Making a Mesh Plugin with a PC may seem a little easier then on a MAC. All you have to have is MythPacker and HEdit. First you open up your MythPacker and follow this directory: MyComputer:(C:):ProgramFiles:MythTFL:Tags:Tags or for those who know how to use MythPacker just open up the tags tag file. Then scroll down to the MESH section and find the mesh you want to edit, say you want to edit the TROW mesh 54ad is the mesh code for trow. So you click on the 54ad line and hit the blue arrow button which is the EXTRACT button and extract it to your desktop (Hint: make a shortcut folder to myth and place it on your desktop, makes getting to files a lot easier) Now open the mesh file with HEdit and scan the file for the location of the units which in this file starts at offset 87328. Now you can switch the unit codes to what ever you want, along with scenery, sounds, whether you have snow or rain, etc(Like the first unit code there is sodf, which is soulless, just change that to a unit code thats listed in MythPacker, like balo and now instead of soulless you have Balors!). Then save the file and stick it in your MESH folder which is in the Myth: Local folder. It one is not in there just create a folder called "mesh".