This is a summary of the Excel worksheet MythII_unit_stats.xls. That spreadsheet and this text (as MythII_unit_stats.doc or .txt) should be available on Clan Plaid Hotline (see There's a lot more in the worksheet than I put in here. It may only be readable on Win95 systems; sorry about that. I'm not sure how cross-platform that file format is.
The data in that worksheet I discovered using the "Fear" and "Loathing" tools, and the "Fear" documentation. I believe I covered all the units available in the Bungie-standard netgame maps. This did take some work, so I ask that no one else use that worksheet or this summary as basis for their own presentation about Myth II unit characteristics, of any form. I may change my mind about this once I have verified this data and made any decisions about how I want to use it. Please don't make me regret posting it in this early form.
Nothing here is guaranteed correct! Check it yourself if something looks odd. And let me know ( if you find a problem, or an interesting factoid about how these numbers relate.
Berserks, Myrkridia, and Myrkridia Giants attack better the less health they have.
A Trow is worth 2 kills of experience for the unit that kills it. All other units are only worth 1.
At 30 health, a Trow is by far the burliest unit on the field. Next is the Myrkridia Giant with 12-13.
Note that the Myrkridia Giant has variable max health. Other units with variable health are the Maul (8-8.5), the normal Myrkridia (6-6.5), the Spider (1.18-1.191), the Stygian Knight (6.5-7), the Bowman Prisoner (5-7), the Deer (1-2), the Pig (0.75-1.25), our friend the Target Dummy (10-14), and the Villager (1-1.5).
Complete netgame unit ordering by max possible health:
Trow (30)
Target Dummy (14)
Myrkridian Giant (13)
Maul (8.5)
Heron Guard Hero (7.5)
Stygian Knight, Bowman Prisoner (7)
Journeyman (6.684)
Heron Guard, Myrkridia (6.5)
Brigand, Thrall, Warrior, Baron (5.5)
Dwarf Hero (5)
bre'Unor (4)
Ghol (3.184)
Soulless (2.395)
Bowman (2.191)
Dwarf, Dwarf Mortar, Fetch, Warlock (2.187)
Deer, Wolf (2)
Villager, Wight (1.5)
Pig (1.25)
Spider (1.191)
Chicken (1.187)
Hawk (0.5)
The Maul, Myrkridia Giant, and Bowman Prisoner "go to pieces" more easily than other units when killed.
The Journeyman is the only unit that can absorb attacks (20%).
Among units that can be healed, most can be healed to 80%. One type of Wolf, and the Heron Guard (but not the Heron Guard Hero) can be totally healed. A Maul can only be healed to 70.2%, and a Trow only to 50.2%.
The Myrkridia is the only unit that goes berserk at low health (25%).
Damage/Effects Modifiers
The Warlock stays paralyzed for a 1.25 times the normal length. The Bowman and all Dwarf types are paralyzed 1.125 times as long. The Berserk, Ghol, and Thrall only stay paralyzed half as long as normal. The Myrkridia Giant only stays paralyzed for 0.199 times as long. The Heron Guard, Heron Guard Hero, Journeyman, Soulless, Stygian Knight, Trow, Wight, and (heh) Target Dummy cannot be paralyzed at all.
Fetch and Trow take 1/4 damage from electrical attacks. The Myrkridia, Myrkridia Giant, and Stygian Knight are also resistant (0.449, 0.5, and 0.598).
Spiders and Stygian Knights take double damage from explosions. Mauls and Myrkridia are somewhat resistant (0.699, 0.797), Journeymen and Myrkridia Giants are very resistant (half damage), and Trow only take 1/4 damage.
Trow and Myrkridia Giants take half damage from fire. Normal Myrkridia are also resistant (0.797).
Myrkridia Giants and Heron Guard Heros are resistant to "slashing" (sword/arrow/claw/bite) attacks, at a pace of 0.598 and 0.848 respectively.
Myrkridia Giants are resistant to "kinetic" (Maul club, Trow kick) attacks, at 0.598. Stygian Knights are completely immune to kinetic attacks.
Open question: why are Stygian Knights immune to arrows, which are "slashing" type attacks?
Brigand sword, Journeyman shovel, Warrior sword, Wolf bite (0.547)
Soulless javelin (0.398)
The Bowman swings a mean sword, you say? Well, he misses completely 3 out of 10 tries. Many other units only miss 5% of the time. The units that never miss their melee attacks are bre'Unor, Heron Guard (Hero), Journeyman, Myrkridia Giant, Soulless, Thrall, and Trow.
The speediest melee attackers are Myrkridia, Myrkridia Giants, and Heron Guard Heros. The slowest are Soulless (by a long shot) then Bowmen, bre'Unor, and Journeymen.
Heron Guard Hero and Trow attacks cannot be aborted (by being hit by someone else). Maul, Myrkridia Giant, and Trow attacks cannot be blocked. A Spider bite will never interrupt the attack of the targeted unit. Trow attacks detonate explosives carried by the killed unit.
