3.00, 5.00 { Sound Tag 313 should be easy Override Flag true Monster 10019 (journeyman) } initial thrall [Attack] initially_active deactivates_never 3.00, 5.00 { Attack All Enemies Flag Link initial enemies } initial wight [Suicide (for wights)] initially_active, no_initial_delay deactivates_never 2.00, 4.00 { Subject 10080 () Fear Duration 2 } ------ { } Player moves to first box [Test Unit] initially_active deactivates_on_successful_execution 2.00, 3.00 { Unit Count Greater Than 0 Polygon 216.764, 59.897 215.116, 96.334 243.883, 94.301 240.278, 61.891 Link -- Light Forces Activates on Success if player moves north if player moves into pass first box action list } first box action list [Action List] deactivates_on_successful_execution 0.00, 0.00 { Actions to Activate N Thrall 1 move into position N Thrall 2 move into position N fetch move into position make n platoon visible } make n platoon visible [Unit Control] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Visible Flag true Link North Forces -w Health Fraction 0.70000 0.99000 } N Thrall 1 move into position [Movement] deactivates_on_trigger 1.00, 1.00 { Link north thrall -w Waypoints 227.649, 34.196 Formation Index 8 Final Facing 85.78 } N Thrall 2 move into position [Movement] deactivates_on_trigger 1.00, 1.00 { Link north thrall 2 -w Waypoints 227.819, 31.331 Formation Index 8 Final Facing 86.84 } N fetch move into position [Movement] deactivates_on_trigger 1.00, 1.00 { Link north fetch -w Waypoints 227.768, 28.838 Final Facing 82.97 } -- { } if player moves north [Test Unit] deactivates_on_successful_execution 2.00, 3.00 { Unit Count Greater Than 0 Link -- Light Forces Polygon 212.778, 40.456 217.340, 58.409 235.167, 59.057 242.231, 38.231 Activates on Success north wedge action list east platoon action list Deactivates On Success if player moves into pass } north wedge action list [Action List] deactivates_on_successful_execution 0.00, 0.00 { Actions to Activate north platoon Fetch attacks when thrall hammered enemy in range } Fetch attacks when thrall hammered [Test Unit] deactivates_on_successful_execution 2.00, 2.00 { Vitality Less Than 0.75001 Link north thrall -w north thrall 2 -w Activates on Success fetch attacks thrall scatter Deactivates On Success north platoon enemy in range } enemy in range [Test Unit] deactivates_on_successful_execution 2.00, 2.00 { Link north fetch -w Activates on Success fetch attacks thrall scatter Deactivates On Success north platoon Fetch attacks when thrall hammered Enemy Closer Than Radius 10.501 } thrall scatter [General Action] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Command Type 1 Link north thrall -w north thrall 2 -w Activates on Trigger thrall break and attack thrall 2 break and attack } fetch attacks [Attack] deactivates_never 2.00, 3.00 { Attack All Enemies Flag Link north fetch -w } thrall break and attack [Melee (for Thrall, Myrmidons, etc.)] deactivates_never 2.00, 2.00 { Formation 8 Link north thrall -w } thrall 2 break and attack [Melee (for Thrall, Myrmidons, etc.)] deactivates_never 2.00, 2.00 { Formation 8 Link north thrall 2 -w } north platoon [Platoon] deactivates_never 3.00, 4.00 { Initial State north thrall attack south Initial Squads north thrall squad fetch squad north thrall 2 squad Centerpoint 229.487, 36.038 Facing 91.41 } north thrall squad [Squad] deactivates_on_trigger 1.00, 2.00 { Centerpoint 229.366, 34.120 Facing Formation 8 Link north thrall -w } north thrall 2 squad [Squad] deactivates_on_trigger 1.00, 2.00 { Centerpoint 229.915, 28.321 Facing Formation 9 Link north thrall 2 -w } fetch squad [Squad] deactivates_on_trigger 1.00, 2.00 { Centerpoint 229.983, 28.454 Facing Formation 0 Link north fetch -w } north thrall attack south [Platoon Movement] deactivates_on_trigger 2.00, 2.00 { Waypoints 227.565, 39.377 226.454, 47.723 225.625, 55.864 225.233, 63.426 223.866, 71.079 Waypoint Radii Radii 8.001 8.001 Activates on Success Look for player at top of hill } Look for player at top of hill [Test Unit] deactivates_on_execution 1.00, 3.00 { Unit Count Greater Than 0 Link -- Light Forces Polygon 194.051, 26.643 168.899, 30.614 170.208, 42.188 207.834, 50.950 212.137, 44.043 207.305, 31.081 Closed Polygon Flag Activates on Success send wedge to hill Activates on Failure Look for player near lava } send wedge to hill [Munger] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Replace Parameters north platoon (stat, action_identifier) north thrall head to hill Activate Actions north platoon } north thrall head to hill [Platoon Movement] deactivates_on_trigger 2.00, 2.00 { Waypoints 223.514, 76.549 216.180, 75.606 206.375, 71.167 198.766, 70.415 192.795, 67.993 193.504, 62.372 193.907, 51.917 193.331, 43.629 193.770, 36.575 194.225, 30.379 Waypoint Radii Radii 8.001 8.001 Activates on Success } Look for player near lava [Test Unit] deactivates_on_execution 1.00, 2.00 { Unit Count Greater Than 0 Link -- Light Forces Polygon 193.139, 85.868 213.872, 86.741 217.165, 60.280 180.913, 57.913 Activates on Success send wedge to lava Activates on Failure Look for player in south canyon } send wedge to lava [Munger] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Replace Parameters north platoon (stat, action_identifier) north thrall head to lava Activate Actions north platoon } north thrall head to lava [Platoon Movement] deactivates_on_trigger 2.00, 2.00 { Waypoints 221.370, 75.321 214.334, 73.792 208.508, 73.192 202.647, 72.610 196.163, 71.745 190.217, 70.229 181.483, 68.030 173.842, 67.754 168.002, 68.045 158.338, 65.276 Waypoint Radii Radii 8.001 8.001 Activates on Success } Look for player in south canyon [Test Unit] deactivates_on_execution 2.00, 4.00 { Unit Count Greater Than 0 Link -- Light Forces Polygon 240.204, 92.417 242.276, 66.188 218.631, 58.924 216.352, 88.305 Activates on Success send wedge to south canyon Activates on Failure Look for player at top of hill } send wedge to south canyon [Munger] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Replace Parameters north platoon (stat, action_identifier) north thrall head to south canyon Activate Actions north platoon } north thrall head to south canyon [Platoon Movement] deactivates_on_trigger 2.00, 2.00 { Waypoints 230.725, 82.797 231.092, 91.090 232.426, 99.329 233.936, 107.233 234.565, 115.829 234.573, 123.877 234.459, 135.651 Waypoint Radii Radii 8.001 8.001 Activates on Success } -- { } east platoon action list [Action List] deactivates_on_trigger 1.00, 1.00 { Actions to Activate east platoon sensor east platoon make e platoon visible Actions to Deactivate } make e platoon visible [Unit Control] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Visible Flag true Link Legion 1 Monsters 10260 (soulless) 10262 (soulless) 10258 (soulless) 10259 (soulless) 10261 (soulless) Health Fraction 0.79999 1.00001 } east platoon sensor [Test Unit] deactivates_never 2.00, 4.00 { Enemy Closer Than Radius 20.000 Activates on Success east platoon munger Link Legion 1 } east platoon munger [Munger] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Replace Parameters east platoon (#att, flag) Activate Actions east platoon } east platoon [Platoon] deactivates_never 2.00, 3.00 { Initial State east platoon exits Initial Squads east thrall squad left east thrall squad right east soulless squad east soulless 2 Centerpoint 204.303, 71.528 Facing 8.79 } east thrall squad left [Squad] deactivates_on_trigger 1.00, 2.00 { Centerpoint 197.776, 74.266 Facing Formation 4 Link Leg.1 L thrall -d } east thrall squad right [Squad] deactivates_on_trigger 1.00, 2.00 { Centerpoint 198.188, 67.948 Facing Formation 4 Link Leg. 1 R Thrall -d } east soulless squad [Squad] deactivates_on_trigger 1.00, 2.00 { Centerpoint 202.069, 71.231 Facing Formation 1 Link Leg. 1 Soulless -d } east soulless 2 [Squad] deactivates_on_trigger 1.00, 2.00 { Centerpoint 194.022, 70.809 Facing Formation 1 Monsters 10260 (soulless) 10262 (soulless) 10258 (soulless) 10259 (soulless) 10261 (soulless) } east platoon exits [Platoon Movement] deactivates_on_trigger 2.00, 2.00 { Waypoints 207.270, 71.967 212.655, 73.409 218.229, 73.157 222.653, 72.436 Waypoint Radii Radii 16.000 18.000 Activates on Success Look for player in north } Look for player in north [Test Unit] deactivates_on_execution 1.00, 3.00 { Unit Count Greater Than 0 Link -- Light Forces Polygon 213.754, 48.758 216.372, 71.743 241.897, 72.448 240.959, 55.778 Activates on Success send wedge to north Activates on Failure Look for player in south canyon } send wedge to north [Munger] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Replace Parameters east platoon (stat, action_identifier) east platoon heads north Activate Actions east platoon } east platoon heads north [Platoon Movement] deactivates_on_trigger 2.00, 2.00 { Waypoints 224.245, 68.877 226.124, 60.014 227.348, 51.848 228.239, 39.536 224.729, 27.649 Waypoint Radii Radii 16.000 18.000 Activates on Success Look for player in north } Look for player in south [Test Unit] deactivates_on_execution 2.00, 4.00 { Unit Count Greater Than 0 Link -- Light Forces Polygon 247.657, 138.112 235.749, 70.557 217.500, 71.329 199.659, 135.715 Activates on Success send wedge to south Activates on Failure Look for player in north } send wedge to south [Munger] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Replace Parameters east platoon (stat, action_identifier) east platoon heads south Activate Actions east platoon } east platoon heads south [Platoon Movement] deactivates_on_trigger 2.00, 2.00 { Waypoints 228.252, 84.274 228.565, 92.948 233.961, 102.918 235.456, 110.549 236.760, 119.272 235.047, 134.172 Waypoint Radii Radii 16.000 18.000 Activates on Success Look for player in north } -- { } if player moves into pass [Test Unit] deactivates_on_successful_execution 