-------------------- THE WALL { } wall wights { (subj, monster_identifier) 10168 (wight) 10166 (wight) 10167 (wight) 10169 (wight) } wall thrall #1 (north) { (subj, monster_identifier) 10123 (thrall) 10121 (thrall) 10122 (thrall) 10119 (thrall) 10118 (thrall) 10124 (thrall) 10120 (thrall) 10125 (thrall) } wall thrall #2 { (subj, monster_identifier) 10072 (thrall) 10071 (thrall) 10073 (thrall) 10067 (thrall) 10074 (thrall) 10065 (thrall) 10075 (thrall) 10066 (thrall) } wall thrall #3 (center) { (subj, monster_identifier) 10115 (thrall) 10111 (thrall) 10114 (thrall) 10110 (thrall) 10117 (thrall) 10061 (thrall) 10064 (thrall) 10063 (thrall) 10057 (thrall) 10062 (thrall) 10058 (thrall) 10060 (thrall) 10070 (thrall) 10069 (thrall) 10059 (thrall) 10068 (thrall) } wall thrall #4 { (subj, monster_identifier) 10113 (thrall) 10109 (thrall) 10108 (thrall) 10112 (thrall) 10107 (thrall) 10106 (thrall) 10116 (thrall) 10105 (thrall) 10100 (thrall) 10104 (thrall) 10097 (thrall) 10101 (thrall) } wall thrall #5 { (subj, monster_identifier) 10098 (thrall) 10096 (thrall) 10095 (thrall) 10099 (thrall) 10094 (thrall) 10102 (thrall) 10103 (thrall) } wall thrall #6 (south) { (subj, monster_identifier) 10130 (thrall) 10133 (thrall) 10129 (thrall) 10128 (thrall) 10131 (thrall) 10127 (thrall) 10132 (thrall) 10126 (thrall) } wall attack trigger [Test Unit] initially_active deactivates_on_successful_execution 0.00, 0.00 { Unit Count Greater Than 0 Link the light Polygon 337.959, 70.028 322.159, 70.073 317.967, 76.053 317.969, 86.032 322.129, 92.002 338.040, 92.018 Reversed Polygon Flag Activates on Success wall thrall activate } wall thrall activate [Action List] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Actions to Activate wall thrall #1 move wall thrall #2 move wall thrall #4 move wall thrall #5 move wall thrall #6 move wall thrall melee #3 wall wights attack } wall wights attack [Suicide (for wights)] deactivates_never 0.00, 0.00 { Link wall wights } wall thrall #1 move [Movement] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Waypoints 325.243, 37.024 Link wall thrall #1 (north) Formation Index 5 Activates on Success wall thrall melee #1 } wall thrall melee #1 [Melee (for Thrall, Myrmidons, etc.)] deactivates_never 2.00, 4.00 { Formation 5 Link wall thrall #1 (north) } wall thrall #2 move [Movement] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Waypoints 307.963, 57.374 Link wall thrall #2 Formation Index 5 Activates on Success wall thrall melee #2 } wall thrall melee #2 [Melee (for Thrall, Myrmidons, etc.)] deactivates_never 2.00, 4.00 { Formation 5 Link wall thrall #2 } wall thrall melee #3 [Melee (for Thrall, Myrmidons, etc.)] deactivates_never 2.00, 4.00 { Formation 5 Link wall thrall #3 (center) } wall thrall #4 move [Movement] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Waypoints 307.411, 103.030 Link wall thrall #4 Formation Index 5 Activates on Success wall thrall melee #4 } wall thrall melee #4 [Melee (for Thrall, Myrmidons, etc.)] deactivates_never 2.00, 4.00 { Formation 5 Link wall thrall #4 } wall thrall #5 move [Movement] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Waypoints 316.292, 117.528 Link wall thrall #5 Formation Index 5 Activates on Success wall thrall melee #5 } wall thrall melee #5 [Melee (for Thrall, Myrmidons, etc.)] deactivates_never 2.00, 4.00 { Formation 5 Link wall thrall #5 } wall thrall #6 move [Movement] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Waypoints 