Flaming Satchels- a MythII: Soulblighter Strategy thought up by Pharron Bloodstone (the avenger) (commonly known as Bloodstone) Hey! First off, here's a shameless plug for http://www.thetales.com and more importantly, http://members.xoom.com/mythsounds/, where you can find my WeeDoggieª MythSound©. Now, here it is. The strat is rather simple. For Gimble in the Wabe, get 3-4 gohls, archers, and dorf. That's all you need to pull this off. Otherwise, fill in with melee and others you deem nescesarry. In the film i first used this in, you can see exactly how it's done. Here's a rather step-by step procedure: 1. Distracting the Enemy -Most people usually don't pay much attention to a gohl, and if they're afraid of it pussin troops, they send one up to kill it, or use archers. Tell a dorf to drop a satchel charge, then have a gohl pick it up. Go find either some enemy melee or archers to do this on. Pull them into archer range, and await. 2. Thy Flesh Consumed -Advance with just the gohl(s) and some archers. If the gohl throws the charge, immediatly use a flaming arrow (t) to set off the charge by clicking either on the closest enemey to it, or by clicking on the charge itself. The flame will blow up the charge causing signifigant dammage to any archers, gohls or stygians, and severly injure warriors/jman/and thrall. Now, if there's a tygian knight around, bring up some melee or more gohls to beat it down, because the archers can't harm it. Anything else is fair game. 3. "Wee Doggie" - This strat is ecspecially nice if you bring a dorf up after the charges go off, and some melee are advancing on your archers. Simply target the melee as the archers with the dwarf, and when the smoke clears, clean up with archers. A nice follow up is a melee attack on the remaining baddies, while your archers pick at any your enemy may have left. 4. The Moral of the Story - Gohls are dangerous. period -Bloodstone bloodstone@shannet.com