2.00, 3.00 { Unit Count Greater Than 0 Link -- Light Forces Polygon 210.049, 84.735 214.198, 84.032 210.616, 65.864 208.120, 63.727 Activates on Success north wedge action list east platoon action list Deactivates On Success if player moves north } -- { } player heads east [Test Unit] initially_active deactivates_on_successful_execution 2.00, 5.00 { Link -- Light Forces Activates on Success ne platoon ne platoon sensor rabble action list make ne platoon visible Deactivates On Success player heads south Unit Count Greater Than 0 Polygon 134.034, 61.333 161.997, 80.184 168.139, 43.116 163.577, 36.627 } make ne platoon visible [Unit Control] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Visible Flag true Link Legion 2 Health Fraction 0.70000 1.00001 } ne platoon sensor [Test Unit] deactivates_never 2.00, 4.00 { Enemy Closer Than Radius 24.000 Activates on Success ne platoon munger Link Legion 2 } ne platoon munger [Munger] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Replace Parameters ne platoon (#att, flag) Activate Actions ne platoon } ne platoon [Platoon] deactivates_never 2.00, 3.00 { Initial State ne platoon attacks Initial Squads ne thrall squad ne soulless squad ne soulless 2 squad Centerpoint 142.077, 42.102 Facing 43.59 } ne thrall squad [Squad] deactivates_on_trigger 1.00, 2.00 { Centerpoint 138.833, 40.559 Facing Formation 0 Link Leg. 2 thrall -w } ne soulless squad [Squad] deactivates_on_trigger 1.00, 2.00 { Centerpoint 140.206, 36.059 Facing Formation 1 Link Leg. 2 Soulless -w } ne soulless 2 squad [Squad] deactivates_on_trigger 1.00, 2.00 { Centerpoint 130.581, 31.942 Facing Formation 1 Link Leg. 2 soulless -w } ne platoon attacks [Platoon Movement] deactivates_on_trigger 2.00, 2.00 { Waypoints 142.729, 47.848 149.624, 57.708 159.555, 65.618 165.399, 67.899 Waypoint Radii Radii 16.000 16.000 Activates on Success Look for player in south-central } Look for player in south-central [Test Unit] deactivates_on_execution 2.00, 3.00 { Unit Count Greater Than 0 Link -- Light Forces Polygon 167.510, 88.016 133.426, 105.411 135.411, 144.829 181.225, 150.844 Activates on Success send platoon to south-central Activates on Failure Look for player in west Closed Polygon Flag } send platoon to south-central [Munger] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Replace Parameters ne platoon (stat, action_identifier) ne platoon heads s-c Activate Actions ne platoon } ne platoon heads s-c [Platoon Movement] deactivates_on_trigger 2.00, 2.00 { Waypoints 172.042, 74.475 175.268, 81.672 170.434, 91.844 165.141, 96.204 159.225, 100.723 155.491, 106.245 149.530, 113.659 145.040, 123.465 146.624, 133.295 151.260, 139.860 164.516, 142.387 Waypoint Radii Radii 16.000 16.000 Activates on Success Look for player in south-central } Look for player in west [Test Unit] deactivates_on_execution 2.00, 4.00 { Unit Count Greater Than 0 Link -- Light Forces Polygon 157.233, 66.473 204.264, 87.487 242.844, 88.137 245.407, 56.055 218.942, 51.792 Activates on Success send platoon to west Activates on Failure Look for player on top of hill Closed Polygon Flag } send platoon to west [Munger] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Replace Parameters ne platoon (stat, action_identifier) ne platoon heads west Activate Actions ne platoon } ne platoon heads west [Platoon Movement] deactivates_on_trigger 2.00, 2.00 { Waypoints 175.452, 67.122 182.614, 68.774 189.088, 70.270 195.252, 71.532 200.944, 72.088 206.336, 72.481 213.094, 72.284 223.713, 71.432 Waypoint Radii Radii 16.000 16.000 Activates on Success Look for player in south-central } Look for player on top of hill [Test Unit] deactivates_on_execution 1.00, 3.00 { Unit Count Greater Than 0 Link -- Light Forces Polygon 194.295, 28.627 172.411, 31.221 165.569, 40.106 206.901, 51.284 210.239, 39.569 Activates on Success send platoon to hill Activates on Failure Look for player in south-central Closed Polygon Flag } send platoon to hill [Munger] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Replace Parameters ne platoon (stat, action_identifier) ne Activate Actions ne platoon } ne [Platoon Movement] deactivates_on_trigger 2.00, 2.00 { Waypoints 175.452, 67.122 182.614, 68.774 189.088, 70.270 195.252, 71.532 200.944, 72.088 206.336, 72.481 213.094, 72.284 223.713, 71.432 Waypoint Radii Radii 16.000 16.000 Activates on Success Look for player in south-central } -- { } player heads south [Test Unit] initially_active deactivates_on_successful_execution 2.00, 2.00 { Link -- Light Forces Activates on Success ne platoon sensor ne platoon rabble action list make ne platoon visible Deactivates On Success player heads east Unit Count Greater Than 0 Polygon 164.377, 125.002 167.809, 110.899 157.795, 91.682 131.551, 107.538 136.983, 128.096 Closed Polygon Flag } rabble action list [Action List] deactivates_on_trigger 6.00, 8.00 { Actions to Activate