Bungie Software

Seven Gates
One of the three passes across the Cloudspine, named for its seven chokepoints, and overshadowed by an ancient volcano. Here, in the last year of the Great War, the Legion fought their way through the forces of The Watcher and The Deceiver and entered the Barrier.

Balor's second in command during the Great War. Arguably the most dangerous of the Fallen Lords, his cruelty and ambition knew no bounds. Many think that he was once Damas, one of Connacht's lieutenants.

Stair of Grief
The northernmost passage through the Cloudspine.

Summoner, The
Legends tell of "a man not yet born who would resurrect the myrkridia and visit horrors on the world without equal in history or myth."

White Falls
A name referring to a town, a fortress, and the White Falls themselves. Located on the Meander River southeast of Tandem, they are the highest falls west of the Ermine.

Wild River
Runs between Forest Heart and the Cloudspine, emptying into the Cavan Bight.

Willow Creek
A small town on the western edge of Forest Heart. Built on the site of a razed village, it is once again a flourishing farming community.


(c) 1998 Bungie Software Products Corporation