321.260, 137.727 332.186, 128.915 Link wall thrall #6 (south) Formation Index 5 Activates on Success wall thrall melee #6 } wall thrall melee #6 [Melee (for Thrall, Myrmidons, etc.)] deactivates_never 2.00, 4.00 { Formation 5 Link wall thrall #6 (south) } -------------------- THE LIGHT { } the light { Link left warriors right warriors archers dwarves journeyman } left warriors { (subj, monster_identifier) 10046 (warrior) 10045 (warrior) 10044 (warrior) 10049 (warrior) 10048 (warrior) 10047 (warrior) 10052 (warrior) 10051 (warrior) 10050 (warrior) } right warriors { (subj, monster_identifier) 10037 (warrior) 10036 (warrior) 10035 (warrior) 10040 (warrior) 10039 (warrior) 10038 (warrior) 10043 (warrior) 10042 (warrior) 10259 (warrior captain) } archers { (subj, monster_identifier) 10149 (fir'bolg (flameless)) 10148 (fir'bolg (flameless)) 10147 (fir'bolg (flameless)) 10146 (fir'bolg (flameless)) 10145 (fir'bolg (flameless)) 10144 (fir'bolg (flameless)) 10143 (fir'bolg (flameless)) 10142 (fir'bolg (flameless)) } dwarves { (subj, monster_identifier) 10054 (dwarf tfl) 10053 (dwarf tfl) } journeyman { (subj, monster_identifier) 10261 (journeyman) } left warriors setup [Movement] initially_active deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Waypoints 324.098, 76.034 Link left warriors Formation Index 4 Final Facing 179.30 } right warriors setup [Movement] initially_active deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Waypoints 324.000, 85.979 Link right warriors Formation Index 4 Final Facing 179.30 } archers setup [Movement] initially_active deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Waypoints 321.985, 80.952 Link archers Formation Index 1 Final Facing 179.30 } dwarves setup [Movement] initially_active deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Waypoints 320.053, 81.020 Link dwarves Formation Index 2 Final Facing 179.30 } journeyman setup [Movement] initially_active deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Waypoints 320.018, 78.002 Link journeyman Formation Index Final Facing 179.30 } give codex to the journeyman [Unit Control] initially_active deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Give Monster Artifact or Projectile 10000 (total codex) Link journeyman } change mauriac's name [Unit Control] initially_active deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Monsters 10259 (warrior captain) New Monster Name 0 } -------------------- THE MARSH { } thrall { (subj, monster_identifier) 10215 (thrall) 10214 (thrall) 10213 (thrall) 10212 (thrall) 10211 (thrall) 10210 (thrall) 10217 (thrall) 10216 (thrall) } north wights (part of thrall legion) { (subj, monster_identifier) 10218 (wight) 10219 (wight) 10221 (wight) 10220 (wight) } wights (3 oÕclock) { (subj, monster_identifier) 10082 (wight) 10081 (wight) 10079 (wight) 10080 (wight) } wights (5 oÕclock) { (subj, monster_identifier) 10078 (wight) 10077 (wight) 10076 (wight) } wights (6 oÕclock) { (subj, monster_identifier) 10083 (wight) 10086 (wight) 10084 (wight) 10085 (wight) } wights (9 oÕclock) { (subj, monster_identifier) 10089 (wight) 10087 (wight) 10088 (wight) 10090 (wight) } wights (10 oÕclock) { (subj, monster_identifier) 10093 (wight) 10092 (wight) } wights (12 oÕclock) { (subj, monster_identifier) 10091 (wight) 10207 (wight) 10208 (wight) 10209 (wight) } marsh line #1 (legion, north wights) [Test Unit] initially_active deactivates_on_successful_execution 5.00, 10.00 { Polygon 243.407, 