south platoon make rabble visible } make rabble visible [Unit Control] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Visible Flag true Link Rabble Health Fraction 0.85000 1.00001 Monsters 10200 (fetch) 10201 (fetch) 10278 (fetch) 10279 (fetch) 10277 (fetch) } south platoon [Platoon] deactivates_never 3.00, 5.00 { Initial State rabble soulless move Initial Squads soulless squad south thrall squad south fetch squad Centerpoint 151.926, 140.022 Facing 254.88 } soulless squad [Squad] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Formation 2 Link Rabble Soulless Centerpoint 152.129, 140.098 Facing } south thrall squad [Squad] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Formation 4 Link Rabble Thrall Centerpoint 153.458, 145.432 Facing } south fetch squad [Squad] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Formation 2 Centerpoint 153.561, 151.545 Facing Monsters 10201 (fetch) 10200 (fetch) 10278 (fetch) 10277 (fetch) 10279 (fetch) } rabble soulless move [Platoon Movement] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Waypoints 150.870, 134.983 150.088, 129.749 149.174, 122.577 148.143, 110.387 150.887, 104.264 158.727, 99.204 169.010, 89.948 173.313, 76.813 Waypoint Radii Radii 20.000 24.000 Activates on Success Look for player west } Look for player west [Test Unit] deactivates_on_execution 1.00, 3.00 { Unit Count Greater Than 0 Link -- Light Forces Polygon 171.186, 47.340 170.571, 51.686 172.038, 103.001 173.741, 110.829 Activates on Success south platoon reset, move west Activates on Failure Look for player in north-east } south platoon reset, move west [Munger] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Replace Parameters south platoon (stat, action_identifier) south platoon moves west Activate Actions south platoon } south platoon moves west [Platoon Movement] deactivates_on_trigger 2.00, 2.00 { Waypoints 182.797, 70.897 191.639, 70.811 200.733, 71.258 215.563, 72.350 Waypoint Radii Radii 16.000 16.000 Activates on Success Look for player in south canyon } Look for player in south canyon [Test Unit] deactivates_on_execution 2.00, 3.00 { Unit Count Greater Than 0 Link -- Light Forces Polygon 222.823, 129.178 219.487, 85.952 236.336, 82.251 242.854, 125.249 Activates on Success south platoon reset, move south Activates on Failure Look for player in north } south platoon reset, move south [Munger] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Replace Parameters south platoon (stat, action_identifier) south platoon moves south Activate Actions south platoon } south platoon moves south [Platoon Movement] deactivates_on_trigger 2.00, 2.00 { Waypoints 222.917, 74.235 227.784, 81.274 231.094, 93.569 234.713, 105.415 234.958, 118.186 231.395, 135.200 Waypoint Radii Radii 16.000 16.000 Activates on Success Look for player west } Look for player in north [Test Unit] deactivates_on_execution 1.00, 4.00 { Unit Count Greater Than 0 Link -- Light Forces Polygon 214.875, 14.133 216.487, 63.924 246.167, 64.579 250.311, 14.784 Activates on Success south platoon reset, move north Activates on Failure Look for player in north-east } south platoon reset, move north [Munger] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Replace Parameters south platoon (stat, action_identifier) south platoon moves north Activate Actions south platoon moves west } south platoon moves north [Platoon Movement] deactivates_on_trigger 2.00, 2.00 { Waypoints 226.028, 72.372 227.038, 59.114 229.510, 46.280 227.799, 31.008 239.852, 22.885 229.104, 30.670 211.278, 18.934 Waypoint Radii Radii 16.000 16.000 Activates on Success Look for player west } Look for player in north-east [Test Unit] deactivates_on_execution 1.00, 4.00 { Unit Count Greater Than 0 Link -- Light Forces Polygon 127.643, 12.288 107.084, 17.717 91.729, 61.612 157.739, 69.213 166.362, 44.512 Activates on Success south platoon reset, move north-east Activates on Failure Look for player on hill Closed Polygon Flag } south platoon reset, move north-east [Munger] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Replace Parameters south platoon (stat, action_identifier) south platoon moves north-east Activate Actions south platoon moves west } south platoon moves north-east [Platoon Movement] deactivates_on_trigger 2.00, 2.00 { Waypoints 168.034, 68.657 154.354, 59.049 142.067, 48.221 134.233, 24.866 111.001, 36.848 92.219, 50.577 Waypoint Radii Radii 16.000 16.000 Activates on Success Look for player west } Look for player on hill [Test Unit] deactivates_on_execution 1.00, 4.00 { Unit Count Greater Than 0 Link -- Light Forces Polygon 106.124, 62.551 53.395, 72.592 99.668, 153.686 148.821, 152.913 155.592, 82.053 Activates on Success south platoon reset, move north-east Activates on Failure Look for player west Closed Polygon Flag } south platoon reset, move to hill [Munger] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Replace