The "Newbie's" Guide to Myth II "Newbie's" are the term we use to identify people who have just started playing a certain game, i.e. Starcraft, Myth, etc. But in this editorial I will be talking about newbies in Myth II. Newbies are often looked at as crappy players, and not wanted. Yet, myself and many others in the Myth community have been newbies. Now we are all full-fledged Mythers. This is a guide to being a newbie on Myth II. Yes, even if you play all 25 levels in Myth II 30 times over, you are still a newbie since there is no multiplayer experience. When hopping onto Myth II Multiplayer, it can be a very exciting ::cough, laugh:: experience. You will meet a wide variety of people there. Yet, no multi-game is perfect. Let's get into this further. Bungie's Myth II Multiplayer gaming is separated by ranked, the place where people go to boast, cheat, and drop; there is also unranked, where most of the fun is held. I do not, DO NOT recommend ranked. Many of my experiences with it would have been proclaimed crappy. In the community of ranked lies the nastiest of Bungie's online players. You will also learn some terms here: Dropping: When a higher ranker decides to leave the game because of his own stubbornness in not winning the game, or losing. Watch out for these people. Most droppers are Emps(Represented by little rectangular gold crown with a red jewel in the middle on the right of their name). I'll reminisce in my past experiences. Now, back in the good ol' Myth 1 days, I was playing a happy game of ranked Mudpit Massacre Dark, Body Count, as usually I was kicking some ass! Yet, a little emp who's name will remain secret (I don't know his name actually) was losing to my "mad skillz." Well, being the little wussie, he dropped and I earned no points. When this happens, write down the player's name and go to a nice, trustable admin. Admins are people who work for Bungie and come onto every once in awhile. They can suspend their account for 24 hours as I am told. That'll give Jonny a little time to think about what he's done. Then never play with that player again. Jumpstartng: This WAS a problem until the almighty Bungie gods fixed it in Myth II. Once you entered a game the host would automatically start the game, leaving you fight or leave. This was one of the major problems. Now Myth II has the ready system represented by a check. Third Party Maps: This is another terms used for maps not made by Bungie, but by all the wonderful people who actually wanna bring some weirdness to These maps often feature weird characteristics like a dwarf who throws exploding chickens or Squirrels that ferociously attack others, or Brick-throwing Trow, many ideas have popped out of minds and have made it onto the many maps of Parties. They also contain weird, messed up landscape like a huge circle in the middle where you can pass to the hill only by a winding road, or transporting World Knots around the map. Many things are possible with Myth II. Game Overview: 1. Last Man On The Hill This is a delightful game of killing. One person starts out at the flag in the middle of the map, or on the outskirts of the map if there are too few people. People fight and fight over the flag and at the end of the time limit, whoever holds the flag last, wins. 2. King of the Hill This is a very vigorous game of carnage and blood and FIRE!! Well.. sometimes. This is a game of endurance. It's basically kill everyone. The person with the most time on the hill wins. 3.Hunting Get our your guns Cletus, we gunna hunting! This is basically, the person with the most kills of poor innocent animals on the maps win. Objects include pigs, birds, fast-as-hell deer, or chained up Bowmen. 4. Stampede! This is where you have to get your possessions (animals mostly. Bungie you sickos!) to a place on the map. Usually if there is more than 2 people the place is in the middle. The object is to get all your possessions to the middle without a single possession being killed. That's another of your objects, kill other people's stuff! When the possessions enter the specific area they disappear, person with the most gotten through the area, win. If the person(s) both get the same amount, it's whoever gets theirs in first. 5. Assassin This was first introduced in Myth 1 by some third party map.. forget the name. Now it has made its comeback in Myth II. You start out with another possession you have to defend. If you kill a person's possession you gain one point, person with the most kills, win. Simple huh? I didn't think so! 6. Capture the Flag Remember in those long days at Military camp where you play Capture the Flag? Remember when Bobby was pelted with water balloons.. haha, dumbass. Well anyways, this is a bit different. Once someone has captured your flag, they don't take it back, you are immediately eliminated from the game. Loads of fun! 7. Balls on Parade This is a game where there are a certain amount of balls on the map, you capture each one, or try to atleast. Person with the most balls captured at the end, wins. hehe.. balls. 8. Territories Whoooo nelly! This is a real slobber-nocker here. This is like Last Man, yet with a heck of alot of flags. You have to protect each flag if you can. If you leave a flag it can be captured by another, so person with the most flags captured at the end wins. This usually ends up in a rather bloody map. 9. Flag Rally This is similar to Terries, yet more simple. Once you capture a flag, you captured it. You don't have to defend it. First person you captures all flags sucks! Er.. I mean wins! 10. Body Count Feared by all, it is perhaps one of the most-hated game types. Many love it, many hate it. (Including myself) Most kills wins. Ha! Simple as a piece of pie, all gooey and chocolate filled.. so.. tasty, what was that? No, I can't eat you right now.. I'm conducting something. Maybe Later! "But Sir, I am a Harvard graduate, I thought dwarves were spelled.. well.. dwarves or in singular form dwarf." Yes Yes! For some reason this was started a while back in the Myth 1 days. "Dorf" is the common word used by lazy people who do not wanna sound out "Dw-a-rf" . I don't mind, I spell it Dwarf, haha, I laugh at all of you! Other Terms: Ping- your "lag". Lag is determined by your connection. Being that I have a 28.8 that means I have "bad lag" If you have a T1 modem or Cable that means you suck! Co-op- playing a single-player level with other people. This is a good way to seek help. Ranking System: The ranking goes from- 1. Dagger 2. 2 Daggers 3. 3 Daggers 4. Dagger and sword 5. Double Sword 6. Axes 7. Shield 8. Shield and swords 9. Shield and axes 10. Prince 11. King 12. Emp 13. Quarter Moon 14. Full Moon 15. Eclipse 16. Sun 17. And Celest Consult your Myth II manual to see what these look like. Respect- When playing multiplayer, try to get a feel to it, play different maps, different variety of stuff. When losing don't say you suck to everyone or complain about the lag or something, and when you win don't boast about it. Find each unit's strengths and weaknesses. Explore the net for info. There are many sites that give info on what you need to know. So go grasshopper. Fill your head with knowledge and be free!