66.465 258.917, 63.137 269.934, 45.581 Unit Count Greater Than 0 Link the light Activates on Success north wight attack thrall legion } north wight attack [Suicide (for wights)] deactivates_never 0.00, 0.00 { Initial Delay 60 Link north wights (part of thrall legion) } thrall legion [Legion (defensive)] deactivates_never 2.00, 3.00 { Group Count 1 Line 207.823, 31.942 233.342, 46.874 Group Centerpoint Array 220.036, 53.989 Group Unit Container Array thrall Global Centerpoint 218.012, 53.979 Global Facing 180.35 Fallback Actions thrall legion attack Group Formation Array 1 Power Ratio 50.00001 Maximum Damage Before Attack 12.00001 } thrall legion attack [Melee (for Thrall, Myrmidons, etc.)] no_initial_delay deactivates_never 2.00, 3.00 { Link thrall Formation 1 } marsh line #2 (9, 5, 6) [Test Unit] initially_active deactivates_on_successful_execution 5.00, 10.00 { Polygon 223.500, 76.534 233.256, 76.491 231.389, 62.292 Unit Count Greater Than 0 Link the light Activates on Success 9, 5, 6 wight attack wight line #3 (3, 10, 12) soulblighter setup } 9, 5, 6 wight attack [Suicide (for wights)] deactivates_never 0.00, 0.00 { Link wights (9 oÕclock) wights (5 oÕclock) wights (6 oÕclock) Initial Delay 180 } wight line #3 (3, 10, 12) [Test Unit] deactivates_on_successful_execution 5.00, 10.00 { Polygon 202.153, 76.417 200.715, 59.034 Unit Count Greater Than 0 Link the light Activates on Success 3, 10, 12 wight attack } 3, 10, 12 wight attack [Suicide (for wights)] deactivates_never 0.00, 0.00 { Link wights (3 oÕclock) wights (10 oÕclock) wights (12 oÕclock) Initial Delay 60 } -------------------- THE BARRIER { } myrmidons #1 { (subj, monster_identifier) 10000 (myrmidon (coop)) 10001 (myrmidon (coop)) 10002 (myrmidon (coop)) 10003 (myrmidon (coop)) 10171 (myrmidon (coop)) 10170 (myrmidon (coop)) 10172 (myrmidon (coop)) 10173 (myrmidon (coop)) } myrmidons #2 { (subj, monster_identifier) 10004 (myrmidon (coop)) 10005 (myrmidon (coop)) 10006 (myrmidon (coop)) 10016 (myrmidon (coop)) 10174 (myrmidon (coop)) 10175 (myrmidon (coop)) 10176 (myrmidon (coop)) 10177 (myrmidon (coop)) } myrmidons #3 { (subj, monster_identifier) 10007 (myrmidon (coop)) 10008 (myrmidon (coop)) 10009 (myrmidon (coop)) 10010 (myrmidon (coop)) 10015 (myrmidon (coop)) 10178 (myrmidon (coop)) 10180 (myrmidon (coop)) 10179 (myrmidon (coop)) 10181 (myrmidon (coop)) 10182 (myrmidon (coop)) } myrmidons #4 { (subj, monster_identifier) 10011 (myrmidon (coop)) 10012 (myrmidon (coop)) 10013 (myrmidon (coop)) 10014 (myrmidon (coop)) 10183 (myrmidon (coop)) 10184 (myrmidon (coop)) 10185 (myrmidon (coop)) 10186 (myrmidon (coop)) } thrall #1 { (subj, monster_identifier) 10197 (thrall) 10032 (thrall) 10031 (thrall) 10198 (thrall) 10034 (thrall) 10033 (thrall) 10201 (thrall) 10200 (thrall) 10199 (thrall) } thrall #2 { (subj, monster_identifier) 10187 (thrall) 10017 (thrall) 10018 (thrall) 10188 (thrall) 10020 (thrall) 10019 (thrall) 10189 (thrall) 10190 (thrall) 10191 (thrall) } thrall #3 { (subj, monster_identifier) 10022 (thrall) 10021 (thrall) 10192 (thrall) 10024 (thrall) 10023 (thrall) 10193 (thrall) 10196 (thrall) 10195 (thrall) 10194 (thrall) } thrall #4 { (subj, monster_identifier) 10206 (thrall) 10203 (thrall) 10202 (thrall) 10026 (thrall) 10027 (thrall) 10205 (thrall) 10204 (thrall) 10030 (thrall) 10029 (thrall) } barrier warning trigger [Test Unit] initially_active deactivates_on_successful_execution 5.00, 10.00 { Polygon 237.471, 81.649 237.719, 68.924 225.778, 68.690 222.100, 82.321 Unit Count Greater Than 0 Link the light Activates on Success Òi don't like the looks of thisÓ } Òi don't like the looks of thisÓ [Sound Action] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Sound Tag 305 dont like looks Link left warriors right warriors Override Flag } barrier trigger [Test Unit] initially_active deactivates_on_successful_execution 5.00, 10.00 { Polygon 233.268, 81.040 232.598, 59.157 201.340, 56.717 184.936, 68.995 183.606, 88.239 Unit Count Greater Than 0 Link the light Activates on Success myrmidons #1 melee myrmidons #2 melee myrmidons #3 melee myrmidons #4 melee thrall #1 melee thrall #2 melee thrall #3 melee thrall #4 melee Òdamn, we should have gone aroundÓ } Òdamn, we should have gone aroundÓ [Sound Action] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Sound Tag 305 damn gone around Link left warriors right warriors Override Flag } myrmidons #1 melee [Melee (for Thrall, Myrmidons, etc.)] deactivates_never 2.00, 4.00 { Formation 2 Link myrmidons #1 } myrmidons #2 melee [Melee (for Thrall, Myrmidons, etc.)] deactivates_never 2.00, 4.00 { Formation 2 Link myrmidons #2 } myrmidons #3 melee [Melee (for Thrall, Myrmidons, etc.)] deactivates_never 2.00, 4.00 { Formation 2 Link myrmidons #3 } myrmidons #4 melee [Melee (for Thrall, Myrmidons, etc.)] deactivates_never 2.00, 4.00 { Formation 2 Link myrmidons #4 } thrall #1 melee [Melee (for Thrall, Myrmidons, etc.)] deactivates_never 2.00, 4.00 { Formation 4 Link thrall #1 } thrall #2 melee [Melee (for Thrall, Myrmidons, etc.)] deactivates_never 2.00, 4.00 { Formation 4 Link thrall #2 } thrall #3 melee [Melee (for Thrall, Myrmidons, etc.)] deactivates_never 2.00, 4.00 { Formation 4 Link thrall #3 } thrall #4 melee [Melee (for Thrall, Myrmidons, etc.)] deactivates_never 2.00, 4.00 { Formation 4 Link thrall #4 } -------------------- 2ND WAVE THRALL { } north thrall { (subj, monster_identifier) 10234 (thrall) 10236 (thrall) 10238 (thrall) 10240 (thrall) 10235 (thrall) 10237 (thrall) 10239 (thrall) 10241 (thrall) 10242 (thrall) 10243 (thrall) 10244 (thrall) 10245 (thrall) } south thrall { (subj, monster_identifier) 10232 (thrall) 10230 (thrall) 10231 (thrall) 10223 (thrall) 10224 (thrall) 10222 (thrall) 10228 (thrall) 10226 (thrall) 10225 (thrall) 10227 (thrall) 10229 (thrall) 10233 (thrall) } west thrall { (subj, monster_identifier) 10257 (thrall) 10254 (thrall) 10251 (thrall) 10248 (thrall) 10247 (thrall) 10250 (thrall) 10253 (thrall) 10256 (thrall) 10255 (thrall) 10252 (thrall) 10249 (thrall) 10246 (thrall) } 2nd wave thrall line [Test Unit] initially_active deactivates_on_successful_execution 5.00, 10.00 { Polygon 129.225, 86.747 128.885, 75.008 Unit Count Greater Than 0 Link the light Activates on Success north thrall melee south thrall melee west thrall melee } north thrall melee [Melee (for Thrall, Myrmidons, etc.)] deactivates_never 2.00, 4.00 { Formation 8 Link north thrall } south thrall melee [Melee (for Thrall, Myrmidons, etc.)] deactivates_never 2.00, 4.00 { Formation 8 Link south thrall } west thrall melee [Melee (for Thrall, Myrmidons, etc.)] deactivates_never 2.00, 4.00 { Formation 8 Link west thrall } -------------------- MYRMIDON CAPTAINS { } myrmidon captains { (subj, monster_identifier) 10150 (myrmidon (coop)) 10151 (myrmidon (coop)) } initial move [Movement] initially_active deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Waypoints 287.465, 80.725 Formation Index 2 Link myrmidon