Parameters south platoon (stat, action_identifier) south platoon moves to the hill Activate Actions south platoon moves west } south platoon moves to the hill [Platoon Movement] deactivates_on_trigger 2.00, 2.00 { Waypoints 162.385, 68.305 150.739, 59.317 136.073, 53.942 117.284, 52.305 104.819, 59.083 103.301, 75.456 88.348, 73.149 74.547, 78.989 83.331, 85.131 91.055, 96.338 96.567, 97.233 109.897, 95.161 Waypoint Radii Radii 6.000 6.000 } -- { } If player mounts the hill [Test Unit] initially_active deactivates_on_successful_execution 6.00, 9.00 { Unit Count Greater Than 0 Link -- Light Forces Polygon 106.124, 62.551 79.510, 67.086 100.024, 154.549 144.711, 151.420 127.184, 67.319 Activates on Success Hill Action Modifier List se action list Closed Polygon Flag } Hill Action Modifier List [Action List] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Actions to Activate send north platoon to hill send east platoon to hill send 2nd east platoon to hill Actions to Deactivate If player enters SE } send north platoon to hill [Munger] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Replace Parameters north platoon (stat, action_identifier) north move to hill Activate Actions north platoon } north move to hill [Platoon Movement] deactivates_on_trigger 2.00, 2.00 { Waypoints 162.385, 68.305 150.739, 59.317 136.073, 53.942 117.284, 52.305 104.819, 59.083 103.301, 75.456 110.202, 77.463 119.608, 79.393 127.584, 83.780 116.608, 88.481 107.256, 96.432 Waypoint Radii Radii 6.000 6.000 } send east platoon to hill [Munger] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Replace Parameters east platoon (stat, action_identifier) east move to hill Activate Actions east platoon } east move to hill [Platoon Movement] deactivates_on_trigger 2.00, 2.00 { Waypoints 162.385, 68.305 171.825, 77.577 172.612, 86.032 164.278, 96.711 151.112, 107.139 137.530, 114.645 123.899, 116.631 112.444, 115.907 108.274, 104.028 111.670, 91.084 Waypoint Radii Radii 6.000 6.000 } send 2nd east platoon to hill [Munger] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Replace Parameters ne platoon (stat, action_identifier) ne platoon heads west Activate Actions ne platoon } 2nd east move to hill [Platoon Movement] deactivates_on_trigger 2.00, 2.00 { Waypoints 101.522, 52.729 107.883, 68.077 115.557, 75.153 124.334, 81.682 116.163, 91.114 109.940, 96.645 Waypoint Radii Radii 6.000 6.000 } -- { } If player enters SE [Test Unit] initially_active deactivates_on_successful_execution 3.00, 5.00 { Unit Count Greater Than 0 Link -- Light Forces Polygon 92.489, 149.579 82.602, 96.729 49.668, 85.036 4.090, 78.971 Activates on Success se action list } se action list [Action List] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Actions to Activate make se visible south east platoon sensor south-east platoon } make se visible [Unit Control] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Visible Flag true Link Legion 3 Health Fraction 0.60000 1.00001 Monsters 10200 (fetch) 10201 (fetch) } south east platoon sensor [Test Unit] deactivates_never 2.00, 4.00 { Enemy Closer Than Radius 16.000 Activates on Success southeast platoon munger Link Legion 3 } southeast platoon munger [Munger] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Replace Parameters south-east platoon (#att, flag) Activate Actions south-east platoon } south-east platoon [Platoon] deactivates_never 3.00, 5.00 { Initial State southeast movement Initial Squads se soulless squad se thrall squad se fetch squad Centerpoint 82.827, 138.936 Facing 346.64 } se soulless squad [Squad] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Formation 1 Link Leg. 3 Soulless Centerpoint 74.053, 139.776 Facing } se thrall squad [Squad] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Formation 4 Link Leg. 3 Thrall Centerpoint 82.993, 139.374 Facing } se fetch squad [Squad] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Formation 2 Link Leg. 3 Fetch Centerpoint 71.471, 140.034 Facing } southeast movement [Platoon Movement] deactivates_on_trigger 2.00, 2.00 { Waypoints 82.040, 136.063 Waypoint Radii Radii 20.000 20.000 Activates on Success If player is on the hill } If player is on the hill [Test Unit] deactivates_on_execution 1.00, 4.00 { Unit Count Greater Than 0 Link -- Light Forces Polygon 83.637, 70.499 105.930, 150.252 131.223, 145.254 131.944, 67.739 Activates on Success send south east platoon to hill Closed Polygon Flag Activates on Failure If player is to the north } send south east platoon to hill [Munger] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Replace Parameters south-east platoon (stat, action_identifier) se plat move to hill Activate Actions south-east platoon } se plat move to hill [Platoon Movement] deactivates_on_trigger 2.00, 2.00 { Waypoints 88.809, 136.106 98.772, 131.247 107.950, 131.534 109.649, 114.315 108.348, 102.817 109.497, 91.377 Waypoint Radii Radii 20.000 20.000 Activates on Success If player is to the north from hill } If player is to the north [Test Unit] deactivates_on_execution 1.00, 4.00 { Unit Count Greater Than 0 Link -- Light Forces Polygon 9.579, 41.325 11.149, 83.083 51.317, 86.321 103.282, 10.975 Activates on Success send south east platoon north Activates on Failure If player is to the north from hill } send south east platoon north [Munger] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Replace Parameters south-east platoon (stat, action_identifier) se plat move north Activate Actions south-east platoon } se plat move north [Platoon Movement] deactivates_on_trigger 2.00, 2.00 { Waypoints 72.501, 129.262 66.315, 116.237 54.391, 99.268 44.614, 90.524 40.715, 72.159 42.045, 55.667 67.206, 49.788 85.973, 49.018 105.313, 57.663 112.479, 77.743 119.956, 77.254 114.313, 90.090 110.245, 96.172 Waypoint Radii Radii 16.000 16.000 Activates on Success If player is on the hill } If player is to the north from hill [Test Unit] deactivates_on_execution 1.00, 4.00 { Unit Count Greater Than 0 Link -- Light Forces Polygon 49.772, 21.981 61.379, 62.506 142.844, 61.672 160.797, 8.829 Activates on Success send south east platoon north from hill Activates on Failure If player is to the east from hill } send south east platoon north from hill [Munger] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Replace Parameters south-east platoon (stat, action_identifier) se plat move north from hill Activate Actions south-east platoon } se plat move north from hill [Platoon Movement] deactivates_on_trigger 2.00, 2.00 { Waypoints 105.721, 74.235 105.346, 59.520 96.487, 41.063 121.784, 30.403 51.719, 59.881 30.862, 80.049 Waypoint Radii Radii 16.000 16.000 Activates on Success If player is on the hill } If player is to the east from hill [Test Unit] deactivates_on_successful_execution 1.00, 4.00 { Unit Count Greater Than 0 Link -- Light Forces Polygon 148.870, 89.233 132.975, 100.313 136.030, 129.959 154.084, 151.446 Activates on Success send south east platoon east from hill Activates on Failure If player is on the hill } send south east platoon east from hill [Munger] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Replace Parameters south-east platoon (stat, action_identifier) se plat move east from hill Activate Actions south-east platoon } se plat move east from hill [Platoon Movement] deactivates_on_trigger 2.00, 2.00 { Waypoints 113.327, 117.235 126.569, 120.395 142.071, 113.383 145.733, 138.479 156.540, 134.604 150.516, 117.885 156.565, 101.338 176.690, 93.006 Waypoint Radii Radii 16.000 16.000 Activates on Success If player is on the hill } -- { } team 1 listing { (subj, monster_identifier) 10020 () 10164 (thrall) 10021 (thrall) 10248 (soulless) 10247 (soulless) 10025 (thrall) 10165 (thrall) 10026 (thrall) 10105 (thrall) 10108 (thrall) 10104 (thrall) 10107 (thrall) 10106 (thrall) 10109 (thrall) 10095 (soulless) 10094 (soulless) 10093 (soulless) 10092 (soulless) 10091 (soulless) 10097 (thrall) 10100 (thrall) 10099 (thrall) 10096 (thrall) 10086 (thrall) 10098 (thrall) 10260 (soulless) 10262 (soulless) 10258 (soulless) 10261 (soulless) 10306 (fetch) 10291 (thrall) 10048 (thrall) 10055 (thrall) 10284 (thrall) 10283 (thrall) 10069 (soulless) 10051 (thrall) 10052 (thrall) 10285 (thrall) 10053 (thrall) 10282 (thrall) 10050 (thrall) 10054 (thrall) 10049 (thrall) 10065 (thrall) 10071 (soulless) 10281 (thrall) 10280 (thrall) 10061 (thrall) 10064 (thrall) 10062 (thrall) 10063 (thrall) 10277 (fetch) 10279 (fetch) 10059 (thrall) 10058 (thrall) 10060 (thrall) 10066 (soulless) 10057 (thrall) 10056 (thrall) 10201 (fetch) 10200 (fetch) 10278 (fetch) 10293 (soulless) 10289 (thrall) 10292 (soulless) 10286 (thrall) 10287 (thrall) 10294 (fetch) 10288 (thrall) 10290 (thrall) 10335 (soulless) 10333 (soulless) 10332 (soulless) 10334 (soulless) } If player enters northeast [Test Unit] initially_active deactivates_on_successful_execution 2.00, 4.00 { Unit Count Greater Than 0 Link -- Light Forces Polygon 18.309, 49.965 55.563, 53.756 57.547, 24.682 40.540, 5.250 Activates on Success Shade Killed shade action list se action list Deactivates On Success If player enters SE } shade action list [Action List] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Actions to Activate make shade visible and damaged random movement list check for units within spell range Shade Killed } make shade visible and damaged [Unit Control] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Link scarypants the shade Visible Flag Health Fraction 0.15000 0.25000 New Monster Name 1 } random movement list [Action List] no_initial_delay deactivates_on_trigger 1.00, 3.00 { Random Selection Flag Actions to Activate move 1 move 2 move 3 move 4 } move 1 [Movement] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Waypoints 35.153, 15.938 Monsters 10252 (shade) Activates on Success