Bungie Software

so that it highlights another banner. Release the mouse button and you'll be taken to the selected room.

To the right of the room name there are two numbers– the top number (next to the skull) is the total number of players in the room. The bottom number (next to the axe) is the total number of open and closed games being hosted in the room.

In the lower right corner of some of the rooms there's a red icon that says Ranked. Games played in rooms with this icon will affect your score, while games play in the unranked rooms (no icon) will not.

Player List
Beneath the room name is a Player List with three tabs.

This tab shows all the players present in your current room.

The Buddy tab shows a list of players you’ve personally selected as your buddies. It's useful for quickly finding your friends online. Each player is limited to eight buddies.

The Order tab shows all the other players online who are in your Order. Similar to the buddy list, it is useful for quickly finding members of your Order. For more information on forming or joining an Order, visit the bungie.net web site at http://www.bungie.net.

To the right of each player's name is an icon which denotes their rank. Each player starts off with a dagger icon and works upwards from there. This icon does not show in unranked rooms. See the Rankings section for more info.

Under the player list are four buttons:


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