captains } proximity retreat trigger [Test Unit] initially_active deactivates_on_successful_execution 0.00, 0.00 { Polygon 298.333, 84.479 297.711, 74.981 Unit Count Greater Than 0 Link the light Activates on Success retreat } damage retreat trigger [Test Unit] initially_active deactivates_on_successful_execution 0.00, 0.00 { Link myrmidon captains Activates on Success retreat Vitality Less Than 0.95000 } retreat [Movement] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Waypoints 256.948, 80.124 229.008, 79.864 216.717, 85.264 Formation Index 2 Link myrmidon captains Final Facing 300.23 } shift trigger [Test Unit] initially_active deactivates_on_successful_execution 0.00, 0.00 { Polygon 227.170, 70.118 233.442, 67.821 237.125, 54.165 Unit Count Greater Than 0 Link the light Activates on Success myrmidons #2 shift myrmidons #4 shift thrall #2 shift thrall #4 shift } myrmidons #2 shift [Movement] deactivates_on_trigger 10.00, 12.00 { Waypoints 208.676, 107.963 213.243, 78.008 Formation Index 2 Link myrmidons #2 Final Facing 272.46 } myrmidons #4 shift [Movement] deactivates_on_trigger 10.00, 12.00 { Waypoints 202.036, 78.092 Formation Index 2 Link myrmidons #4 Final Facing 272.46 } thrall #2 shift [Movement] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Waypoints 207.877, 80.290 Formation Index 4 Link thrall #2 Final Facing 272.46 } thrall #4 shift [Movement] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Waypoints 196.946, 80.360 Formation Index 4 Link thrall #4 Final Facing 272.46 } captains shift [Movement] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Waypoints 204.536, 73.858 Formation Index 2 Link myrmidon captains Final Facing 270.70 } -------------------- WIGHT TRAINS { } train #1 wights { (subj, monster_identifier) 10164 (wight) 10165 (wight) 10163 (wight) 10162 (wight) 10161 (wight) 10160 (wight) } train #1 myrmidon { (subj, monster_identifier) 10159 (myrmidon (coop)) } train #1 look [Look] deactivates_on_successful_execution 3.00, 6.00 { Link train #1 wights train #1 myrmidon Activates on Success driver flee wights break wights wait for itÉ } driver flee [Movement] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Waypoints 63.586, 59.569 42.821, 42.745 34.977, 20.917 29.018, 1.180 Link train #1 myrmidon } wights break [General Action] deactivates_never 0.00, 0.00 { Command Type 1 Link train #1 wights } wights wait for itÉ [Action List] deactivates_on_trigger 10.00, 10.00 { Actions to Activate wights suicide Actions to Deactivate wights break } wights suicide [Suicide (for wights)] deactivates_never 0.00, 0.00 { Link train #1 wights } wight train #1 [Platoon] deactivates_never 0.00, 0.00 { Initial State wight train #1 movement Initial Squads front wights squad middle wights squad back wights squad driver myrmidon squad Centerpoint 92.001, 66.001 Facing 0.00 Inhibitions train #1 look } wight train #1 movement [Platoon Movement] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Waypoints 54.120, 53.922 60.479, 57.598 66.430, 60.448 72.370, 61.946 78.284, 62.059 84.553, 63.584 90.055, 65.686 96.178, 65.901 102.612, 65.795 109.760, 65.887 116.418, 66.192 123.508, 67.838 131.198, 71.977 135.823, 75.260 137.729, 80.735 137.758, 86.813 135.157, 92.364 130.002, 95.758 124.467, 98.438 118.915, 99.506 112.297, 101.135 106.702, 102.299 100.696, 103.768 95.038, 104.952 88.368, 105.948 81.866, 106.803 75.760, 107.043 69.946, 107.643 63.497, 110.241 57.055, 110.688 50.321, 110.733 56.133, 106.924 Waypoint Radii Radii 8.001 12.001 } front wights squad [Squad] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Centerpoint 92.001, 66.038 Facing 0.00 Formation 0 Monsters 10164 (wight) 10165 (wight) } middle wights squad [Squad] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Centerpoint 90.012, 66.077 Facing 0.00 Formation 0 Monsters 10162 (wight) 10163 (wight) } back wights squad [Squad] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Centerpoint 88.010, 66.040 Facing 0.00 Formation 0 Monsters 10160 (wight) 10161 (wight) } driver myrmidon squad [Squad] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Centerpoint 88.067, 69.110 Facing 45.35 Formation 0 Link train #1 myrmidon } train #2 wights { (subj, monster_identifier) 10134 (wight) 10135 (wight) 10137 (wight) 10136 (wight) 10138 (wight) 10139 (wight) } train #2 myrmidon { (subj, monster_identifier) 10140 (myrmidon (coop)) } train #2 look [Look] deactivates_on_successful_execution 3.00, 6.00 { Link train #2 wights train #2 myrmidon Activates on Success driver flee wights break wights wait for itÉ } driver flee [Movement] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Waypoints 63.481, 109.956 44.584, 110.610 26.659, 115.008 0.825, 130.292 Link train #2 myrmidon } wights break [General Action] deactivates_never 0.00, 0.00 { Command Type 1 Link train #2 wights } wights wait for itÉ [Action List] deactivates_on_trigger 10.00, 10.00 { Actions to Activate wights suicide Actions to Deactivate wights break } wights suicide [Suicide (for wights)] deactivates_never 0.00, 0.00 { Link train #2 wights } wight train #2 [Platoon] deactivates_never 0.00, 0.00 { Initial State wight train #2 movement Initial Squads front wights squad middle wights squad back wights squad driver myrmidon squad Centerpoint 92.001, 66.001 Facing 0.00 Inhibitions train #2 look } wight train #2 movement [Platoon Movement] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Waypoints 55.081, 110.602 61.735, 110.360 67.590, 108.293 73.317, 107.016 78.846, 106.756 85.094, 106.381 92.860, 105.323 99.452, 104.024 105.454, 102.278 112.489, 100.137 117.965, 96.510 120.930, 90.704 121.639, 83.399 121.747, 78.094 121.364, 73.059 118.368, 67.918 112.911, 66.245 106.083, 65.487 100.106, 65.540 94.290, 65.944 89.360, 65.368 83.340, 62.903 76.856, 61.854 70.469, 61.694 64.055, 59.477 57.344, 55.737 52.190, 52.116 45.797, 45.940 39.508, 42.108 36.454, 46.758 41.565, 53.079 46.565, 58.747 Waypoint Radii Radii 8.001 12.001 } front wights squad [Squad] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Centerpoint 92.001, 66.038 Facing 0.00 Formation 0 Monsters 10134 (wight) 10135 (wight) } middle wights squad [Squad] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Centerpoint 90.012, 66.077 Facing 0.00 Formation 0 Monsters 10136 (wight) 10137 (wight) } back wights squad [Squad] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Centerpoint 88.010, 66.040 Facing 0.00 Formation 0 Monsters 10138 (wight) 10139 (wight) } driver myrmidon squad [Squad] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Centerpoint 88.012, 63.001 Facing 0.00 Formation 0 Link train #2 myrmidon } train trigger [Test Unit] initially_active deactivates_on_successful_execution 5.00, 10.00 { Polygon 83.532, 63.768 84.383, 52.553 Unit Count Greater Than 0 Link the light Activates on Success train #1 look wight train #1 train #2 look wight train #2 } -------------------- VICTORY CONDITIONS { } cave trigger [Test Unit] initially_active deactivates_on_successful_execution 4.00, 6.00 { Polygon 20.389, 60.983 18.940, 74.766 25.807, 81.905 35.993, 75.928 32.885, 60.374 26.852, 55.782 Unit Count Greater Than 0 Link the light Activates on Success find light units near the cave find units in the cave light victory trigger Closed Polygon Flag } find units in the cave [Geometry Filter] deactivates_never 0.00, 0.00 { Polygon Points 21.319, 83.006 30.833, 83.190 30.893, 78.881 21.143, 78.706 Link the light Activates on Success remove does one of those guys have the codex? Polygon Closed Flag Results Action Identifier units in the cave Tested items Inside Field Name subj } units in the cave { } does one of those guys have the codex? [Test Unit] deactivates_on_execution 0.00, 0.00 { Object Held toco Link units in the cave Activates on Success light victory trigger Deactivates On Success dark victory test } remove [Unit Control] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Link units in the cave Invisible Flag true } find light units near the cave [Geometry Filter] deactivates_never 0.00, 0.00 { Polygon Points 21.149, 82.924 30.866, 83.063 32.374, 67.444 20.563, 65.395 Polygon Closed Flag Link the light Results Action Identifier units near the cave Tested items Inside Field Name subj Activates on Success move into the cave take control } units near the cave { } take control [Unit Control] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Ignores User Control Flag true Link units near the cave Received User Control Flag false } move into the cave [Rout] deactivates_never 0.00, 0.00 { Destinations 25.034, 81.157 27.110, 81.204 Link units near the cave } light victory trigger [Test Unit] deactivates_on_successful_execution 0.00, 0.00 { Unit Count Less Than 1 Link the light Activates on Success light victory } light victory [Endgame Condition] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Light Victory Flag } dark victory test [Test Unit] initially_active deactivates_on_successful_execution 3.00, 4.00 { Link journeyman Unit Count Less Than 1 Activates on Success dark victory } dark victory [Endgame Condition] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Dark Victory Flag } -------------------- SOULBLIGHTER { } soulblighter { (subj, monster_identifier) 10258 (soulblighter) } soulblighter setup [Action List] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Actions to Activate soulblighter ignores danger trigger (look) danger trigger (proximity) } soulblighter ignores [Unit Control] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Link soulblighter Cannot Be Autotargeted Flag true Does Not Autotarget Flag true } danger trigger (look) [Look] deactivates_on_successful_execution 2.00, 4.00 { Link soulblighter Activates on Success soulblighter leaves list } danger trigger (proximity) [Test Unit] deactivates_on_successful_execution 2.00, 4.00 { Link the light Unit Count Greater Than 0 Object Test Radius 165.073, 26.917 181.454, 31.362 Activates on Success soulblighter leaves list } soulblighter leaves list [Action List] activates_only_once deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Actions to Activate soulblighter turns soulblighter disappears } soulblighter turns [Movement] deactivates_on_trigger 0.00, 0.00 { Waypoints Link soulblighter Final Facing 114.96 } soulblighter disappears [Unit Control] deactivates_on_trigger 1.00, 1.00 { Link soulblighter Invisible Flag Use Monster Entrance Flag }