Tips for using Infantry most effective. By Slice First I'd like to thank Atomic Bomberman for helping me out understanding the effectiveness of how you set up your troops.... Infantry, defensive style: When using infantry to defend a fortress, for instance, in capture the flag, steal the bacon, or balls on parade, you don't need mobility. Thrall can be used great for defensive purposes because of the lack of movement needed. On a defensive style play, zerks and myrmidians are not a wise choice to have due to there cost. Warriors and thrall work great on defense. Start off with lots of the cheapest units, hopefully you back em up with some archers. A dwarf is also handy. The first thing you DO NOT want to do is bunch up your army. If you are surrounded and they all attack, if your bunched up.. what are the guys in the middle going to do? Keep them spread out, maybe 2 lines at max in depth. I prefer warriors behind thrall because then you don't have to worry about keeping the warriors from engaging without help. Also thrall are expendable, think about what you would want with 2 minutes left on capture the flag... 20 thrall or 10 warriors, thrall won't cut it there. When you see an enemy coming with infantry, timing your attack is very imporant. The longer you wait the more bunched up they will be. I usually attack when the first of there troops touches my first line, if you have a second line behind them and your outnumbered, you can still take out a large chunk, if not all of his army because you will surround him. Keep warriors behind because they are quick to go around thrall... thrall going around warriors doesnt work, by the time they get around, your warriors are probably dead. Infantry, attacking style: Using infantry to attack, which of course will be done in every map you play, is much more fun. On a terrie's style map, the faster the better, although don't be confused, thrall are still manditory on a game like territories on 'Desert between your ears'. Zerks are my personal favorite, myrmidians are also nice because of there speed. Cave spiders can work wonders at the end of a game if you have alot of them. Remember, speed is much more effective then power when it comes to attacking, Spiders are extremely fast, they can take out trow if you catch them offguard or if your very patient. When attacking, do not split your army and go in different places.. get a wall and keep the wall when attacking.. when you see them attack, back up a little bit, get troops to there sides if possible to flank, and engulf them. On a map like Web i prefer to send in warriors first because there are more of them and they are strong. Dont let your zerks get too far away from your warriors, i have beaten plenty of players because they sent there zerks first and i killed them w/o taking a casualty, then the warriors were dog-meat. Also when attacking, if you are outnumbered, try to lure them away from eachother so you can take a chunk at a time... Infantry, territory style: Territories is always fun, but since I play it so much i prefer other games now. The key to territories is mobility and strength... Lets use my favorite, Spiderweb, as an example. I'd suggest getting maximum berzerks/spiders for this one. Warriors are always a pleasure as well. The faster you move, the more chance you can win. Also, with an infantry army, surprise is also an element to remember, those wights are always fun in the southeast waters! Guarding territories is not manditory until later in the game... If you play to win, the best thing to do is run from any army you see until the end minutes, then they will be weakened and you can sweep the already hurt players. Also on web, a note... Fetch, in my opinion, are used to 1) blow up a dwarf, or 2) sit between your army, and sacrafice itself so you can sandwich them when they come.... Never EVER launch a bomb or shoot lightning in the middle of a group unless you KNOW you are going to lose, you'll just beat yourself up, not them. Slow infantry vs fast stratigy units(dorfs, archers, ghols) You all think when 20 thrall go up against a dorf, archer, or ghol.. that they can run, BUT, if you send west, 5 south, and 5 north around them, you can kill them. In the case of a dwarf or fetch, very wise tip.. spread out. When you see unreachable souless.. don't go near em. You cant win territories with soulless, but you can win steal the bacon (I have a film, where about 5 souless beat a major camper with about 75% of the army left... Also that was one of my great success's with zerks, 1 zerk with 12 kills) Hope it helps.. Remember to surround, and not be surrounded.. The more patient you are, the better you'll be. Look at AtomicBomberman, i'd have to say hes the best infantry-controlloer i've ever played against.