random movement list } move 2 [Movement] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Waypoints 25.401, 18.743 Monsters 10252 (shade) Activates on Success random movement list } move 3 [Movement] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Waypoints 38.993, 17.167 Monsters 10252 (shade) Activates on Success random movement list } move 4 [Movement] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Waypoints 31.579, 27.786 Monsters 10252 (shade) Activates on Success random movement list } "come kill me!" [Sound Action] activates_only_once deactivates_on_trigger 3.00, 3.00 { Sound Tag 313 come get me Monster 10252 (shade) Override Flag } check for units within spell range [Geometry Filter] deactivates_never 0.00, 0.00 { Link -- Light Forces Activates on Success are there three of them? Circle Centerpoint (Monster) 10252 (shade) Circle Radius 13.001 Results Action Identifier are there three of them? Tested items Inside Field Name subj Activates on Failure are there archers within the area? } are there three of them? [Test Unit] deactivates_on_execution 0.00, 0.00 { Activates on Success they're not too close, are they? Unit Count Greater Than 2 Activates on Failure give a target for the attack } they're not too close, are they? [Test Unit] deactivates_on_execution 0.00, 0.00 { Activates on Success normal attack Activates on Failure find them again. Kill them. Enemy Closer Than Radius 2.001 Link scarypants the shade } find them again. Kill them. [Geometry Filter] deactivates_on_execution 0.00, 0.00 { Link -- Light Forces Activates on Success spell attack action list Circle Centerpoint (Monster) 10252 (shade) Circle Radius 13.001 Results Action Identifier spell attack data container Tested items Inside Field Name obje } spell attack data container { } spell attack action list [Action List] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Actions to Activate spell attack 1 spell attack 2 spell attack 3 Activate Only One } spell attack 1 [Attack] activates_only_once deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Link scarypants the shade Use Special Ability Flag Link spell attack data container Activates on Success "come kill me!" } spell attack 2 [Attack] activates_only_once deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Link scarypants the shade Use Special Ability Flag Link spell attack data container } spell attack 3 [Attack] activates_only_once deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Link scarypants the shade Use Special Ability Flag Activates on Trigger spell 3 munger Link spell attack data container } spell 3 munger [Munger] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Replace Parameters (resu, action_identifier) normal attack Replace Parameters Activates on Success normal attack Replace Parameters (resu, action_identifier) normal attack Replace Parameters Activates on Success normal attack } give a target for the attack [Geometry Filter] deactivates_on_execution 0.00, 0.00 { Link -- Light Forces Tested items Inside Field Name obje Results Action Identifier normal attack Activates on Success normal attack Circle Centerpoint (Monster) 10252 (shade) Circle Radius 13.001 } normal attack [Attack] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Link scarypants the shade } no more spells munger [Munger] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Replace Parameters are there three of them? Activates on Success give a target for the attack } are there archers within the area? [Test Unit] deactivates_on_execution 0.00, 0.00 { Link Archers R Archers L Activates on Success are there archers within 14? Activates on Failure random movement list Polygon 2.194, 12.485 21.344, 58.059 65.137, 36.610 49.766, 3.321 Closed Polygon Flag } are there archers within 14? [Geometry Filter] deactivates_on_execution 0.00, 0.00 { Link Archers R Archers L Activates on Success find archer 2_d location Activates on Failure random movement list Circle Centerpoint (Monster) 10252 (shade) Circle Radius 28.000 } find archer 2_d location [Geometry Filter] deactivates_on_execution 0.00, 0.00 { Link Archers R Archers L Activates on Success move the shade towards archers Activates on Failure Polygon Points 2.194, 12.485 21.344, 58.059 65.137, 36.610 49.766, 3.321 Polygon Closed Flag Tested Items Inside Location Field Name wayp Results Action Identifier move the shade towards archers Maximum Number of Items 1 } move the shade towards archers [Movement] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Waypoints Monsters 10252 (shade) } -- { } warriors move up [Movement] initially_active deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Waypoints 234.448, 129.577 Monsters 10006 (warrior) 10005 (warrior) 10007 (warrior) 10003 (warrior) 10001 (warrior) 10008 (warrior) 10009 (warrior) 10002 (warrior) 10004 (warrior) 10010 (warrior) Formation Index 4 Final Facing 286.88 } j-man