Open question: where is the "blocking" characteristic of a unit indicated? It's not the same as "absorbing", I assume.
Ranged Attacks
Ranged attacks ordered by max possible damage (Ghol throws not included):
Heron Guard, Heron Guard Hero, Journeyman healing (20, if target is undead)
Warlock ring of fire (0.098, but more if the target just stands in the flame!)
Dwarf cocktails go dud 10% of the time, as do Dwarf Mortar rounds. Dwarf Hero cocktails are never dud (unless extinguished by water/rain/snow).
A Wight explosion takes the area-of-effect honors with a maximum possible radius of 6.4. The Warlock fireball radius is 4, and the ring of fire radius is 3. Dwarf Mortar rounds are at 3.1, and Dwarf (Hero) cocktails and Myrkridia Giant heads are at 2.301.
Many of the ranged attacks cannot be used until the target is 3-5 units distant from the shooter. The Dwarf Mortar has the most restrictive minimum range, at 7.
Ranged attacks ordered by max possible range + max possible radius, i.e. the range at which a Master Of Control-Clicking could inflict damage:
Bowman arrow, Soulless spear (20)
Myrkridia Giant head (18.301)
Dwarf Mortar round (18.1)
Warlock fireball (18)
bre'Unor bone (16)
Dwarf (Hero) cocktail (12.301)
Fetch blast (10)
Ghol throw (8 + ??)
Wight explosion (6.4)
Warlock ring of fire (3)
Journeyman healing (1.6)
Heron Guard (Hero) healing (1.4)
The most error-prone ranged attack is the Bowman fire arrow. Fetch lightning has no error, nor does healing or Warlock or Wight attacks.
The slowest range attack is from the Dwarf Mortar, by a long shot (no pun intended). Then the Dwarf. The Dwarf Hero is almost as fast as the Bowman and Fetch, which are in turn almost as fast as the bre'Unor and Soulless. The next grouping is the Ghol throw, the Warlock ring of fire, and the healings. The Myrkridia Giant attack, Warlock fireball, and Wight blast are theoretically the fastest, but mana use (in the former cases) and the death of the unit (in the latter) make it not so in practice.
Fetch attacks will detonate the explosives of the killed unit, as will the Dwarf Mortar round and both Warlock attacks. The Dwarf Mortar round, Fetch blast, both Warlock attacks, and the Wight explosion are all marked "Can Destroy Large Objects". The Fetch blast and Warlock attacks will not hurt the unit that originates them (supposedly... maybe this does not apply to the area effect of the Warlock fireball?). The Warlock ring of fire cannot be blocked; the Wight explosion cannot be aborted.
Bowman can carry up to 6 fire arrows. Dwarf (Heroes) can carry up to 8 satchels. A Heron Guard starts with 1 root and can carry up to 6; a Heron Guard Hero starts with and can carry 9; a Journeyman starts with 6 and can carry 9.
Vision and Mobility
Dwarfs of all types, Mauls, and Myrkridia Giants are all "nearsighted": their field-of-view for the purposes of putting enemy units on your overhead map is smaller than normal. For what it's worth, Bowman Prisoners, Chickens, and Wolves are also nearsighted.
Bowmen are the most alert to hearing when nearby friendly units are under attack (24 units away). bre'Unor, Soulless, and Dwarf Mortars are good at this too (16, 16, 15). Dwarf (Heroes), Fetch, and Warlocks are moderately attentive (10). Most other units are at 4, and the Myrkridia Giant is at 2. The Bowman Prisoner is at 0, but there's not much he could do to help out anyway...
As for noticing enemies on their own, Soulless are by far the best (16 units), with the Myrkridia Giant at runner-up (12). Other units are at 8 or 4.
Once an enemy unit is noticed by whatever means, Bowmen and Spiders will attack them from up to 24 units away unless you countermand them. This distance is generally identical to the "warned by friendly units" distance, with the Spider (24) and the Myrkridia Giant (4) being the only exceptions to that rule.
The majority of units have the same turning speed (220). Dwarf (Heroes) can really cut corners though, with a turning speed of 260. Fetch, Ghols, and Journeymen don't quite corner as well (200). Spiders, Trow, Chickens, Deer, Hawks, and Pigs are at 180. Next are Soulless (160) and the Myrkridia Giant (150), then Mauls (110) and last of all Thrall and Wights (100).
Units ordered by speed over level dry ground:
Hawk (0.055)
Trow (0.051)
Myrkridia Giant, faster Wolf (0.047)
Berserk, Myrkridia, Spider (0.045)
Ghol (0.043)
bre'Unor, Heron Guard, Heron Guard Hero (0.039)
Maul, Stygian Knight, Warrior, Baron, slower Wolf (0.033)
Note that quite a few units switched relative speeds. E.g. a Bowman could catch a Deer on dry ground, but not if he's following the animal up a shallow stream. If you're trying to get your Spider to escape from a Trow, stick to shallow water (but don't run into deeper water or you're hosed). Etc.
Units ordered by speed over somewhat shallow water: