-------------------- THE DARK { } the dark { Link 1st soulless 1st soulless right 1st soulless rearguard 1st thrall 1st myrmidons 2nd soulless left flank 2nd soulless right flank 2nd myrmidons 2nd thrall 3rd myrmidons 3rd soulless left 3rd soulless right 3rd thrall 4th myrmidons left 4th myrmidons right 6th trow 4th soulless 4th thrall dark sentries (soulless) myrmidon reinforcements myrmidon northern brigade } 1st soulless { (subj, monster_identifier) 1088 (soulless) 1090 (soulless) 10001 (soulless) } 1st soulless right { (subj, monster_identifier) 1089 (soulless) 1087 (soulless) } 1st soulless rearguard { (subj, monster_identifier) 10024 (soulless) } 1st thrall { (subj, monster_identifier) 1083 (thrall) 1079 (thrall) 1084 (thrall) 1080 (thrall) 1085 (thrall) 1081 (thrall) 1086 (thrall) 1082 (thrall) } 1st myrmidons { (subj, monster_identifier) 1092 (myrmidon (coop)) 1091 (myrmidon (coop)) 10000 (myrmidon (coop)) } 2nd soulless left flank { (subj, monster_identifier) 1046 (soulless) 10005 (soulless) } 2nd soulless right flank { (subj, monster_identifier) 1048 (soulless) 1047 (soulless) } 2nd myrmidons { (subj, monster_identifier) 1054 (myrmidon (coop)) 1055 (myrmidon (coop)) } 2nd thrall { (subj, monster_identifier) 1040 (thrall) 1041 (thrall) 1042 (thrall) 1045 (thrall) 1044 (thrall) 1043 (thrall) 10004 (thrall) 10003 (thrall) } 3rd myrmidons { (subj, monster_identifier) 1052 (myrmidon (coop)) 1053 (myrmidon (coop)) } 3rd soulless left { (subj, monster_identifier) 10006 (soulless) 1049 (soulless) } 3rd soulless right { (subj, monster_identifier) 1051 (soulless) 1050 (soulless) } 3rd thrall { (subj, monster_identifier) 1039 (thrall) 1036 (thrall) 1035 (thrall) 1038 (thrall) 1034 (thrall) 1037 (thrall) 10008 (thrall) 10007 (thrall) } 4th myrmidons left { (subj, monster_identifier) 1065 (myrmidon (coop)) 1064 (myrmidon (coop)) 1066 () 1063 (myrmidon (coop)) } 4th myrmidons right { (subj, monster_identifier) 1068 (myrmidon (coop)) 1070 (myrmidon (coop)) 1069 () 1067 (myrmidon (coop)) } 4th soulless { (subj, monster_identifier) 1072 (soulless) 1074 (soulless) 1073 (soulless) 1071 (soulless) } 4th thrall { (subj, monster_identifier) 1058 (thrall) 1059 (thrall) 1061 (thrall) 1062 (thrall) 1060 (thrall) 10013 (thrall) 10014 (thrall) 1057 (thrall) 1078 (thrall) 1077 (thrall) 1075 (thrall) 1076 (thrall) } 6th trow { (subj, monster_identifier) 1056 (trow) 10039 () } dark sentries (soulless) { (subj, monster_identifier) 10010 (soulless) 10009 (soulless) 10012 (soulless) 10035 (soulless) 10034 (soulless) 10011 (soulless) } myrmidon reinforcements { (subj, monster_identifier) 10015 (myrmidon (coop)) 10016 (myrmidon (coop)) 10017 (myrmidon (coop)) 10018 (myrmidon (coop)) 10019 (myrmidon (coop)) 10020 (myrmidon (coop)) 10021 (myrmidon (coop)) 10022 (myrmidon (coop)) 10023 (myrmidon (coop)) } myrmidon northern brigade { (subj, monster_identifier) 10025 (myrmidon (coop)) 10026 (myrmidon (coop)) 10027 (myrmidon (coop)) 10028 (myrmidon (coop)) 10029 (myrmidon (coop)) 10030 (myrmidon (coop)) } trow on reserve { (subj, monster_identifier) 10031 (trow) 10032 (trow) 10033 (trow) } -------------------- THE LIGHT { } the light { (subj, monster_identifier) 1017 (berserk) 1018 (berserk) 1022 (berserk) 1023 (berserk) 1024 (berserk) 1021 (berserk) 1026 (warrior) 1031 (warrior) 1027 (warrior) 1032 (warrior) 1028 (warrior) 1013 (fir'bolg (flameless)) 1014 (fir'bolg (flameless)) 1015 (fir'bolg (flameless)) 1016 (fir'bolg (flameless)) 1033 (dwarf tfl) 1012 (dwarf tfl) 1011 (journeyman) 10037 (berserk) 10038 (berserk) } light reinforcements { Link light re dwarf light re shaman light re archers light re warriors } light re dwarf { (subj, monster_identifier) 1000 (dwarf tfl) } light re shaman { (subj, monster_identifier) 1010 (journeyman) } light re archers { (subj, monster_identifier) 1004 (fir'bolg (flameless)) 1003 (fir'bolg (flameless)) 1002 (fir'bolg (flameless)) 1001 (fir'bolg (flameless)) } light re warriors { (subj, monster_identifier) 10040 (warrior) 10041 (warrior) 10042 (warrior) } -------------------- 