moves up [Movement] initially_active deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Waypoints 232.395, 135.848 Monsters 10019 (journeyman) Formation Index 0 Final Facing 286.88 } -- { } filler - trigger [Test Unit] initially_active deactivates_on_successful_execution 6.00, 9.00 { Unit Count Greater Than 0 Activates on Success filler action list Link -- Light Forces Object Test Radius 80.954, 40.163 Radius About Centerpoint 36.001 } filler action list [Action List] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Actions to Activate filler goes nuts filler visible } filler visible [Unit Control] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Monsters 10300 (thrall) 10304 (fetch) 10291 (thrall) 10298 (thrall) 10289 (thrall) 10290 (thrall) 10295 (thrall) 10292 (soulless) 10301 (thrall) 10296 (thrall) 10293 (soulless) 10286 (thrall) 10305 (soulless) 10297 (thrall) 10288 (thrall) 10302 (thrall) 10287 (thrall) 10294 (fetch) 10299 (thrall) 10303 (thrall) Visible Flag Health Fraction 0.50001 0.70000 } filler goes nuts [Attack] no_initial_delay deactivates_never 3.00, 6.00 { Attackers 10300 (thrall) 10304 (fetch) 10293 (soulless) 10296 (thrall) 10301 (thrall) 10286 (thrall) 10305 (soulless) 10297 (thrall) 10289 (thrall) 10292 (soulless) 10291 (thrall) 10290 (thrall) 10295 (thrall) 10298 (thrall) 10302 (thrall) 10288 (thrall) 10303 (thrall) 10294 (fetch) 10287 (thrall) 10299 (thrall) Attack All Enemies Flag } filler 2 - trigger [Test Unit] initially_active deactivates_on_successful_execution 6.00, 9.00 { Unit Count Greater Than 0 Activates on Success filler 2 action list Link -- Light Forces Object Test Radius 42.573, 55.961 Radius About Centerpoint 32.001 } filler 2 action list [Action List] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Actions to Activate filler 2 visible filler 2 goes nuts } filler 2 visible [Unit Control] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Monsters 10313 (thrall) 10311 (thrall) 10310 (thrall) 10312 (thrall) 10309 (thrall) 10308 (thrall) 10307 (thrall) 10306 (fetch) Visible Flag Health Fraction 0.29999 0.70000 } filler 2 goes nuts [Attack] no_initial_delay deactivates_never 2.00, 4.00 { Attackers 10306 (fetch) 10313 (thrall) 10311 (thrall) 10310 (thrall) 10312 (thrall) 10309 (thrall) 10308 (thrall) 10307 (thrall) Attack All Enemies Flag } filler 3 - trigger [Test Unit] initially_active deactivates_on_successful_execution 6.00, 9.00 { Unit Count Greater Than 0 Activates on Success filler 3 action list Link -- Light Forces Object Test Radius 40.174, 91.461 Radius About Centerpoint 32.001 } filler 3 action list [Action List] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Actions to Activate filler 3 visible filler 3 goes nuts } filler 3 visible [Unit Control] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Monsters 10339 (thrall) 10334 (soulless) 10332 (soulless) 10338 (thrall) 10333 (soulless) 10335 (soulless) 10336 (thrall) 10337 (thrall) Visible Flag Health Fraction 0.29999 0.70000 } filler 3 goes nuts [Attack] no_initial_delay deactivates_never 2.00, 4.00 { Attackers 10336 (thrall) 10337 (thrall) 10338 (thrall) 10334 (soulless) 10333 (soulless) 10335 (soulless) 10332 (soulless) 10339 (thrall) Attack All Enemies Flag } filler 4 - trigger [Test Unit] initially_active deactivates_on_successful_execution 6.00, 9.00 { Unit Count Greater Than 0 Activates on Success filler 4 action list Link -- Light Forces Object Test Radius 143.377, 48.540 Radius About Centerpoint 32.001 } filler 4 action list [Action List] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Actions to Activate filler 4 visible filler 4 goes nuts } filler 4 visible [Unit Control] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Monsters 10345 (soulless) 10344 (soulless) 10348 (thrall) 10343 (soulless) 10342 (soulless) 10347 (thrall) 10340 (fetch) 10341 (soulless) 10346 (soulless) Visible Flag Health Fraction 0.29999 0.70000 } filler 4 goes nuts [Attack] no_initial_delay deactivates_never 2.00, 4.00 { Attackers 10345 (soulless) 10346 (soulless) 10341 (soulless) 10342 (soulless) 10343 (soulless) 10344 (soulless) 10348 (thrall) 10340 (fetch) 10347 (thrall) Attack All Enemies Flag } total carnage, shade 60% [Test Unit] initially_active deactivates_on_execution 0.00, 0.00 { Difficulty Greater Than or Equal To 4 Activates on Success total carnage shade damage munger Activates on Failure md, shade 50% } total carnage shade damage munger [Munger] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Replace Parameters make shade visible and damaged (hefr, fixed) 0.54999 0.60000 } md, shade 50% [Test Unit] deactivates_on_execution 0.00, 0.00 { Difficulty Greater Than or Equal To 3 Activates on Success md shade damage munger } md shade damage munger [Munger] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Replace Parameters make shade visible and damaged (hefr, fixed) 0.45000 0.50001 }