- 1.4.1a:
Fix for object tag error in vTFL.
- 1.4.1 Final:
Made dud bottles act more closely to TFL. (vTFL mode)
- 1.4.1 Final Public Beta:
Fixed playback of 1.3 coop films.
F10 key modified to be a toggle rather than having to be held down.
OpenGL Texture cache crash fix.
Input code for Macs overhauled.
Used the new background check code to yield even more time to the OS when a game is not in progress.
Improved performance when running under OS 8.x,9.x with the Carbon build. Should be very close to the Classic build now.
Added VersionID to player info. (PlayMyth only)
Cleaned up uber issues.
- 1.4.1 Public Beta v3:
Bugs fixed in supporting 1.3/1.4 films and 1.2 films should also now work.
More pathfinding tweaks to prevent units getting stuck on impassable terrain.
Attack repetitions bug in 108 fixed.
The OpenGL F5 speed hack (High Resolution turned off in prefs) should work.
Widescreen displays can zoom out the proper amount now (was too close in previously).
Mouse wheel will no longer deselect units if there's no presets defined.
vTFL/Anticlump pathfinding code adjusted to make trow a little less clumsy walking around other units.
Dorf hero was throwing the bottle too slowly. In 1/16th speed throwing at
maximum range, a TFL bottles takes about 33 seconds to land, whereas in
vTFL it was taking 36 seconds. This should make cbing a little less easy.
(Unity fix)
Bottle resistance to explosive damaged increased (carefully) allowing chain
reactions and duff hero bottle bouncing to occur. (Unity fix)
- 1.4.1 Public Beta v2:
Support for 1.3 and 1.4 films has been added.
FPS improvements for both OpenGL and Direct3D
Eliminate Chat Lag option in Preferences (replaces Allow Background Tasks) is now available for both PC and MacOS.
Units will pathfind around netgame balls as in 1.3 (except for in vTFL mode)
Some melee targetting issues resolved.
- 1.4.1 Public Beta v1:
Improved and enhanced OpenGL support.
General performance enhancements
In Myth II mode, the new targetting algorithm has been refined so that units given a group attack command will not be distracted as easily.
Attack selection limit back to 30. No more inadventently declaring war on 6 teams.
Journeymen will no longer be interrupted by enemies when on a heal mission.
Units told to attack single targets will ignore all other enemies.
Separate vTFL and Anticlump as options.
Change double-click for melee to double-shift-click, to stop people from accidentally making their melee concentrate on a single enemy.
Stopped units getting pushed onto impassable terrain by collisions with other units.
Casualty sound will no longer disrupt typing a yell or whisper.
Pathfinding bugfix for m2 mode to prevent units moonwalking when they should be able to bypass an obstacle.
Server-as-observer hosts will no longer be picked as captain by random in coop games.
Shading on chat removed.
If you're alt-tabbed when a game starts Myth will no longer crash (Windows only).
Archer walking bug fixed (again :) )
Assassin scoring on Demise will now work again.
Heal bug fixed
Warlock ring of fire will no longer make netgame balls stick.
Units legs no longer reflected above them when in neck-deep water.
Willow Creek ghast bug fixed.
Hunting scoring fixed.
vTFL gameplay fixes.
Mouse wheel can be used for cycling through presets, and in the interface for scrolling through listsboxes and chat.
The full limit of 256 plugins will now be displayed in the plugins dialog, which has a larger box to select from.
The so-called "Trow Humping" bug fixed.
A plugin management problem that could cause saved games to crash in solo mode has been fixed.
Fixed a potential cause of crashes related to mesh rendering.
TFL KotH has been amended. For two team games, the last team standing will get time remaining, however unlike standard KotH, you have to control a flag to earn time, not just contest it.
- v1.4:
General Enhancements
OpenGL is available in the MacOS versions.
Plugins are not scanned at startup, and instead may be activated via the Plugins dialog. This applies to plugins with meshes as well as those without. Startup time is always fast, regardless of the number of plugins you have in your folder.
Options lag has been fixed.
Reworked Preferences screen, and new options in Preferences and Controls screens, with many options that were available in TFL but lost in m2 now available. Also, Windows users affected by chat lag can choose 'Allow Background Tasks', which makes the game run much smoother at the cost of some frames/per/second speed.
Windows players can choose whether to use DirectInput or GDI methods for reading keystrokes and mouse events. Bungie's 1.3 exe used DirectInput, 1.3.2 used GDI. Both cause lag for some users so hopefully people affected with lag will find that the other method works. In DirectInput mode the mouse wheel works as zoom in/out.
TFL gameplay has been painstakingly implemented in the m2 engine, and can be activated with a checkbox on the New Game and Multiplayer Options screens. If a plugin is in use that might conflict, Myth will revert to "Anticlump", using the units in the plugin but with units keeping their personal space intact.
Support has been added for many more screen resolutions, up to 2048x1536, and widescreen displays are also supported.
In-game chat carries over from the game to the post-game stats screen, and from there to the game lobby on restart. Whispers are visible only to you, so secrets aren't betrayed when a game ends.
If there are more than 10 people in a team, the captain can detach to the 11th player by holding shift down and typing "1".
Holding shift as you click the Single Player Levels button in the multiplayer options screen will show all levels.
The New Game dialog has been reworked, allowing you to activate plugins in solo mode. You can also slow down to quarter speed.
Gameplay Features and Bugfixes
Archer Walking bug fixed.
Archer failure to change targets without being spacebarred fixed.
Clicking to attack with melee units is no longer a death sentence.
Water ripples are no longer visible unless you can see what's making them.
When a unit is winding up to attack and you tell it to move, the attack will now do damage.
Archers will lead units moving up or down a hill properly.
You can now select up to 128 units at a time.
Its no longer possible for journeymen to heal the ground.
Netgame balls will no longer get stuck in fire, and units will no longer try to pathfind around them.
Double clicking on an enemy with a group of melee units will make them concentrate on that unit.
Status/Control bar can be made translucent via a Preference and Ctrl-F6 during a game.
You can see your own units underwater, and their legs underwater when partially submerged. In the same way, you can see underwater scenery and projectiles, the latter if in shallow water and not of explosive type such as dud bottles.
Chat is slightly shaded, making it possible to read on bright snowy or desert maps.
Lightning illuminates the mesh as it passes over it.
Allow Teams is available for co-op games, and the other details for co-ops are displayed in the game description in the pregame lobby.
The number of objects allowed in-game has been doubled from 4096 to 8192, thereby doubling the length of time a deathmatch game will go before the out-of-projectiles problem occurs.
Artifacts with limited charges will remember the number of charges left, if dropped and picked up again.
The stats window will be displayed after watching co-op films.
The Restart button should no longer be dimmed for the host following the end of a game (happened occasionally in 1.3 when people left the game).
Twice Born mesh now detaches blue units to players if two or more are playing.
Cause of OOS fixed on Redemption.
Ghast and Journeyman now have netgame colours set correctly.
- v1.3.2:
Native support for Windows 2000 and XP.
Ported to Carbon for MacOS X.
- v1.3.1 (Bungie - MacOS Only):
Fixes various Voodoo 3 issues for MacOS users.
- v1.3 (Bungie):
A new multiplayer game type: Deathmatch. How's it work? Essentially, whenever one of your units dies in a Deathmatch game, it'll re-spawn at your start location. Can you say porci infiniti?
Reduced chat lag.
Reduced option screen lag when the host has a large number of plugins.
Password settings remain constant between multiplayer games.
Start locations in multiplayer games are now truly random.
Myth II will continue playing in the background if the host of a multiplayer game Alt-Tabs to another application.
Postgame statistics fit the screen for all multiplayer game types.
Fixed a bug that would cause crashes when switching rooms.
Films of blind games are no longer blind.
Ball for Captures on "If I Had a Trow..." no longer below water.
You don't lose control of the journeyman on "The Great Library" if he goes back into the library.
Removed a path around the wall on "Walls of Muirthemne."
Support for SLI cards.
New map actions that allow mapmakers to tell which patch version a player is using and how many players or teams are in a game.
A new Unit Control parameter that allows mapmakers to assign specific units to be given to specific players.
- v1.2.1 (Bungie):
Increased stability during pre-game chat and when players enter or leave games.
PC Voodoo Banshee cards will now work with Myth II.
SLI support is now properly disabled.
Pressing Alt + Tab under Windows NT will now safely take you to the desktop.
Myth II will now correctly display imported netgame preview screens.
- v1.2 (Bungie):
Multiple fixes for issues with 3D-accelerator cards. If we couldn't fix a particular problem, we alerted card manufacturers who told us they would be working on new drivers that would address the issue. Please check with your manufacturer to make sure you are using the most up-to-date drivers.
Myth II now runs on machines with fixed-resolution monitors.
Added an option to turn-off cutscenes (MacOS).
Fixed problem (MacOS) where Myth II would quit unexpectedly after extended gameplay.
"Tab" key can now only be assigned one function.
Fixed problem with Kensington 4-button mice.
Myth II now works with MultiMon under Windows98.
Fixed swap space error (Windows).
Myth II now recognizes Drive Z (Windows).
General Gameplay
Right mouse button now de-selects units.
Auto-camera no longer dwells on pus-packets and mortar shells.
Lowered Spiders' activation range.
F8 now displays more key commands.
Reduced typing lag on
No more nasty graphic artifacts when you pull down the list of rooms.
Booting anyone from a team now unreadies everyone on the team.
Holding down the mouse button on the start button will no longer allow you to disregard future unreadiness (you jump-starting bastards!)
Plugin maps now show the proper pre-game data (number of start spots, etc.)
Provided more room in the Stats dialog for worldwide ranking info.
Fixed problem with overhead map and alliances.
If there are more teams than starting locations, all extra teams will be auto-disbanded, and their members re-assigned before a game begins.
Lock/Unlock button now works properly.
Alliance data now displayed when you press f7.
Assassin works on "Plains" maps.
Scavenger Hunt works on "Venice".
Stampede works on "Drowned Kingdom".
Wights are now tradable on "Dead of Winter".
Media-height problems fixed on "Desert".
Killing your own Assassin units and/or wildlife no longer gives you Assassin points.
Veterans now work.
If you lose all your troops while playing stampede, but still have stampede units, you will not be eliminated until you lose your stampede units--capiche?
Balls on Parade and Scavenger Hunt now listed in overall stats.
Having the most kills, not the last kill, now wins you a game of Hunting.
Decreased the Stampede flag radii on all maps.
Fixed it so that you can't move units during planning time.
Hitting Stygian Knights with arrows no longer counts as damage for Body Count.
Positive healing (adding health) no longer counts as damage for Body Count, while negative healing (as when healing the undead) does count as damage.
Killing ambient life no longer counts as damage for Body Count.
When the captain of a team with the host as a member drops, units are properly distributed to remaining team members.
Fixed problems with Server is Observer.
- v1.1 (Bungie):
Fixed uninstaller bug on Windows.