1ST PLATOON { } 1st platoon [Platoon] initially_active deactivates_never 0.20, 0.40 { Centerpoint 204.010, 80.024 Facing 90.00 Initial Squads 1st thrall squad 1st soulless squad 1st soulless squad right 1st soulless rearguard squad Initial State 1st path Allies 1st platoon scouts } 1st path [Platoon Movement] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Waypoints 206.012, 85.938 206.870, 89.905 209.792, 92.379 213.877, 93.530 218.024, 93.889 221.551, 93.969 225.870, 93.928 230.084, 94.022 234.002, 93.977 237.963, 93.975 241.981, 93.946 245.959, 93.981 249.879, 93.981 254.042, 94.065 257.924, 93.891 261.907, 93.948 266.129, 93.907 270.112, 94.036 Radii 14.001 20.000 Waypoint Radii } 1st thrall squad [Squad] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Link 1st thrall Centerpoint 203.995, 79.956 Facing 0.00 Formation 1 } 1st soulless squad [Squad] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Centerpoint 202.678, 76.547 Facing 0.00 Formation 1 Link 1st soulless } 1st soulless squad right [Squad] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Centerpoint 206.801, 76.930 Facing 0.00 Formation 1 Link 1st soulless right } 1st soulless rearguard squad [Squad] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Link 1st soulless rearguard Facing 0.00 Centerpoint 205.110, 76.506 Formation 3 } 1st platoon scouts [Platoon] initially_active deactivates_never 0.20, 0.40 { Centerpoint 213.959, 79.997 Facing 90.00 Initial State 1st scout path #1 1st scout path #2 Initial Squads 1st myrmidons squad } 1st scout path #1 [Platoon Scouting] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Waypoints 226.000, 68.001 244.069, 70.137 270.055, 72.034 287.840, 75.860 296.084, 88.221 281.975, 101.991 256.081, 97.995 230.073, 86.045 Waypoint Radii 8.001 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 8.001 Loop Flag Radii 10.001 15.001 Charge Flag } 1st scout path #2 [Platoon Scouting] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Waypoints 236.079, 107.987 247.944, 115.954 264.069, 115.983 275.721, 113.766 281.458, 105.401 293.975, 80.126 272.096, 70.040 238.172, 73.956 Waypoint Radii 8.001 2.001 4.000 2.001 2.001 4.000 4.000 8.001 Radii 10.001 15.001 Loop Flag Charge Flag } 1st myrmidons squad [Squad] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Link 1st myrmidons Formation 4 Centerpoint 214.018, 79.967 Facing 0.00 } -------------------- 1ST PLATOON RETREAT { } 1st thrall count test [Test Unit] initially_active deactivates_on_successful_execution 0.30, 0.60 { Link 1st thrall Unit Count Less Than 5 } 1st platoon munger [Munger] initially_active deactivates_on_execution 0.00, 0.00 { Prerequisites 1st thrall count test Replace Parameters 1st platoon (init, action_identifier) 1st soulless squad Replace Parameters 1st platoon (stat, action_identifier) 1st platoon retreat Activate Actions 1st platoon 1st soulless for help } 1st platoon retreat [Platoon Movement] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Radii 0.001 0.001 Activates on Success 1st routed to harass munger Waypoints 210.768, 113.034 208.167, 116.821 } 1st routed to harass munger [Munger] deactivates_on_execution 10.00, 15.00 { Replace Parameters 1st platoon (stat, action_identifier) 1st soulless (routed) harass Activate Actions 1st platoon } 1st soulless (routed) harass [Platoon Scouting] deactivates_on_trigger 10.00, 25.00 { Waypoints 208.127, 118.965 202.061, 122.141 197.387, 121.344 189.715, 120.583 187.313, 112.133 183.522, 104.874 176.682, 100.104 170.838, 94.227 171.090, 90.702 Radii 20.000 28.000 Activates on Success Waypoint Radii } 1st platoon onto flank [Platoon Movement] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Radii 14.001 20.000 Waypoints 165.446, 92.254 159.047, 90.176 146.364, 96.805 131.852, 94.510 124.098, 84.469 113.393, 80.969 99.963, 77.969 88.538, 74.049 Waypoint Radii } dark onto flank munger [Munger] initially_active deactivates_on_execution 5.00, 10.00 { Replace Parameters 1st platoon (stat, action_identifier) 1st platoon onto flank Prerequisites light reinforcements test Activate Actions 1st platoon } 1st soulless for help [Platoon] deactivates_never 0.00, 0.00 { Centerpoint 206.903, 77.126 Facing 86.13 Initial State 1st soulless for help path Initial Squads 1st soulless squad right } 1st soulless for help path [Platoon Movement] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Waypoints 189.344, 44.760 179.487, 35.836 171.008, 20.280 Radii 0.001 0.001 } -------------------- 2ND PLATOON { } dark 2nd platoon starts [Test Unit] initially_active deactivates_on_successful_execution 5.00, 10.00 { Link the light Polygon 173.420, 84.360 165.602, 65.567 Activates on Success 2nd platoon 2nd platoon scouts Unit Count Greater Than 1 } 2nd platoon starts on 3rd across line [Test Unit] initially_active deactivates_on_successful_execution 15.00, 30.00 { Link 3rd soulless left 3rd soulless right 3rd thrall Polygon 202.506, 39.088 200.780, 94.290 Power Greater Than 0.60000 Activates on Success 2nd platoon 2nd platoon scouts } 2nd platoon [Platoon] deactivates_never 0.00, 0.00 { Centerpoint 97.178, 97.223 Facing 270.00 Initial Squads 2nd thrall squad 2nd soulless squad right 2nd soulless squad left Initial State 2nd platoon patrol route Allies 2nd platoon scouts 1st platoon scouts } 2nd platoon patrol route [Platoon Movement] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Waypoints 98.096, 91.661 101.799, 87.895 106.549, 83.303 113.444, 82.368 121.926, 86.760 130.045, 87.251 137.411, 86.696 143.553, 86.133 150.483, 85.407 156.499, 79.606 162.502, 77.284 166.750, 75.336 171.870, 72.758 178.249, 69.633 184.200, 67.178 191.584, 66.930 201.276, 71.909 208.752, 75.629 218.122, 80.491 224.719, 83.838 229.694, 86.639 237.631, 89.196 246.489, 91.579 254.952, 91.915 261.227, 92.104 267.206, 92.391 274.309, 92.836 Radii 12.001 16.000 Loop Flag } 2nd thrall squad [Squad] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Link 2nd thrall Centerpoint 97.288, 97.676 Facing 0.00 Formation 0 } 2nd soulless squad right [Squad] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Link 2nd soulless right flank Centerpoint 91.766, 98.641 Facing 0.00 Formation 1 } 2nd soulless squad left [Squad] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Link 2nd soulless left flank Centerpoint 102.467, 98.012 Facing 0.00 Formation 1 } 2nd platoon scouts [Platoon] deactivates_never 0.00, 0.00 { Centerpoint 101.543, 94.249 Facing 180.00 Initial State 2nd platoon scout path #1 Initial Squads 2nd myrmidon scouts } 2nd platoon scout path #1 [Platoon Scouting] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Waypoints 105.555, 92.858 114.133, 98.104 120.579, 92.659 129.479, 92.485 136.797, 88.194 146.122, 79.102 158.303, 80.047 167.565, 72.463 167.413, 63.387 164.745, 49.649 154.864, 49.682 148.094, 54.278 143.448, 64.627 136.659, 72.157 127.590, 72.159 121.918, 67.995 112.792, 69.874 106.139, 75.616 105.170, 84.838 Loop Flag Radii 20.000 30.000 Waypoint Radii 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 Charge Flag true } 2nd myrmidon scouts [Squad] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Link 2nd myrmidons Centerpoint 101.665, 94.170 Facing 0.00 Formation 1 } -------------------- 3RD PLATOON { } 3rd platoon [Platoon] initially_active deactivates_never 0.20, 0.40 { Centerpoint 143.792, 61.651 Facing 270.00 Initial Squads 3rd thrall squad 3rd soulless squad right 3rd soulless squad left Initial State 3rd platoon patrol route Allies 3rd platoon scouts 2nd platoon scouts 1st platoon scouts 1st platoon } 3rd platoon patrol route [Platoon Movement] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Waypoints 146.342, 55.538 149.413, 52.251 154.639, 51.102 160.178, 50.868 164.678, 51.870 168.758, 54.297 170.678, 57.602 172.096, 61.952 172.905, 65.997 177.202, 68.122 182.842, 67.981 188.004, 67.889 193.952, 67.842 198.682, 67.866 203.036, 67.895 208.092, 67.829 213.719, 68.540 217.508, 70.752 226.504, 71.795 232.559, 77.376 235.950, 83.495 238.821, 90.088 242.557, 94.295 250.524, 94.461 255.143, 94.563 258.965, 94.565 265.520, 94.549 270.959, 94.567 275.149, 94.626 Radii 18.000 22.000 Waypoint Radii } 3rd thrall squad [Squad] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Link 3rd thrall Centerpoint 143.795, 60.655 Facing 0.00 Formation 0 } 3rd soulless squad right [Squad] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Link 3rd soulless right Centerpoint 139.194, 60.436 Facing 0.00 Formation 1 } 3rd platoon scouts [Platoon] initially_active deactivates_never 0.20, 0.40 { Centerpoint 146.520, 56.182 Facing 180.00 Initial State 3rd platoon scouts path #1 Initial Squads 3rd myrmidon squad } 3rd platoon scouts path #1 [Platoon Scouting] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Waypoints 148.620, 53.579 154.584, 51.381 160.807, 49.803 166.069, 46.461 174.034, 45.702 180.477, 49.149 187.692, 48.356 192.856, 50.049 199.461, 53.059 204.459, 56.897 209.042, 61.303 214.495, 66.665 218.667, 70.895 221.819, 79.844 216.006, 88.479 209.532, 92.721 203.875, 89.776 197.073, 86.899 188.579, 84.168 179.653, 82.883 169.409, 81.510 169.682, 69.879 169.303, 60.993 Radii 20.000 30.000 Loop Flag Charge Flag Waypoint Radii } 3rd myrmidon squad [Squad] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Link 3rd myrmidons Centerpoint 145.667, 57.387 Facing 0.00 Formation 1 } 3rd soulless squad left [Squad] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Link 3rd soulless left Centerpoint 148.143, 61.288 Facing 0.00 Formation 1 } -------------------- LIGHT REINFORCEMENTS { } light reinforcements test [Test Unit] initially_active deactivates_on_successful_execution 5.00, 10.00 { Link the light Polygon 134.737, 98.918 131.305, 69.754 Power Greater Than 0.40000 Activates on Success make light reinforcements visible light reinforcements path } make light reinforcements visible [Unit Control] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Visible Flag Link light re dwarf light re shaman light re archers light re warriors Reinforcements Alert } add light reinforcements to the light [Munger] activates_only_once deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Insert Parameters the light Link light reinforcements } light reinforcements platoon [Platoon] deactivates_never 0.00, 0.00 { Centerpoint 114.475, 147.223 Facing 270.00 Initial Squads light re barbarians squad light re archers squad light re shaman squad light re dwarf squad Initial State light reinforcements path } light reinforcements path [Movement] activates_only_once deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { (radi, world_distance) 14.001 20.000 Waypoints 117.627, 138.829 118.112, 129.198 119.063, 120.637 122.532, 112.313 Link light reinforcements Formation Index 8 } light re barbarians squad [Squad] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Link light re warriors Centerpoint 114.456, 147.225 Facing 0.00 Formation 0 } light re archers squad [Squad] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Link light re archers Centerpoint 114.522, 150.168 Facing 0.00 Formation 0 } light re shaman squad [Squad] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Link light re shaman Centerpoint 117.713, 151.575 Facing 0.00 Formation 0 } light re dwarf squad [Squad] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Link light re dwarf Centerpoint 110.963, 151.762 Facing 0.00 Formation 0 } -------------------- 4TH PLATOON { } 4th platoon start on 2nd across line [Test Unit] initially_active deactivates_on_successful_execution 5.00, 10.00 { Link the light Polygon 102.801, 101.586 110.926, 98.852 112.467, 71.809 107.098, 67.428 Activates on Success 4th platoon 4th myrmidon right scouts 4th myrmidon left scouts myrmidons onto north flank munger trow follows his guys down the pass 4th platoon vitality test trow vitality test trow prox test Unit Count Greater Than 0 } 4th platoon [Platoon] deactivates_never 0.00, 0.00 { Centerpoint 18.749, 62.045 Facing 359.30 Initial Squads 4th soulless squad 4th thrall squad Initial State 4th platoon path Allies 4th myrmidon left scouts 4th myrmidon right scouts 3rd platoon scouts 2nd platoon scouts 1st platoon scouts } 4th platoon path [Platoon Movement] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Waypoints 20.092, 62.034 44.456, 65.604 60.583, 64.924 72.922, 65.883 84.116, 71.663 106.542, 84.045 125.874, 86.698 135.725, 82.811 149.477, 78.336 163.844, 76.973 181.239, 66.817 198.860, 65.293 211.463, 68.567 221.106, 72.168 233.581, 80.674 241.352, 91.350 258.895, 95.985 279.116, 95.973 Radii 20.000 30.000 Waypoint Radii } 4th soulless squad [Squad] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Link 4th soulless Facing 0.00 Centerpoint 17.288, 61.942 Formation 0 } 4th thrall squad [Squad] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Link 4th thrall Facing 0.00 Centerpoint 14.618, 62.278 Formation 5 } 4th myrmidon right scouts [Platoon] deactivates_never 0.00, 0.00 { Centerpoint 21.885, 59.997 Facing 0.00 Initial State 4th myrmidon right path#1 Initial Squads 4th myrmidon right squad } 4th myrmidon right path#1 [Platoon Scouting] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Radii 20.000 30.000 Waypoints 26.723, 58.924 33.403, 59.590 37.647, 60.780 44.178, 62.944 50.895, 64.655 58.805, 65.331 65.563, 65.536 72.975, 65.776 78.897, 69.153 84.446, 72.661 91.815, 75.618 99.001, 75.251 105.069, 73.508 111.516, 72.088 118.866, 69.446 124.268, 66.663 Charge Flag Waypoint Radii } 4th myrmidon right squad [Squad] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Link 4th myrmidons right Formation 4 Centerpoint 22.401, 59.393 Facing 0.00 } 4th myrmidon left scouts [Platoon] deactivates_never 0.00, 0.00 { Centerpoint 21.055, 68.532 Facing 0.00 Initial State 4th myrmidon left path#1 Initial Squads 4th myrmidon left squad } 4th myrmidon left path#1 [Platoon Scouting] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Radii 20.000 30.000 Waypoints 32.717, 69.026 37.999, 73.577 43.596, 73.981 46.663, 70.653 51.131, 68.192 55.727, 65.709 60.311, 65.198 65.315, 65.327 72.024, 65.725 78.153, 69.901 84.206, 76.233 88.795, 84.114 92.397, 90.118 99.182, 94.221 105.852, 95.090 113.334, 98.106 120.467, 102.317 131.838, 95.676 140.778, 92.284 149.829, 95.563 159.616, 86.645 166.399, 79.233 162.670, 71.973 152.686, 74.895 147.549, 87.241 Charge Flag Waypoint Radii } 4th myrmidon left squad [Squad] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Link 4th myrmidons left Formation 4 Centerpoint 25.438, 68.860 Facing 0.00 } trow follows his guys down the pass [Follow] deactivates_never 2.00, 10.00 { Follow Radius 8.001 Stop When Idle Flag Link 6th trow (obje, monster_identifier) 10013 (thrall) 1060 (thrall) 1062 (thrall) 1059 (thrall) 1058 (thrall) 1061 (thrall) 1057 (thrall) 10014 (thrall) 1075 (thrall) 1076 (thrall) Followed Elimination Actions trow lays waste to all before him } trow prox test [Test Unit] no_initial_delay deactivates_on_successful_execution 1.00, 1.00 { Enemy Closer Than Radius 4.000 Link 6th trow Activates on Success trow lays waste to all before him Deactivates On Success 4th platoon vitality test trow vitality test trow follows his guys down the pass } 4th platoon vitality test [Test Unit] no_initial_delay deactivates_on_successful_execution 3.00, 5.00 { Vitality Less Than 0.50001 Link 4th soulless 4th thrall Activates on Success trow lays waste to all before him Deactivates On Success trow follows his guys down the pass trow vitality test trow prox test } trow vitality test [Test Unit] deactivates_on_successful_execution 1.00, 2.00 { Vitality Less Than 0.99000 Link 6th trow Activates on Success trow lays waste to all before him Deactivates On Success trow follows his guys down the pass 4th platoon vitality test trow prox test } trow lays waste to all before him [Attack] deactivates_never 0.00, 0.00 { Attackers 1056 (trow) Attack All Enemies Flag } -------------------- DARK SENTRIES { } dark 4th starts test [Test Unit] initially_active deactivates_on_successful_execution 5.00, 10.00 { Link the light Polygon 94.961, 69.192 86.651, 87.920 Power Less Than 0.60000 Activates on Success 4th platoon 4th myrmidon right scouts 4th myrmidon left scouts myrmidons onto north flank munger } -------------------- LIGHT VICTORY { } light past the pass [Test Unit] deactivates_on_successful_execution 3.00, 6.00 { Unit Count Greater Than 0 Link the light Polygon 52.108, 75.374 83.170, 83.471 90.202, 63.387 61.928, 45.331 Activates on Success light victory test } light victory test [Test Unit] initially_active deactivates_on_successful_execution 2.00, 4.00 { Link 6th trow Unit Count Less Than 1 Activates on Success light victory dark rout dark rout 2 dark rout 3 Deactivates On Success 4th myrmidon left scouts 4th myrmidon right scouts 4th platoon } dark rout [General Action] activates_only_once deactivates_never 0.00, 0.00 { Link dark sentries (soulless) Command Type 2 Monsters 10034 (soulless) 10035 (soulless) 10010 (soulless) 1046 (soulless) 10005 (soulless) 10011 (soulless) } dark rout 2 [General Action] activates_only_once deactivates_never 1.00, 1.00 { Link 4th thrall 4th soulless myrmidon reinforcements Command Type 2 } dark rout 3 [General Action] deactivates_never 2.00, 2.00 { Link 4th myrmidons left Command Type 2 } light victory [Endgame Condition] deactivates_on_trigger 6.00, 10.00 { Light Victory Flag } -------------------- DARK VICTORY { } dark victory test [Test Unit] initially_active deactivates_on_successful_execution 3.00, 6.00 { Unit Count Less Than 1 Activates on Success dark victory Link the light } dark victory [Endgame Condition] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Dark Victory Flag } -------------------- DARK REINFORCEMENTS { } soulless activate myrmidon reinforcements [Test Unit] initially_active deactivates_on_successful_execution 5.00, 10.00 { Link 1st soulless right Polygon 165.614, 38.219 181.682, 33.305 Unit Count Greater Than 0 Activates on Success mymidon reinforcements } proximity activate myrmidon reinforcements [Test Unit] initially_active deactivates_on_successful_execution 10.00, 20.00 { Link the light Polygon 158.768, 41.975 170.012, 50.725 182.475, 50.338 194.051, 43.081 Unit Count Greater Than 0 Activates on Success mymidon reinforcements } myrmidons onto south flank munger [Munger] activates_only_once deactivates_on_trigger 5.00, 10.00 { Replace Parameters mymidon reinforcements (stat, action_identifier) myrmidon reinforcements to rear (south) Activate Actions mymidon reinforcements } myrmidons onto north flank munger [Munger] activates_only_once deactivates_on_trigger 5.00, 10.00 { Replace Parameters mymidon reinforcements (stat, action_identifier) myrmidon reinforcements to rear (north) Activate Actions mymidon reinforcements } mymidon reinforcements [Platoon] deactivates_never 0.00, 0.00 { Centerpoint 175.850, 15.542 Facing 172.97 Initial State myrmidon reinforcements path Initial Squads Myrmidon Reinforcements squad } myrmidon reinforcements path [Platoon Movement] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Waypoints 171.856, 18.774 165.696, 24.438 160.260, 31.211 155.872, 41.364 157.268, 49.733 164.458, 53.854 171.098, 63.196 171.559, 69.571 168.370, 79.211 158.975, 80.786 150.627, 84.592 141.977, 87.819 131.995, 89.840 120.178, 91.501 109.110, 89.475 94.844, 82.590 87.272, 72.711 75.889, 68.985 66.034, 64.540 51.999, 63.752 40.637, 63.010 32.170, 63.001 27.219, 62.821 Radii 20.000 30.000 Waypoint Radii } myrmidon reinforcements to rear (south) [Platoon Movement] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Waypoints 171.235, 20.374 161.360, 27.536 156.706, 41.479 162.655, 51.696 168.704, 61.581 172.338, 71.651 165.793, 80.202 155.833, 81.667 145.551, 86.913 130.448, 91.018 116.286, 85.059 97.168, 81.030 86.069, 71.620 72.668, 64.979 61.411, 64.745 45.032, 67.911 21.989, 87.096 Radii 20.000 30.000 Activates on Success Waypoint Radii } myrmidon reinforcements to rear (north) [Platoon Movement] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Waypoints 174.262, 19.780 175.040, 32.747 168.803, 38.682 164.604, 48.874 154.704, 52.637 145.495, 54.711 142.424, 60.819 142.110, 70.555 136.178, 80.213 122.446, 89.907 112.180, 85.231 99.846, 81.303 90.346, 73.825 81.868, 70.182 70.649, 64.133 58.534, 63.727 44.163, 59.792 27.905, 39.661 Radii 20.000 30.000 Waypoint Radii } Myrmidon Reinforcements squad [Squad] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Link myrmidon reinforcements Facing 0.00 Centerpoint 178.551, 15.192 Formation 3 } -------------------- NORTHERN MYRMIDONS { } proximity activate northern myrmidons [Test Unit] initially_active deactivates_on_successful_execution 15.00, 20.00 { Link the light Polygon 137.487, 57.772 148.272, 56.581 153.286, 51.551 149.977, 45.333 Unit Count Greater Than 0 Activates on Success northern myrmidons } add northern myrmidons to 4th left scouts [Munger] activates_only_once deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Insert Parameters 4th myrmidon left squad Link myrmidon northern brigade Replace Parameters 4th myrmidon left scouts (stat, action_identifier) 4th myrmidon left path#1 Activate Actions 4th myrmidon left scouts } northern myrmidons [Platoon] deactivates_never 0.00, 0.00 { Centerpoint 119.383, 32.135 Facing 48.16 Initial State northern myrmidons path Initial Squads myrmidon northern brigade squad } northern myrmidons path [Platoon Movement] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Waypoints 136.465, 48.770 143.452, 58.944 141.778, 72.090 132.395, 82.499 115.057, 83.649 94.129, 75.612 78.934, 68.977 72.292, 64.497 56.713, 63.856 40.885, 62.653 Radii 20.000 30.000 Activates on Success add northern myrmidons to 4th left scouts Waypoint Radii } myrmidon northern brigade squad [Squad] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Link myrmidon northern brigade Facing 0.00 Centerpoint 118.700, 32.071 Formation 3 } -------------------- SCOUT YELLS AHEAD { } Soulless sentry calls in the boyz [Test Unit] initially_active deactivates_on_successful_execution 15.00, 30.00 { Link the light Polygon 175.315, 81.440 165.129, 70.706 Activates on Success "they are heading up the pass!" dark goes for northern brigade dark reaches northern brigade myrmidons onto south flank munger Power Greater Than 0.60000 } "they are heading up the pass!" [Sound Action] activates_only_once deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Monster 10009 (soulless) Sound Tag } dark goes for northern brigade [Movement] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Monsters 10012 (soulless) Waypoints 140.241, 48.819 132.692, 44.834 125.516, 36.959 119.829, 33.786 } dark reaches northern brigade [Test Unit] deactivates_on_successful_execution 10.00, 15.00 { Polygon 125.323, 40.739 129.022, 33.444 Monsters 10012 (soulless) Activates on Success northern myrmidons Unit Count Greater Than 0 } -------------------- DIFFICULTY LEVELS { } Major Damage [Test Unit] activates_only_once, initially_active deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { (diff, integer) 3 Activates on Success Major Damage Reduce Reinforcements } Major Damage Reduce Reinforcements [Munger] activates_only_once deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Replace Parameters light re archers (subj, monster_identifier) 1001 (fir'bolg (flameless)) 1004 (fir'bolg (flameless)) Replace Parameters light re warriors (subj, monster_identifier) 10040 (warrior) 10042 (warrior) } Total Carnage [Test Unit] activates_only_once, initially_active deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { (diff, integer) 4 Activates on Success Total Carnage Reduce Light } Total Carnage Reduce Light [Unit Control] activates_only_once deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Invisible Flag Monsters 1032 (warrior) 1031 (warrior) 10037 (berserk) 10038 (berserk) Ignores User Control Flag Delete Monsters } -------------------- MISC { } berserks move [Movement] initially_active deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Waypoints 269.686, 86.866 Monsters 10038 (berserk) 10037 (berserk) 1022 (berserk) 1023 (berserk) 1024 (berserk) 1017 (berserk) 1018 (berserk) 1021 (berserk) } dwarves move [Movement] initially_active deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Waypoints 270.487, 91.108 Monsters 1012 (dwarf tfl) 1033 (dwarf tfl) } archers moves [Movement] initially_active deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Waypoints 274.069, 90.997 Monsters 1013 (fir'bolg (flameless)) 1014 (fir'bolg (flameless)) 1015 (fir'bolg (flameless)) 1016 (fir'bolg (flameless)) } warriors moves [Movement] initially_active deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Waypoints 269.442, 94.737 Monsters 1026 (warrior) 1031 (warrior) 1027 (warrior) 1032 (warrior) 1028 (warrior) } journeyman moves [Movement] initially_active deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Waypoints 276.364, 91.090 Monsters 1011 (journeyman) } snow randomizer [Action List] deactivates_never 45.00, 90.00 { Actions to Activate 25 percent snow 75 percent snow 50 percent snow 100 percent snow 125 percent snow 1 percent snow 1 percent snow 1 percent snow 25 percent snow 25 percent snow 50 percent snow Random Selection Flag } 25 percent snow [Particle System Control] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Target Multiplier 0.25000 } 50 percent snow [Particle System Control] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Target Multiplier 0.50001 } 75 percent snow [Particle System Control] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Target Multiplier 0.75001 } 100 percent snow [Particle System Control] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Target Multiplier 1.00001 } 125 percent snow [Particle System Control] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Target Multiplier 1.25001 } 1 percent snow [Particle System Control] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Target Multiplier 0.01000 } 1 percent snow [Particle System Control] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Target Multiplier 0.01000 } 1 percent snow [Particle System Control] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Target Multiplier 0.01000 } 25 percent snow [Particle System Control] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Target Multiplier 0.25000 } 50 percent snow [Particle System Control] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Target Multiplier 0.50001 } 25 percent snow [Particle System Control] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Target Multiplier 0.25000 } "reinforcements at last!" [Sound Action] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Sound Tag 320 reinforcements Link the light Override Flag } ------------------------------------------------------------------- Iron's lamer detector [Test Unit] initially_active deactivates_on_successful_execution 0.80, 1.20 { Link the light light reinforcements Polygon 187.958, 89.842 181.846, 95.571 197.760, 116.874 204.944, 97.391 Unit Count Greater Than 0 Closed Polygon Flag Activates on Success Iron's lamer detector #2 } Iron's lamer detector #2 [Test Unit] deactivates_on_execution 0.00, 0.00 { Link the light light reinforcements Polygon 187.958, 89.842 181.846, 95.571 197.760, 116.874 204.944, 97.391 Unit Count Greater Than 0 Closed Polygon Flag Activates on Success Reversed Polygon Flag Activates on Failure Iron's lamer detector } Iron's lamer detector #3 [Test Unit] deactivates_on_execution 0.00, 0.00 { Link the dark Polygon 194.622, 93.510 198.262, 88.801 188.459, 79.342 175.389, 90.338 181.024, 94.809 188.061, 88.618 Unit Count Greater Than 0 Closed Polygon Flag Activates on Success Get trapped units Activates on Failure Iron's lamer detector } Get trapped units [Geometry Filter] deactivates_on_execution 0.00, 0.00 { Link the dark Polygon Points 194.622, 93.510 198.262, 88.801 188.459, 79.342 175.389, 90.338 181.024, 94.809 188.061, 88.618 Polygon Closed Flag Activates on Success Move them around Activates On Execution Iron's lamer detector Tested items Inside Field Name subj Results Action Identifier Move them around } Move them around [Movement] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Waypoints 200.204, 98.469 } -------------------------------------------------------------------